chapter 12- red

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You watch as the building is on fire, you no longer hear the girls screams as you sit at the edge of an ambulance, oxygen mask to your face. Luke comes over and sits by you, "I could of saved them both, if I would of just went to her first everyone could be alive" "No y/n don't even think like that, because of you 2 people are alive, including a little boy" "He reminds me of my nephew, back home he's around the same age. I guess that's why i saved him first. I didn't even realize it till later. I made a choice." You start crying as you watch the little boy you have just saved run into his mothers arms. "Y/n I think you made the best decision you could of possibly made." Luke puts his hand on your lower back. That's when you thought where's Spencer? That's when you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.

:Hey y/n! Sorry i've been busy with henry ! I miss you as well ! Call me and tell me about the case when you can!

You read the message and slide your phone back in your pocket, you don't have time to call her as of right now. You look around for Reid, that's when you find hotch. "Hey where is Reid?" "He Derek and Rossi are already on the way back home. Is everything okay between you two?" When he said that your heart dropped. What had he heard? "Uh yeah we just need a talk a few things out" "Well i would get to it, let's go home." He gives you a slight smile as you follow him emily and luke to the SUV.

You get on the jet and you are exhausted, you go and lay down on the couch and the next thing you know you are awoken by the jet landing, emily's coat on top of your body. You look down at it, questioning it. "You looked cold" emily smiled at you. "Thank you" you take it off and hand it back to her. You walk off the jet and to your car as Luke is about a few feet in front of you. "Luke wait" He turns around and gives you a questioned look. "Yes?" "Thank you for everything you did, thank you for saving me" You hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck. As you let go you see Rossi walking out of the BAU. Giving you a disappointed look. Oh fuck he must of stayed late after he arrived home. You frown at him slightly when you walk back to your car and get it.

You drive back to your apartment, you miss Spencer so much. You love him. You decide to call him. You pick up your phone from the passenger seat, *ring ring ring* Goes to voicemail. You sigh and put your phone back down, pulling in your apartment complex's parking lot. You grab your stuff and walk up the stairs. You unlock your apartment and walk in, locking the door and plopping down on your couch. It's been a long couple of days. After a few minutes you get into the shower and brush your teeth, putting some loose nike shorts and a crew neck on you lay in bed and fall asleep right away.
You awake instantly to an alarm and you rub your eyes as you look at your phone. 7:30 AM, you also have a text from Penelope.

Baby girl <3
:No case today love! Just paperwork, see you soon ;)

You smile and turn off your phone, you love garcia. You get up and walk to the bathroom, you brush your teeth and apply simple makeup before brushing and straightening your hair. You go to your closet to get an outfit for today, you decide on this.

 You go to your closet to get an outfit for today, you decide on this

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You then slip on your black heels and head to the BAU. Upon arrival you see Spencer walking in, you get excited. Hopefully he will talk to you today. As you exit your car you run into JJ. Giving her a hug and get giving you an iced coffee you explain the case in detail to her while you walk in and are in the elevator. You tear up a bit but the elevator doors open and she gives you a reassuring smile as she walks to her office. Derek gives you the file from yesterday and you sit at your desk finishing it up. You then look up and see him again "Time for lunch babygirl" is it 1pm already, it's been 4 hours and you are just one finished with the report from your last case.
You walk in the lunch room where the whole team is, luke gives you a nod as he sips his coffee. You then walk up to spencer, placing your hand on his shoulder. "Hey spence" he jerked away. "Don't fucking touch me" He did not just do this. Not in front of the WHOLE team. "Spencer what is your problem?" He turns back around. "Oh what is my problem? My problem is you wanna fuck everyone on this team that's my problem y/n" your eyes sadden, does he mean JJ? You came into realization. He means luke. "Spencer what are you talking about?" You feel the burning of the teams eyes on you.

"Look I understand that you have some daddy issues and some shit like that or whatever, but do you really think flirting with the whole team and then some is gonna fix your broken childhood?" He scoffs. "Oh wait is that why you want so many kids y/n? Is that why you want to save them all? So you can give them some sort of love and affection and receive it back like you didn't get from your parents?" Your tears start to roll down your cheeks. "You know I get, your parents pushed you to be so smart and wonderful and didn't have time to give you love but that doesn't mean you can break my heart." You feel like you can't say a word back. "I wonder if that's why your such a attention seeking little who-"
Before he finishes the sentence you just say it. "Red" Thats your bdsm safe word , maybe it will make him shut up and understand he is hurting you. You can barely hold the tears in now. Spencer looks at you and realizes what he has done. He steps towards you as you flinch. He sees the reaction.
"No y/n i'm so sorry" You turn around as the team just looks at you both. You basically sprint to the door as you hear Derek say "Spencer what the fuck was that?!" And you hear the team basically scream at him for saying what he did.
You leave the BAU and go to your car. What am I gonna do?

AHHH SO I HOPE THAT WAS GOOD! I got the idea of using the safe word off someone's tiktok, i don't remember their @ but credit goes to them for that idea! I will be posting a few chapters tomorrow!
Have a great weekend!❤️


Also don't worry, Spencer and y/n does get better and there will be some smut coming up 😁😁 Have an amazing weekend!

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