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"This is fancy" Taehyung said as they were seated at a table for two at one of the couples favorite restaurant

"hate to break it to you Taehyung but we're rich" I mean the younger wasn't lying Jungkook was a photographer and he made very good money for such a young age, and Taehyung he was an artist he's been selling paintings since he was 18 and they usually went for high pricing after a celebrity bought on of his art works

"how did we get that way to become so wealthy, I mean your only 23 how are you so successful" Tae asked and it kind of made the younger's tummy tingle with butterflies it felt good knowing that Taehyung was actually interested in his life

"I worked hard I guess I wanted to graduate when you did so I studied hard and skipped a couple grades and go into college at 18 just like you did, we both studied art and once that korean opera singer bought one of your pieces it kind of opened the door for us and our talent, so I give the credit to you" he praised the older and Taehyung smiled but didnt want Jungkook to give him all the credit

"I think the credit goes to you, you must be really smart to have skipped that many grades and to get a photography job at a big company, I bet everyone was so proud of you"

the dinner went on and they chatted with light conversation about Taehyung's health about their relationship about their future and tonight was pretty good for the young couple it could have gone worse

on the way home Taehyung kept his head against the window in the passengers seat looking up at the stars as they drove home, well at least thats where he thought they were going till Tae saw Kook drive right past their home

"are you kidnapping me" he asked the younger finally showing him the huge sense of humor he had

"you wish" Kook resorted back a cheeky grin on his face

Tae rolled his eyes but could help but notice how much of a bunny Jungkook looked like when he was smiling, showing off his little dimple and his front teeth

"one more place before the date is over" he mumbled out as he kept his eyes on the rode and Taehyung just went with it and didn't say anything even though he was curious as to where they could be going this late at night

the two ended up at a park like a normal kids park, Jungkook and Taehyung both got out of the car making their way over to the swings, it was quiet for a few minutes as they swung slowly the cool breeze of the night hitting their warm skin

it was silent all that could be heard was the creaks from the rusty metal that swung back and forth

"seven years ago" Jungkook started and caught Tae's attention

Jungkook took a huff of air "seven years ago I kissed you while we were laying in bed after your parents funeral" Taehyung's lips fell into a thin line as he mumbled out a small "oh"

"that same week I took you out on a date for the first time ever, I was super nervous but I was really excited so we came to this park and we had a cute little picnic with all your favorite foods and sweet treats" the younger said smiling while thinking back on that day Taehyung let a smile rise to his face, he didnt remember it but it made him feel warm inside

"we laid around and took cute pictures of each other we painted portraits and I fed you strawberries because you always got so messy eating it on your own" he said making the older laugh because it was true he was a messy eater

"what else" Taehyung asked shyly keeping his head down while Jungkook just smiled looking at his beautiful boy and slightly pink cheeks

"you got nervous and came over to these exact swings I thought it was so cute I walked up to you and your cheeks were soo rosy you were blushing like crazy and then I kissed you for the second time ever" Jungkook said and heard Tae laughing his ass off which left him quiet confused

"no way in hell was I blushing and feeling nervous over you" he chuckled dryly and that to Jeon just sounded like a challenge and Jungkook never loses a challenge

Jungkook got up poking his tongue on the inside of his cheek as he walked over to the older he grabbed the chains making the swing stop and looked down at Tae who had a confused look on his face as he looked up a Jeon

"I know you get nervous around me, what are all these good looks too much to handle Hyungie" he said lowering his tone which was completely new to Taehyung he's never heard him speak like that before or act that dominant(?) and the word Hyungie was new too

Taehyung didn't know what to say and looked down because if he was being honest he was nervous from how close they were and he knew he must have been blushing so he didn't want the younger to see it

Jungkook ran his fingers across the older's face before lifting his chin up making him look up at him again as he lowered his face closer to Tae's

as the space between them got smaller Taehyung could feel the heat from his cheeks start to burn he closed his eyes feeling to nervous and right when he thought Jungkook was going to kiss him, it never came instead he heard footsteps walking away

"cmon babe" Jungkook yelled out already being close to the car as Taehyung finally opened his eyes

"that asshole" he mumbled out to himself while getting up and following Jungkook's lead to the car

meanwhile Jungkook had a smirk on his face the whole ride home and Taehyung noticed it and hit his arm "wipe that smirk off of your face"

Jungkook chuckled at the younger as they pulled into their driveway "for someone who doesn't think he gets nervous sure was very very nervous when I got close to you" Jungkook said teasing the older and Taehyung just shook his head not knowing what to say but he couldn't let Jungkook win

"nu uh" he pouted out loudly taking his seatbelt off "I only got nervous cause I didn't want your nasty lips on me" he stroked back and Jungkook couldn't take him serious because he knows when Taehyung lies he's been with him since he was 16 of course he knows

"whatever you say baby" with that the two walked into the house and settled down Tae got into his pj's which of course was Jungkook's clothes he assumed because they were always so lose on him

Jungkook changed his clothes and plopped down on the couch trying to get comfy but it was hard considering this couch sucked "hey siri remind me to buy a new couch this weekend" he said into his iPhone before closing his eyes and trying to sleep but before he could he heard the soft footsteps of his husband approaching

"are you okay do you need more blankets or more pillows" the younger asked already getting up and wrapping his own blanket around his husband before Taehyung had even answered

"noo, I already have three blankets and like 16 pillows Jeon" he said with a laugh before his face went straight again

"oh well then what do you need"

"do you want to sleep in the bed with me" Tae asked

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