Slow Dance - Setsuka Chiebukuro

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Requested by: NinaPhaedra

A/N: Please do not play the song unless I tell you so in the story. I added a song to this one-shot because it created a certain atmosphere during a specific moment in the story.

Also, I know Japanese schools don't have proms, but for the sake of this one-shot, let's just say they do. 


"You should go...your special someone might be out there."

"But what if my special someone is right here?"


Setsuka cheered with her friends as the music got louder. Amping up the excitement as students huddled together in close circles. Swaying their bodies to the music and yelling out the lyrics to the song. 

Yup, exactly what high school dances were supposed to be like. Stupid and exciting. 

"Guys, I'm gonna go wash up!" Setsuka yelled.

"What?!" Yoruko shouted over the music. 

"I said I'm gonna wash up!" she repeated. 

"Speak up--" Sora dragged Yoruko away and left Setsuka to use the restroom. Who hurried to go cleanse her face, as she could feel herself getting sweaty from all the excitement. 

Swinging the doors open, Setsuka breathed out a sigh of relief when she was met with silence. The restroom was empty, muffled lyrics from the gymnasium echoing throughout the walls. It was calming... It was nice...

She walked over to go wash up when she heard the faintest sniffle coming from the back of the restroom. It was quiet, but the billiards player still heard it nonetheless. 'So I'm not alone...'

"Is there someone there?" she called out, turning around. 

It was silent for a moment. A beat passing by before a shuffle of cloth moved around. "Sorry..." came the softest voice. "Just ignore me..."

Setsuka's brows knitted together as she stared off into the darkness. Seeing a small pair of dress shoes in the corner that were fastened to a pair of feet. 

' that's where they are...'

She heard another sniffle come from them as the person hugged their knees. Closer to their chest as they laid their head down.

No doubt about it. This person was upset. 

Feeling empathetic, Setsuka smoothened out her suit and walked over to the darkened corner. Her vision increasing as she made out the form of a crying female, huddled up into a ball while her face was smothered into her dress. 

As Setsuka drew closer, the form of the crying girl tensed up. Though she made no attempt to do anything as she let the billiards player sit down next to her. 

"Y'know, the bathroom floor isn't exactly clean to sit on," Setsuka joked, trying to lighten the mood. The girl nodded slowly, but kept her face hidden as she wiped her tears away with her wrists. Trying extremely hard not to let out another choked sob. Especially when there was a hot girl next to her.

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