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18 years ago~
"Googie come in here There's someone I want you to meet" Jungkook's mothered called sweetly to her five year old son who came running into the living room as fast as he could, he absolutely loved meeting new people so walking into the living room to see a friendly looking boy had him very excited

"Hi my names junggookie" he said cutely, Taehyung being 7 almost 8 reached his hand out with his boxy smile on front display "hi junggookie I'm Taehyungie" he said and the two shook hands as their mothers pushed them away to go play so they could talk

"Do you like super hero's" Jungkook asked while pulling out his iron man action figure which Taehyung thought was super cool, he's always wanted to be a super hero

"I love super hero's I want to be a super hero when I grow up and save everyone and make everyone happy and take care of them" he told the younger with a shy smile before speaking again "but I can't be the only super hero cause then I won't have someone to take care of me and make me happy" he said and Jungkook handed the toy over to the older boy

"I'll grow up and be a super hero too, that way I can take care of you and you can take care of me" the younger cheered making them both giggle


7 years ago~

Jungkook sat in the front of the church with his bestfriend crying his eyes out on to his shoulder, it was hard for Jungkook's to see Taehyung like this, he was trying his hardest not to cry as well but seeing the boy he is deeply in love with so sad hurts him.

A tragic accident they said, Taehyung's parents on their way home when a huge accident happened involving the young boys parents.

Jungkook and his parents offered their home to Taehyung since he had no where else to go or any other family, Taehyung kindly accepted the offer of course he wanted to live with Jungkook, why wouldn't he.

Yes everyday was hard for him he usually spent it just laying in Jungkook's bed crying himself to sleep

After the funeral Jungkook and Taehyung headed back home, the older went straight to bed as Jungkook's parents started to make dinner

"Go make sure he is alright, you're all he has left in this world" his mother spoke to him and Jungkook looked down sadly before walking up to his room and quietly slipping into the bed with Taehyung

"Hyungie" he asked but got no response, all he could hear were soft whimpers

Jungkook couldn't resist he pulled the older into a hug making his body turnover so they were facing each other "it's okay cry Hyungie cry as much as you need" he whispered in his ear not really sure on how to comfort him since he was kind of awkward but at least he tried

The sobs got louder as he fully released his tears and pain "Kook I have no one now, no family no one to take care of me no one to love me, I'm all alone" he cried harder Jungkook immediately lifted his chin to make him look at him

"I told you I'd be your superhero, I'll take care of you I'll make you happy I'll make sure you're always safe I'll love you, I'm your family" Jungkook said sternly while looking the older in his eyes as he leaned down and placed a soft sweet kiss on his lips

That kiss was the start of something beautiful

3 years ago ~

Taehyung stood looking down at his boyfriend on one knee both with tears in their eyes "Kookie" he managed to get out as the tears finally spilled over Jungkook hadn't even said anything yet and the two were already crying

"Taehyungie, my sweet baby, the love of my life *long speech* will you marry me" he asked and taehyung finally fell to his knees along with Jungkook and pulled him into a passionate kiss

"Of course my love"

Present time~

"Baby can you hand me my black tie" Jungkook asked as he buttoned up his white silk work shirt, Taehyung reached over to the other side of the bed and pulled the black tie closer to him and then walked up to Jungkook wrapping it around his neck getting ready to tie it for him

"My handsome husband" he whispered before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on his husband

"My sweet baby" Jungkook cooed as he pecked the olders nose

"I'll visit you for lunch yeah?" He asked and Jungkook nodded immediately there was nothing he loved more than having Taehyung come to his job for lunch... he loved having two lunches

"I got to get going now, I'll see you at lunch love" he said and Taehyung got in one last kiss before his husband was rushing to the door to leave "goodbye my love"


"Some lamb skewers for my sweet boy and a banana milk shake please" Taehyung said through the drive through at one of Jungkook's favorite fast food places

After getting all the food Taehyung was headed over to Jungkook's studio but before he knew it the car was spinning as everything went black he heard the glass shatter and just like that Taehyung's soul was gone

"Clear" the paramedics said trying to revive Taehyung's life as they sped all the way to the hospital
No pulse.
Was this the end.
Was he going to leave the exact same way his parents did.
Was he going to leave the love of his life behind.

1 month later ~

Jungkook got a call from the hospital that it could be any day now that Taehyung could wake up out of his coma so he has been staying at the hospital for the past 3 nights staying hopeful that his beautiful boy would finally wake up

Jungkook stood above taehyung with his face in the crook of the sleeping boys neck
Light kisses and whispers were the things Jungkook gave him

"I miss you so much my love"

"Please wake up its very lonely with out you"

"I miss those beautiful chocolate eyes of yours"

"I miss your insanely deep voice"

"I miss your contagious smile and that beautiful laugh of yours"

"Please baby wake up" Jungkook's eyes filled with tears as he felt Taehyung squeeze his hand back.

It's been a whole month Jungkook has suffered with out his husband with worrying whether the love of his life would leave him on this planet by himself, he cried every night

He just missed him so much
And now here he was feeling Taehyung acknowledging him

"Doctor please come I think he's waking up"

The doctors and nurses rushed in the room and could see taehyung shuffling in his bed and could hear his groaning

The nurses pushed Jungkook to the side as they pulled out their flash lights and checked Taehyung's eyes

"Is he awake" Jungkook asked the doctor but before he could answer Taehyung was speaking

"Where am I" he asked in a very groggy and husky voice clearly he needed some water for his insanely dry throat

"Oh my god baby you're awake I've missed you so much my love" Jungkook said pushing through the nurses and reaching Taehyung placing a bunch of kisses on the olders forehead before Taehyung pulled back with a strange look on his face

"Who are you?"

A/n: hiiiii very first chapter
I know I skimmed through everything quickly and I honestly did that cause I'm lazy

If you are new and don't know me please follow this account and read my other three shitty fanfics since the other two I had were deleted

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