chapter 22- shopping

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You wake up with Spencer cuddling with you. "Wake up love" He looks up at you cupping your chin. "Even when you just wake up you're beautiful" You smile moving his hand and kissing it. "I was thinking, since we don't work today would you want to go out to lunch?"

He props himself up with his elbow. "Of course I would" You pull into him giving him a deep kiss "I love you so much" "I love you to babygirl" You jump out of bed tossing a pillow at him. "Now let's get ready"

He smiles putting the pillow beside him. "Hey y/n it's only 10" you start to get in the shower. "I know it's gonna take me awhile to get ready" "Okay well i'm gonna go to the store if that's alright?" "Of course it is, drive safe i love you" "I love you too" You hear Spencer leave.

You've been thinking about it forever, it's finally time to go get a ring for y/n. You open the car door and start driving. Eventually you come upon a ring shop.
"Hello how are you today?" You look around. "I'm good how are you" "I'm good as well, how may I help you?" "I'm looking for a diamond engagement ring for my girlfriend" "You've come to the right place"

After looking around for a while you came upon the perfect ring.

"I'll take it" "Okay that will be two thousand and ninety three dollars" You hand him your debit card

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"I'll take it" "Okay that will be two thousand and ninety three dollars" You hand him your debit card. You leave as you look down at the ring. It was beautiful, it was absolutely perfect for her.
Now the hard part is gonna be planning this.

You drive home, walking in you see the time. 12:41. y/n is slipping on her shoes. "Hey what took you so long?" "Oh I just couldn't find what i was looking for" You smile as you grip the ring box in your pocket.

"Are you ready to go?" You ask Spencer but he seems to be nervous. "Yes" You smile and follow him to the car. "So where do you wanna go?" He try's not to smile but you can tell he is. "I have somewhere in mind." You drive for about 15 minutes that's when you pull up to a restaurant

"Spencer is this?" before you can finish she starts to talk and grabs your hand. "This is where we had our first date" You smile. "You remembered?" "Of course I did, How could I not?"

You walk in the restaurant with the waiter greeting you. "Table for two please". You both sit down and order your food. After finishing Spencer starts to seem serious. "Y/n you know i think we're meant to be together, through all the odds we are still here." He gets down on his knee. You start to see him tear up as do you. "Spencer I" "Y/n   y/m/n   y/l/n  will you marry me?" You start to cry as the whole restaurant starts to look at you and smile. "Yes of course I will" He slips the ring on your finger and picks you up hugging you tightly.

He puts you down as you look at the ring. "Spencer this is beautiful" He looks up as you with his glossy hazel eyes. "So are you" That night you and Spencer drove home and you were so happy. One of the happiest times you ever been in your whole life.

You arrive at your apartment still gushing over Spencer and the ring. He grabs your hand as you both walk up the stairs. "You know you didn't have to do this" "But how could I have the most beautiful girl in front of me and not wanna do this" You stop in front of your door and pull him in a hug.

That's when you pull away. "The team
is gonna be so happy" He smiles "I hope so" "Of course they will be" "When are we gonna tell them?" "Well We don't go back for a week, so I'm thinking then?" "Yeah I think that's good" You give him a kiss and unlock the door.

You and Spencer sit on the couch eating popcorn watching scary movies till 1 am. You truly are marrying your best friend. For a second you look over at him while he is watching the movie

 For a second you look over at him while he is watching the movie

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He looks back at you and smiles. "What?" "Oh nothing I just couldn't be happier, i love you so much Spencer. You are such a beautiful person. Inside and out." He pulls you into a kiss.

You sit there kissing him. And for the first night ever you had Slow passionate sex. It may of been vanilla but it was meaningful. You were truly making love.

Maybe somethings last forever after all.

HEY HEY! ITS ME, GUBE. I HOPE THAT CHAPTER WAS GOOD! I know it was kinda short but the next chapter is gonna be so so good! I love you guys!❤️

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