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Chapter 16 yayyyy finally right
Sorry guys it's been 4-5 years trust me I have a great excuse for not updating
First I moved to Texas to get away from my toxic mother
Then shortly after my dad died so I moved back to my toxic family so I could help take care of my half/ step siblings since my dad was gone and their mom sucks ass but my mom threw me out so I was homeless and then later I got pregnant and I was planing on updating for the 9 months I was sitting on my ass all day but I had no inspiration and here I am now finally giving you an update all while taking care of my little baby as well

I'm sorry if this chapter sucks
I'm trying to get back Into the grove of writing but I'm 22 now not some 17 year old girls obsessed with bts anymore, I actually don't care about anything anymore and have no interest but I really like this story so I'm going to try my best to write it good

Here we go


Mom we should be arriving in an hour or so

That's great son we are so excited to see you and Taehyung again, I'm going to cry

I can't wait to see you guys
things Have been very hard lately

I'm sure they have but we are here to support you both and maybe coming back home will help him regain parts of his memory

I hope so
But please I need you and dad to be very sensitive to his situation
Don't try and shove everything down his throat okay?
Please don't bombard him with so many questions
If he keeps getting asked if he remembers things and he doesn't have an answer for you it will really stress him out
And the last thing he needs is stress
So please go easy on him

Of course honey
We love him
We will do anything to help him get better
Not worse

"Jungkook since we're stopped right now can we please talk" Tae had asked in a slightly shaken and quiet voice after have previously been scared his body had a lot of nerves at the moment

"I don't know I don't think so" Jungkook said coldly but it was clear he was very sad and trying to avoid talking with Taehyung about what he did the night before.

Jungkook didn't want to talk he didn't want to hear an apology from Tae he didn't want to hear the lame excuse he had for cheating on him right in front of his fucking face and most importantly Jungkook doesn't like to cry he doesn't like to look weak.

Jungkook grabbed the keys and was about to start up that car again but before he could Tae was reaching for his hand and stopping Jungkook from turning the key.

"Just please listen to me Jeon, please" he said softly to the younger and Jungkook took his hand off the key, sighed deeply, and smack his hands on to his own thighs clearly irritated by this situation he couldn't get himself out of, either way Taehyung took that as his sign to finally say what he's been wanting to say.

"Jeon im so sorry" you could see the sadness on Tae's face as he said that, very visibly upset with his own actions.

" what I did last night was terrible and I'm just so sorry, I know I hurt you very badly and I just don't know how to fix that" the older said grabbing on to Jungkook's hand but before he could finish what he was trying to say Jungkook threw his hand off of his own and began to yell.

"You fucking cheated on me Taehyung, there's nothing you can say that will take this pain away from me,nothing! I don't want to hear it I don't even want to remember it, kind of like how you don't even want to remember me or our love! You rather leave me and go be with these bitches in the bar"

Taehyung looked down the entire time, Jungkook wasn't fully correct about what Tae wants because it's just not true, Tae did want to remember him he did want to remember their love that they had, it was just hard to do that because it's out of his control.

In Taehyung's eyes it would probably be easier to just leave Jungkook and to go out and start a life with someone new, but that's not what he wants and he realizes that now and he is determined to take Jungkook's sadness away and make their love come back.

"Jeon im sorry there is no excuse okay? I just want to let you know that I'm aware that I messed up and I'm going to try my hardest to make this work, you're an amazing guy, you're handsome, cute, funny, intelligent, and so sweet, I know I don't remember our love but how hard could it be to fall in love again with someone as amazing as you" the older finally said cheerfully at the end and it kind of made Jungkook blush.

Tae hasn't said such nice things about him before, mostly because Tae doesn't remember being gay and is finding it hard to look at men that way but if every one is telling him he is gay then he really must be gay and is going to start looking at his husband as the sexy man that he is.

"You think I'm cute?" Jungkook asked giving Taehyung a playful smirk
Tae couldn't help but to laugh because that was the only thing Jungkook heard from this conversation.

"Yes Jeon I think you are cute, are you happy for that" he said back teasingly

Jungkook started turning back into his old self not the sad boy he was a few minutes ago
"Oh so you think I'm cute and sexy" he said playing with the older again but this time wiggling his eyebrows at him.

"Yes Jeon your sexy" Taehyung said rolling his eyes playfully he knew Jungkook was just messing with him but he was giving in.

"Oh so you want to kiss this cute sexy handsome attractive man sitting right next to you"

Taehyung's cheeks blushed bright red at the thought of that, feeling nervous and not knowing what to say or do because sooner or later he will have to kiss this man. Taehyung wasn't complaining really! He is willing to do whatever it takes to get his love back but Jungkook did intimidate him and make him nervous so that doesn't help.

Taehyung wanted to say something but he didn't know what to say so he shut and his eyes and moved fast and left a quick peck on Jungkook's soft lips.
"There I did it" Tae said while covering his face with his hands feeling way to shy and embarrassed to even look at this boy sitting next to him.

Jungkook laughed loudly at Taehyung's actions, this was probably the best day of Jungkook's life so far after the accident. Clearly it wasn't a real kiss and he was honestly just messing with his husband to make him feel shy, he didn't expect Tae to actually plant one on him but he did, it wasn't the best but Jungkook was happy for now.

Plus he planned on have their real first kiss during this weekend trip.

It's going to be the right moment
It's going to be special
And he's hoping it will spark some things for his forgetful husband.

Jungkook buckled back up and patted Taehyung on his thigh a couple times to let him know he was done messing with him and that he could stop hiding his face now.

And the drive to Busan continued.

~~ a/n : sorry if that sucked
But I hope to put another chapter out within a couple hours


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