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"Who are you?" Taehyung said and Jungkook's eyes widened in fear

He couldn't be serious

This had to be a joke right

"What? baby it's me, your husband sweetheart" he said while caressing his cheek but Taehyung just looked at him as if he was scared

The nurses ended up pulling Jungkook off Taehyung and back "please Mr.Jeon we need to do our job, clearly he is experiencing memory loss so let us figure this out" she told him and although Jungkook felt like crying he stayed calm and took a step back to let them do their jobs

The doctor walked up to Taehyung as he sat upwards with fear written all over his face "do you know your name, sir" the doctor asked which Taehyung looked frantic to answer as he thought about the question

Jungkook wanted to hop up and hug his baby so he wasn't scared but the nurses wouldn't allow that

"Tata" Taehyung mumbled not knowing if he was correct or not

The doctor looked at Jungkook to see if the false name he gave was familiar to him, Jungkook took a second to think about it before realizing where that name came from

"Oh his mother and father used to call him tata when he was younger" Jungkook informed him which the doctor nodded to while Taehyung looked at him feeling nervous as to why the stranger knew that

The doctor went on asking question and Taehyung gave him an incorrect answer to each one

The most heartbreaking one was this

"Do you know who this man is" the doctor asked pointing over a Jungkook

Taehyung shook his head "no" he simply said before falling back on to the hospital bed and started crying "I wanna go home where are my parents" he cried out and didn't even notice that Jungkook was crying along with him

"It's okay Taehyung you'll go home soon, nurse keep an eye on him and get him some food I'm gonna go over some things with Jungkook"


As soon as Jungkook was in the hallway he fully sobbed as the doctor held him up

"How just how"

"How could he forget me"

"He's known me for almost 20 years"

"I'm his fucking husband"

"I know I know Jungkook but you have to understand this isn't his fault, he has amnesia that doesn't mean he is always gonna have it, his memory could slowly start to come back we never know it could be days, weeks, even months it's a tricky thing but there are some things we need to go over especially since he is injured and his parents are deceased the only person he has left to live with is you so you need to know how to take care of him" the doctor said making Jungkook pull himself together while taking a seat, the doctor printed out a few papers and handed them over to the younger

"Okay so a few basic things are not getting mad. Do not get mad and lash your anger out on him if he can't remember something or if he is afraid of you, it will put him under a lot of stress and make him worse" noted

"Show him photos of fun memories or even take him back to those places, it might not bring back that memory to him exactly In That moment but it could possibly replay in his head a couple days later and he will start to remember it"

The doctor went over a few more things before the two of them made it back into Taehyung's room where he was peacefully eating some pudding

"Baby you're getting messy" Jungkook said then wiping the food off of Taehyung's face while the older just stared at him with wide eyes "why do you keep calling me that" Taehyung asked looking down

Jungkook took a step back seeing that he made the older uncomfortable

Meanwhile the doctor walked over with some important files in his hands as proof

"Taehyung this is your husband Jeon Jungkook and here's the certificate of marriage that you both signed two years ago" he said making the older choke on his pudding

"I'm gay" he asked and although it wasn't the right time like at all the nurse laughed

Jungkook felt so weird right now but nonetheless wanted to get this over with

He walked over and sat on Taehyung's bed with him and signaled that the doctors and nurses leave

The younger grabbed Taehyung's hand and placed a kiss on it and saw as he looked away

"I met you when I was five Taehyungie we were best friends and then when I was 16 your parents passed away so you moved in with my family" Jungkook said and felt Taehyung squeeze his hand tighter

"So my parents are dead" he asked while letting his tears fall and Jungkook pulled him into a hug holding him tightly

"Yes I'm sorry," he said and then gave Taehyung a couple minutes to calm down before he finished what he was saying

"When I was 16 I asked you to be my boyfriend and you said yes and then when I was 20 I asked you to marry me a couple months later we became husbands, a month ago you were on your way to my job to bring me lunch because you loved to eat with me," Jungkook said and felt his tears coming back to him just by rethinking about the accident and how scared he was

"The police called me, they said you were in surgery and it hurt so much I thought I lost you, my beautiful husband my sweet boy I thought I was going to have to spend the rest of my life with out you" he cried and Taehyung was very hesitant to hug him because it just felt so weird

So weird to wake up not remembering a thing, not knowing who this man is but to then find out that you're his husband, that you're gay, he didn't have it in him to comfort him right now

"I don't remember I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't remember you or our relationship, but there's nothing I can do about it" Taehyung cried feeling very very very frustrated with himself

"I don't blame you, it just kinda sucks but I'm gonna make this work if you'll let me"

The doctor came in the room interrupting the young one but with good news this time

"Taehyung i have your discharge papers and your medication subscription you just have to sign the form and you're good to go home" he said and once again the fear of not knowing anything came back to Taehyung

"Where is home" he said and Jungkook grabbed his hand again softly "with me"

A/n: I see BTS in 23 hours I'm scared bye

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