chapter 19- diana reid

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After a week or so you were allowed
back on the field. You walk in, You are so excited to be back o. the field. You basically run to Hotchs office. You slap his desk. "Do we have a case?" you say smiling. He looks at you and even giggles a bit. "Yes we do" "Yes Yes" You run out of the office as you run into luke. "Hey what's all this excitement about?" "She's excited for a case" You give him a huge grin as you walk to the briefing room.

Garcia stands up and starts delivering the case. "Today we have 2 murders in lovely pretty boys home town, Las Vegas Nevada.You look at him but he seems to be nervous, as Garcia is talking you put your hand on his back. You whisper "You know you're mom is fine right?" "Yeah I know" "Then what's bothering you?" Hotch interrupts you. "Wheels up in 30" He gives you and spencer a stern look.

You arrive on the jet and sit by Spencer. "Since we are going to Nevada I was thinking I could finally meet your mom." It's silent for a moment. "I don't know about that, we won't have time because of the case" That's when Emily joins the conversation handing you a cup of coffee. "I'm sure Hotch would let you go see your mom" You smile at her "I'll go ask him" You get up to go to hotch and you hear spencer let out a breath.

"Hey hotch, I was wondering, could me and Spence have a just a day off from the case to just go see his mom?" "I'd be fine with that as long as you don't let it disrupt the case." "We won't let it" You smile and turn back around.

"Spence we can go" He gives a slight smile "Okay okay" That's when Derek calls him over.

"So pretty boy you seem pretty hesitant about y/n meeting your mom, what's that about" You sit down. "I'm not sure, I know y/n is the one. But I want everything to be perfect and I don't want my mom to say something wrong and y/n to get upset" "That's understandable" He puts his hand on your shoulder. "Y/n loves you, and nothing ever could change that" You smile as you go back to y/n. "Hey love" She smiles, you can see how happy she is now that your mood has changed. She is the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. "Are you ready to meet my mom?" "Very much so"


You arrive at the station, you help the rest of the team get ready for the case as you prepare to leave with spencer. He grabs your hand as you walk over to the car. The car ride was silent as you pull in to the building parking you can feel Spencer's nervousness, you want to calm him as well, but you are nervous too. You take a deep breath as you go to open the car door. "Hey it's gonna be fine, i'm sure she will love you just as much as I do" You give him a smile.

You walk in the building to holding Spencer's hand. "Hey Spencer" You see a nurse you assume he is Dianas nurse. "Hello Micheal" "Is this your girlfriend?Diana will be so excited to finally meet her" you smile, awe he talks about me.
The nurse walks you to a door knocking it while slowly opening it, "Diana your son and his girlfriend are here" He looks at you and Spencer. "I'll leave you all alone" Just then Diana jumps out of her chair. "His girlfriend?!" You give her a smile as she hugs you. "You're right Spencer she is pretty" You look at Spencer as he blushes.

You hate to think it but you are surprised Diana remembers Spencer talking about you. She looks at you again. " Your name is uh" she snaps her finger. "Y/n" You smile "It's nice to meet you" Spencer begins to speak. "Y/n really was excited to come see you since we had a case here" Diana motions you to sit down. "Sit sit" You sit down by her smiling. She reaches over to you hugging you once more. "I'm so glad Spencer found you, I was afraid I would never get grand babies" You instantly thought of the night you promised Spencer you would have his baby.

"Mom stop" He looks so embarrassed "Oh hush you know it's true" You laugh at her words. You spend the next 3 hours talking to her. You loved her and was sad when you had to go. You give hugs and wave goodbye exiting the building. When you get in the car Spencer stops. "So" "So what?" "So do you like her?" "Of course I do Spencer" "I hope the baby thing didn't make you uncomfortable" "Of course not, and soon we will have a baby, you just need to put a ring on this finger." You laugh holding up your hand. He interlocks his fingers with yours. "Oh I definitely will"

You arrive back at the station, You talk with the team as JJ gets closer to you. She whispers "Meet me in the bathroom" you nod, as she walks away you follow. She then closes the door. "Okay so how was it?!" You laugh. " You scared me" "I know i'm sorry I just didn't wanna ask in front of him in case it went bad" "It was actually really good, she even remembered my name from Spence telling her. Oh but there was one thing, She mentioned having grandkids" JJ did a awkward smile showing her teeth
( this one 😬)

"Oh that must of been weird" "Yeah it's only because we've been together a short amount of time and we haven't even talked about getting married you know?" "Yeah I completely get it" That's when you hear a knock. "JJ? Y/n?" You open the door to Derek and Spencer. JJ speaks "Sorry I just needed a tampon" You laugh as Spencer And Derek look embarrassed for asking. Spencer puts his arms around you. "We found the unsub, You coming with us?" "Count me in" you smile as he kisses your forehead.

AHHH okay excited things are gonna be happening 😁, also I almost have 2k reads! THANK YOU SO MUCH.
I love you guys so much and thank you !

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