chapter 20- not again

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You walk in the BAU, it's been 2 months since you've had to have gotten stitches. "Good morning my angel" You smile "Good morning Penelope" "Do we have a case?" "No thank goodness" Hotch walks out of his office. "Today we will just be a paper day"

You are kind of relived you don't have to do a case. You start to finish up your reports from last case. You finally are done as you look up. It's time for lunch. Spencer walks over to your desk. "Come on baby it's time to eat" You take his hand following him to the break room. When you arrive you see JJ, Derek and Emily playing poker. "Well well well what do we have here?" "We're playing poker babygirl." Emily puts her cards down. "And I just won" JJ pats down to the seat next to her. "You and Spencer should play" You look at Spencer, then you both nod in agreement.

Derek got out first, Then JJ then emily. Soon it's just you and Spencer. You smile as you have really good cards. He finally sets down his cards. "Bam" You laugh as you put yours down. You have beat him. "And that is how it's done" Emily and JJ give you a high-five. "I didn't expect that from you y/n" Spencer says rubbing the back of his neck. "I used to play with my dad" "Yeah but your like really good, and i didn't expect it from someone like you"

His eyes widen as he knew he fucked up. "Someone like me? What does that mean?" "No baby I didn't mean it like that, you just don't look like you play poker" "Why is that?" "You're just so pretty." Your whole life people under estimated you because they didn't expect you to be anything more but "pretty". "Oh so you don't think i'm smart because i'm quote on quote pretty?" "Babe please don't be like that you know i didn't mean it like that" You get up and walk out as JJ follows "Hey y/n he didn't mean harm" "I know I just wish he would think more of me, I know i'm not as smart as him but come on"

He walks out with Derek and Emily. "y/n" "What?" "You know I love you and I think you are so smart" You scoff "But not smart enough to play a simple game of poker?" "Obviously you are very smart because you beat me in poker" You laugh as he brings you into a hug. "I love you so much" "I love you spence" That's when Hotch calls you into his office. Everyone looks at you as you walk up.

"Hey what do you need?" "I wanted to talk about something I've been noticing" You sit down. "And that is?" "You and Spencer sometimes argue for reasons that are stupid, for example about what poker? And I think it's toxic, especially in the workplace" You grip your fist tight at his words. "What are you saying?" "I'm just saying that sometimes even if you don't want it to, breaking up can help you more than it can harm you"

You start to yell. "Spencer and I rarely fight, and when do it gets resolved so please stay in your place." " Agent I understand that but I don't need it disturbing the workplace." "No offense Hotch but you don't really know what your talking about do ya?" "Agent I apologize I just want you to tone down the fighting a bit at work" You scoff as you walk out. The team looks to be in shock as you know they heard you.

You start to walk to the elevator as JJ and Spencer joins. You know you over reacted but you're having a bad day. "Hey Hotch is just upset" JJ says as she tries to reassure you. Spencer hugs you. "Look I wasn't gonna tell anyone this but Haliey finalized the divorce today. You and Spencer both look up. "Oh my god I feel so bad" "That's why he didn't want us to fight" Spencer says as he looks at you. "He just doesn't want another breakup in the department"

You feel instant guilt. "I need to talk to him" JJ and Spencer nods as you head back to his office. You knock as you slowly open the door. "Hey it's me" " I wanted to say i'm sorry, i'm having a bad day. I shouldn't of lashed out like that." He puts his papers down. "I'm sorry as well y/n I over reacted and I see you and Spencer are the perfect match." You smile as you walk over and give him a hug.

You walk out as Rossi starts talking. "Tonight we have Pasta at my place, Everyone is invited" You smile as you hug Spencer. "We'll be there"

IM SO SORRY THIS CHAPTER SUCKS. It was a filler chapter so I could move on to more exciting things. Smut next chapter btw ;). I promise it will get more interesting and exciting! I love you !

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