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Jungkook grabbed the drinks and walked into the medium sized crowd looking for his husband and the second he laid eyes on him his heart shattered

Taehyung had a girl in front of him grinding back on to him as they danced together, they had just gotten here, Taehyung wasnt even drunk

Jungkook felt sick to his stomach he couldn't let this go on he was going to approach him, the second he walked closer Taehyung's lips latched on to the girls and they started to make out, of course Taehyung didnt notice the youngers presence

Jungkook took the drinks that were in his hands and chugged them before walking back over to the bar and taking a seat "two shots of henny, two shots of bacardi, and brandy with some cranberry juice" he croaked out sadly

there was a bachelorette party going on and a few ladies from the party couldn't help but to notice the handsome man being Jeon Jungkook, so they decided to approach him


Taehyung walked into the bar with Jungkook and he immediately went to dance while the younger got some drinks for them, Taehyung didnt like drinking much so he rather have fun and dance around, he was caught off guard when a cute girl grabbed him and started to dance with him

he was there to have a good time so he went along with it and after a few minutes she was grinding down on him, Taehyung's body tingled he couldn't help but to push himself closer to her, he's a grown man and he has needs and desires and its been since before he could remember since he's been touched you know... down there so maybe tonight would be good for him

he kissed the girl deeply missing the feeling of having someone want him so badly and being touched by another person

the time went on and before he knew it 2 am came

Taehyung's expression changed seeing what time it was, it all went by so fast the girl he had been with was getting ready to go and she had invited him back to her house, oh how badly he wanted to say yes

"here give me your number and we can reschedule" he said to the sweet girl and she grabbed the phone out of his hand and put her number in not knowing that Jungkook was watching this all go down

after getting his phone back he looked around realizing he hadn't seen Jungkook since they first got there "hmm where is this kid" he mumbled out to himself then finally catching a glimpse of him with a few other girls over at the bar

Taehyung walked up to the younger calling out his name but before Jungkook could respond he saw a girl in what looked to be a fake pink tiara with a pink ribbon wrapped around her chest get up in front of him

"umm excuse me" he said

"are you Kim Taehyung" she asked rudely and Taehyung just nodded his head slowly not knowing who she was but before he could ask that the girl was already pouring her drink all over the elders face "thats for being a cheater"

"what the hell" he said watching the group of girls kiss Jungkook on the cheek before walking away from the two of them

"what was that about" Taehyung said raising his voice slightly watching Jungkook stumble over to him

"taehuyungie is a cheaterrr he cheated on me" Jungkook mumbled out trying to walk but stumbled to much falling into Taehyung's chest

'oh god he's drunk' Taehyung thought to himself while grabbing the younger and helping him to get outside

once they finally made it to the car with all of Jungkook's stumbling feet and mumbling words he buckled the younger into the passengers seat and got into the drivers seat himself

"why taeee no love me no more" Jungkook cried out but Taehyung wasnt even paying attention to that he was having argument with himself on whether her should drive or not before Jungkook slapped him across the face

"you cheattting asshollle I loved you why you cheat on kookie" he yelled out while tears streamed down his pale cheeks finally getting Taehyung's attention

Taehyung finally realized what he had been doing all night, he was a married man and he basically did cheat on his husband

"Jeon I'm sorry I didnt mean to" he groaned out seeing the younger sit there and cry over him

meanwhile they had another problem Taehyung couldn't drive not after the car accident, he couldn't do it he was too scared

"I cant drive and neither can you, let me get us an uber" he tried telling the younger but Jungkook was too drunk and in his own world now as he continued to cry and pull out his phone


I just know your drunk

Kookkiee sad
Vewerdy verysad

Hey where is Tae

🤮 cheatterrr
He's a cheater
He cheated so mhuch
I cryi
Hmph 😔

He cheated !?

Mhm :; (


"Who are you texting" Taehyung asked trying to take the Younger's phone to see but Jungkook threw it at his chest instead

"My newsss boyfriends" he mumbled out

"Who the hell is Yoongi" before he could even argue about it there Uber got there so he dragged the younger out the car and the two of them got in once again

Jungkook sat as far as he could away from his husband not wanting to be next to him after seeing him all close with that one girl

"He kisses her but not kisses me, he doesn't lobe me tae doesn't love me" he repeatedly said to himself a little too loud over and over again

Tae knew he was drunk but he also saw how hurt he was and was and realized he was going to have to make this up to the younger tomorrow morning

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