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It had been a couple of weeks and Taehyung had been mostly moping around the house not having energy to do much to even eat really, this new medication he was prescribed to by the doctors was supposed to help him with his memory loss but all it did was make him sleepy and annoyed which sucked because he really didnt want to be a dick to Jungkook especially since he was nice enough to take care of him and open his home to him and let him have the master bed while the younger took the couch

"honey how are you feeling" Jungkook asked walking in to what used to be their bedroom together but was now only Taehyung's

Taehyung scrunched his face from the pet name, he still didn't like it or was used to it and just wished Jungkook wouldn't use it at all but he knew it would break the younger's heart if he told him to stop "angry, I cant remember anything" he said being mad at himself as he pinched his leg wanting to feel something other then confusion

Jungkook saw the older hurting himself and didn't like it one bit so he grabbed the older's hands away from his legs and kept his hands in his own placing a kiss on them lightly "don't be mad with your self Tae, we gotta take it one day at a time, I'm sure something will come back to you soon" he said to him calmly and sweetly but Taehyung just rolled his eyes snatching his hands out of the younger's "easy for you to say, you remember every single thing that has ever happened to you meanwhile all I remember is my parents and they aren't even alive for me to see" he said as he began to get even more upset so he threw the blanket over his head as he flopped down on his side

Jungkook sighed out of sadness and crawled on the other side of the bed next to Taehyung "want me to invite some of your friends over" the younger asked hoping that it could possibly cheer him up and get him out of this funk he's been in lately

"I have friends" Taehyung shouted out curiously throwing the blanket off of his face and saw the way the younger bursted out into laughter, he saw the cute twinkle in his eyes as he laughed

"of course you have friends silly, your a very likable person, why do you think I married you" he said jokingly and Taehyung just rolled his eyes teasingly

"well maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for me to meet them again" he said unsurely and Jungkook nodded his head with a thin smile on his face

"sure i'll call them over and you guys can hang out and talk and after that we can go to dinner how does that sound handsome"

Taehyung went back to being under the blanket "that's fine, let me know when they get here please" he said quietly "and I'm not handsome" he mumbled out lightly as he felt the younger's weight leave the bed

he thought Jungkook had left the room but he was completely wrong cause soon he felt his head get kissed from over the blanket "the most handsome man in the world" Jungkook said then walking out of the bedroom to call the older's friends

a/n: some chapters might be a little short I hope you guys don't get upset with that but I feel like if I do smaller chapters I can update more often since it wont take me so long to make

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