chapter 10- agent

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(Just a little note: in this fanfic Luke does not replace Morgan, he just adds to the team, so morgan and him will be on at the same time, enjoy!)

After the weekend with Spencer you had to get back to work. You wake up to your phone ringing and Spencer rubbing his eyes. "hello?" "yes I will be in right away" "Case?" "yup" as if almost planned Spencer's phone starts to buzz. He answers as you get up and get ready. You go to the bathroom and brush your teeth, you remember when you had braces as a teen and how you hated them. You straighten your blonde hair and applied light makeup, mascara and lipgloss. You rummage through your closet to find today's outfit

You pick out your outfit and grab the keys, Spencer comes just in time adjusting the sleeves on his blazer

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You pick out your outfit and grab the keys, Spencer comes just in time adjusting the sleeves on his blazer. "You ready baby" he kisses your forehead. "As i'll ever be" You arrive at work just on time. "Everyone in the briefing room in 15 please" Hotch seems a bit on edge, you notice and Emily does to as you both give eachother that look. You walk in and notice someone new, he is tall and tan, black curly hair. "Hello i'm agent Luke Alvez" he reaches out his hand. You shake his hand back as you say "Agent y/n y/l/n nice to meet you" you give him a slight smile. He smiles back just as Spencer pushes himself between you two. "And i'm Doctor Spencer Reid." "I've heard a lot about you Doctor reid" Luke reaches out his hand as spencer says "I bet you have" And sits down grabbing his case files.

Luke gives you a Uh okay look as you do a white person smile and sit down next to Spencer. "Today my lovely bugs we have a very sad case, two missing children found burned alive in a abandoned building, about 72 hours ago, since then there has been two more missing children and we believe the cases are connected." "What is the gender of the children?" Derek questions. Luckily JJ took this case off because henry was sick. She would be very upset over this case. "A 16 year old girl and 11 year old boy are missing then we found the body's of a 15 year old girl and 12 year old boy" garcia looks visibly upset while announcing the case. "Seems like he has a age preference with gender. What about race?" Rossi also looks upset while asking, this is when you know it's gonna be a hard case.

"No race preference that we can tell yet, but I'm having the police contacting me if they know anything else" Hotch still looks on edge. Perhaps he is thinking about Jack. "With that being said everyone this is our new agent luke alvez" Luke smiles and waves while emily says "Nice to meet you" You see Reid shift in his seat almost as he doesn't like Luke. But why? We barely know him. "We are traveling to Florida, wheels up in 30"

As you walk about you stop Spencer "Hey what is up with you ? Do you not like the new agent" "Well I was gonna like him till I saw the way he looked at you y/n" "Spence come on he is just new he looked at everyone like that" "No actually he didn't, he looked at you the way I look at you and I don't like it" and then he jerked away from your grip. You stand there dumbfounded "Pretty boy is Jealous I see" "Derek there is nothing for him to be jealous of" "The way Agent Alvez looked at you, oh yes there is" Morgan placed his hand on your back and giggled. As he walked away Emily approaches "Hey what was that about?" "Oh nothing, Derek and Spencer just thinks Luke was looking at me in a weird way" "Well I wouldn't say in a weird way, but he was definitely staring at you, like in a way Garcia looks at Morgan."

You both chuckle and walk to the jet. What are they even talking about?
You get on the Jet, sitting by Derek and Luke sits across from you. Emily and Spencer are playing chess While Rossi and Hotch are talking about the new pasta recipe he came up with over the weekend. "So luke first case how do you feel?" you listen to morgan speak as you are reading your book. "I was a Fugitive Task Force agent before joining the BAU" "Oh so not your first rodeo huh?" you say while looking up smiling "Not at all little lady no" he chuckles and you see Spencer look from behind his chair at luke. You overhear then emily saying "Calm down Spencer have some trust in her" You see Spencer sigh as he turns back around. Is he really jealous of Luke? Yeah he was attractive but he is nothing compared to Spencer.

You arrive in Florida and get directions from hotch. "Prentiss Morgan and Reid go check out the dump site, y/l/n and Alvez go set up at the Police station. Rossi and I will go talk to the missing victims family." You nod and walk away, you can tell Spencer is upset that you are working with luke. "So I guess it's just me and you y/n" Luke try's to catch up with your pace. "Yeah i guess so" you give him a reassuring smile. "I think I will fit in well with this department, everything seems to be going well, besides Doctor Reid not liking me. "No no no, he likes you he just doesn't handle change well" you try to comfort him, even though you we're almost 100% sure Spencer didn't like him, you tried to be nice anyway. "Right" he slightly smiles and hops in the driver seat. "To the station we go"

You arrive at the station, you walk in and notice you basically making all the officers mouth drop. You ignore it, you already being used to it. " Hi i'm agent
y/l/n and this is agent Alvez can we have a room to set up?" "Of course, right this way ma'am" You enter the room and the officer leaves "Well agent y/n these officers look at you the way Doctor Reid does" What does he mean? " Doctor Reid and I are just friends" You start organizing the files, should you have told luke you and spencer are a thing? Are you guys even a thing? You're not yet even official. "Oh well that's good news for me then" he smiles and you smile back. Rossi and Hotch walk back in. "They found the body's of the 2 missing children." Hotch looks disappointed "And if almost as he lost them he gained two more" Rossi hands you a file, finishing his sentence.
This is gonna be a long case.

HEY GUYS! So i hope you liked that i added Luke :))) I just wanted more spice. I'm Trying hard to make the chapters longer. This will have a part 2 and this is inspired by one the the cases on criminal minds in season 12, Have a wonderful day loves, and vote please :)

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