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Jungkook made his way home although he really didnt want to see Tae at all, but he was going to push through it and pack their things so they can head down to busan for a little bit, who knows maybe a trip away will fix this 

he already knows once he see's his mother and father that his heart will be semi healed and thats all he wanted at the moment was to not be in pain anymore 

once arriving home Jungkook walked in the house calmly to see Taehyung sitting on the couch as if he was waiting for his arrival 

Taehyung sat up quickly and crawled over the other couches to get to Jungkook so he could apologize to him but kookie wasn't gonna let that happen

Jungkook walked right past the older and was heading towards the stairs to go straight to his room and for some reason Taehyung was hurt over that but deep down he knew he didn't deserve Kookie's time of day after what he did to him last night but he wanted to try and fix that

"Jungkook" he called out and kook stopped in his tracks and slightly turned his head to look at Taehyung of course he wasn't pissed at the moment but his face sure said other wise


"What are you doing" Taehyung asked feeling sad inside because Jungkook clearly looked upset with him

"Going to pack my clothes" The younger said and Taehyung's eyes shot wide open as the younger then vanished into their bedroom, Taehyung shot right up off of the couch and headed to their bedroom as well "What you're leaving me" He asked in disbelief  "Jungkook lets talk about this you don't need to leave" He rambled on in fear that Jungkook would actually leave all because of his mistake

"Will you shut up I'm packing our clothes we're going down to Busan for the weekend" He snarled back but even though he said it rudely Taehyung was just relieved that the younger wasn't leaving him, But a trip to Busan ? for what? He couldn't complain maybe over the weekend Taehyung could somewhat gain real feelings for his husband so things would just go back to normal

The room sat silent as Kook continued to pick out their clothes for the next few days and Taehyung just sat there on the bed wanting to speak but he didn't want to bother the younger, he wanted to apologize for what he did but he just didn't know if it was the right time, He's never been through this before from what he remembers ...and he doesn't remember much about his relationship with Jungkook, from what basically everyone has told him he and Jungkook never really had problems or fights they were the perfect couple but now Taehyung feels like he ruined everything they created in the past all because of him losing his memory and being an asshole to kook

"lets go" and the car ride to Busan began

About an hour into the drive Jungkook looked over at the elders face and saw the slight bruise he left on his cheek after slapping him last night his heart hurt he knew Taehyung hurt him but that gave him no right to physically hurt his husband he felt disgusted with himself he wanted to cry just thinking about hitting the love of his life but he also didn't know if he should apologize I mean Taehyung hasn't even apologized to him yet for cheating




now all that was on Jungkook's mind was the image of his husband last night grinding up on some girl while his tongue was down her throat, his cheeks started to get a slight shade of red as he began to get upset his foot started to push down on the gas pedal a little harder

Taehyung noticed that Jungkook was speeding and looked over at the younger "Jungkook" he called out trying to get his attention but to no avail Jungkook gripped the steering wheel and started to go even faster

Taehyung's heart began to race as Jungkook was going way over the speed limit and was going from lane to lane he felt shaky what was this ptsd from the car accident? he was scared very scared

"Jungkook" he yelled out twice

"Jungkook please stop" he cried out and Jungkook shot his head over looking at his husband and just seeing hw terrified he looked snapped the younger out of his trance and made him realize what he was doing and how fast he was going

"omg" The younger said then starting to slow down and eventually pulling over on the high way

Jungkook felt so bad he couldn't believe he just did that "baby I'm so sorry" he said sincerely grabbing onto the older's hands which were previously covering his eyes

"I'm sorry I got scared" Taehyung whispered out and Jungkook was confused on why Tae would be apologizing to him right now for something he wasn't responsible for

Kook shook his head in disbelief "no no I should have never drove that way especially with you in the car after what happened to you I'm sorry sweetheart"

Taehyung felt like now was the time he should apologize for last night the  car was pulled over and they were actually speaking so he had to do it now and then maybe the rest of the car ride will be better

A/N: wow its been like a year since ive updated any of my stories im so sorry every one

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