chapter 7-watch ⚠️

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*mentions of past sexual assault and abuse*

You have been walking for about 15 minutes crying. You decide to pull out your phone for help. "hello?" "hey jj can you come pick me up it's a long story" "yes of course i'm on my way" You then send her your location and just think. Did he really mean it? Am I boring? this hurt you more than anything he has ever said.
*INCOMING CALL * You look at your phone, spencer? Why the hell would he call me right now? Just like then JJ pulls up and you shove the phone in your pocket. "Hey" "Hey" you could hear the worry in her voice, and she could hear the pain in yours. You sit in the car for a second as she drives. It's only 4pm but it felt like it's been hours. When you get to JJs you are greeted by henry. "Aunt y/n!" he looked so excited. "Henry! I missed you" " I missed you too" JJs eyes always lit up when henry was happy.

You then show JJ the letter, she hugs you and try's to comfort you the best she can. It's kind of a sticky situation because the last night you had just slept with her.
You also explain everything with Spencer again, telling her what he said and she looked angry. "I swear to god i will kill him" she says grabbing your hand. "No i just don't understand why he is so mad, Him and I are literally nothing, also I won't tell anyone about last night, neither will spencer. I'm sorry it happened but i won't let it affect Will and henry." "Thank you y/n" she hugs you.
You would never do anything to sabotage her and will, especially since they have henry.She would also not do anything to sabotage you and reid either.

:I'm coming to pick you up, the rest of the team will meet at the bau. Where are you?
:I'm at JJ's, i will have her take me to the bau
:Ok, see you soon be safe.

You were scared of seeing spencer again especially since he's been calling you and you've been declining. But he said you were nothing more but a pretty face. That hurts.You and JJ enter the car and go to the BAU. Spencer almost flips shit when he sees you walk in with JJ.You see his jaw clench and he walks away. You see rossi notice and follow him. The rest of the team basically swallows you in a hug. Garcia is in tears. "Oh my sweet baby y/n i'm so glad you are okay" "I swear i will kill this motherfucker" "that's my chocolate thunder" garcia winks at derek for being so protective. " You don't deserve this at all" emily try's to reassure you. Hotch puts his hand on your shoulder. "We will get him, I have told your parents. They are keeping an eye out at your their home." Oh my god your parents, you can't imagine how worried they are.
"Everyone to the briefing room" hotch announces as Spencer and Rossi walk in, Spencer's cheeks stained with tears. You feel guilty. But you aren't dating. And you do love him. Hotch informs the team what's gonna happen, you will stay at the BAU with Penelope unless you are needed in the field.Reid looks at you with so much pity in his eyes, it breaks your heart. "I have an idea where he might me, i'll ping it to your phone." Garcia sends information to the teams phone. You just sit there feeling bad, you can't help them.

After 3 days, you are sitting in garcia's office when her phone rings, she answers "Hello?" "Are you sure it's him?" "Okay i'll let her know." Your eyes widen at her words "Y/n they found him." You hear the bau doors open and you basically sprint to them.
Derek and hotch are holding him arm in arm and he is handcuffed and he has bruises all over his face, lips bleeding. "Ah there is my special lady" His words make you feel sick. "Don't talk to her" Rossi spits out. JJ and emily try to get you out of the room. "Where's reid ?"

"Don't worry about it hun." "No emily where is he" you almosted snapped. JJ then grabs your hand  and squeezes it. "He well um attacked your ex. He had to go get stitches on his knuckles." You put your hands on your face. "This is all my fault" "No it's not y/n he just went off." Emily try's to make you feel better. Reid walks in and just picks you up, he buries his face into your neck and you can feel tears. "We will leave you two alone" emily and JJ walk away. "Y/n im so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it whatsoever. You are the best person I have ever met in my whole life. And i love you."

You loosen your body at those words " I love you too spencer." You feel him smile as there are tears all over your neck. You hear footsteps as hotch comes and clears his throat. "Y/n, would you feel comfortable interrogating him? He refuses to talk to anyone else." Your heart starts to pound. You are  noticeably worried and anxious. Reid Squeezes your side. "He is handcuffed hand and feet to the table, i assure you he can't hurt you." "Yeah uh okay Ill do it" Reid flinches at your words, you assume he didn't think you would agree. "I'll be right outside the door" spencer kisses your forehead and you follow hotch.
Before you enter the room you go to view him throughout the window. There infront of you sits your ex. Daniel Rogers. The man or boy you should say who raped and beat you multiple times in the relationship. He was A medium height, around 5'10. Black hair, brown eyes. He was one of the most evil people you have ever met. You walk in the room with the whole team standing behind you Garcia,Morgan,Rossi, Hotch,JJ, Hotch and prentiss. You give them a slight smile as you shut the door. As you turn around you hear "Hello y/n/n i've missed you"

AHHH so some tea. Reid and y/n are finally good again. They even said the L word. I'm sorry this chapter is short 😺Just keep in mind this is my first book because i know it isn't the greatest. Thank you so much for reading. I will be dropping chapter 8 probably later tonight :)) Have a great day !

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