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Jungkook laid on the couch trying to sleep but the smile that kept coming on his face prevented that, he just was so happy that Taehyung asked him to take him out on a date it just came out of nowhere

He didn't want to force him to try and remember but he was glad that Taehyung did want to at least try and start by going on dates with him

When he was with Yoongi he couldn't stop ranting and crying about how he was going to lose his husband and that Taehyung was never gonna love him again but tonight he actually felt like he had a chance with his husband now


Jungkook only had 3 hours left of work and Taehyung was sitting at home bored as ever sooo he decided to hang out with his friends

He pulled out the new phone that Jungkook had bought him and messaged Namjoon and Jin, luckily for him they didn't have work today and were able to come over for a little

"hiii guys" Taehyung exclaimed jumping up and hugging his friends tightly, Taehyung hated being home alone all day and Jungkook had to go to work to be able to pay all of their bills so he didn't want to ask him to stay home so he was glad he had his two friends to be with

"Taehyungiee, So what's the big news you wanted to tell us" Jin asked because Taehyung had convinced them to come over by telling them he had exciting news for him, Technically he wasn't lying

All three of them moved to the couch taking a seat while Taehyung clasped his hands together "So I took your advice and I asked Jungkook to take me out on a date" He exclaimed and the three smiled at each other

Namjoon and Jin both knew how happy that must have made Kookie so they were excited for the young couple, They really had faith for Jungkook and Taehyung and really wanted to see them back to their old self once again.

"Yay what happened what made you change your mind" Jin cheered hugging the younger and Taehyung made a frown "Jungkook he came home crying that night and it made me feel so bad inside so I need to try for him I owe him that"

The elder's took that into consideration they were glad to see Taehyung putting in effort I mean it's been almost a month since he'd been out of the hospital and he still hasn't remembered anything and wasn't to fond of his own husband, But maybe this date would be the start of something new for them, That's what Namjoon hoped at least for Jungkook's sake

"Give him a chance Tae, He loves you and I'm sure the more you guys hang out and have romantic dates you'll start to feel all the love you used to have for him okay, You got to text us and tell us how your date went"


"Baby I'm home" Jungkook yelled through out the house finally making it home from his long day at work, Taehyung walked down fully dressed and ready for their date!

"Hi" He said softly and Jungkook smiled looking at his beautiful husband all dressed up, He even was wearing his wedding ring which Taehyung purposely put on to make the younger happy

"You look beautiful" Jungkook whispered out reaching over touching the older's hand lightly, Taehyung didn't know what to say so he just smiled lightly and that his how their date night started

a/n: ill post the next chapter soon

and it will be cute okay


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