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"It's okay Jeon it's not that, it's just ...can I tell you something Jeon?"

Taehyung had his head lowered he was feeling a bit ashamed and nervous to admit this to Jungkook, but this is something he had to do if he was going to stick to his plan of trying his hardest to make this relationship work. 

"what is it love" Jungkook replied caressing the elder's cheek to show him that everything was just fine. 

Here it goes he just needs to be honest 

"The reason I cheated and the reason I'm always so moody and being difficult is because I think I'm am a bit sexually frustrated" The elder had finally admitted to his husband, but he wasn't finished talking

"It's just I'm a man and it's been months since I woke up and I haven't been touched, loved, or looked at I haven't kissed, made out, or had sex with anyone, and It's kind of making me stressed out because I think thats what I want but I can't do any of those things, I know you're my husband okay I know that but I can't ever remember doing anything like that with a guy. that's something very new to me so I'm scared to do those things and all of this and my whole situation is making my life even more stressful, I'm sorry if this upsets you Jeon" The elder finally finished ranting feeling worse then before because he just didn't know how to explain these things out loud and he felt more embarrassed then ever admitting these things. 

Jungkook sighed a bit, he completely understood what Taehyung was trying to say but there were some things that didn't sit right with Jungkook and he needed to get that cleared up first 

Taehyung was fidgeting with his fingers looking down the entire time not able to make eye contact due to feeling awkward and a bit ashamed 

"Taehyung I understand you, we're in the same boat here, I haven't been able to kiss, make out, or have sex with the only person I want to do those things with, I get it I'm feeling the same way" Jungkook admitted back to him and it made Taehyung bring his head up finally being able to look at the younger now knowing that they were both feeling the same way but for some reason, the younger was now looking at Tae with a sad disappointed face. 

"TaeHyung you can't say that you aren't being loved, especially to me, I've been loving you for 20 years now, since the day I laid my eyes on you I have loved you and never stopped, I think you are having trouble accepting that you are gay and you do not want to accept the love I have to give to you. Taehyung I have so much love to give you for the rest of our lives and all you need to do is let me back into your heart" He said very sadly trying not to cry at this point because his heart was breaking knowing that their relationship was nothing like it was before Taehyung's accident.

There was truly nothing Jungkook could do about it. 

He couldn't miraculously give Taehyung his memory back. 

Nothing will be able to bring their old relationship back. 

But that doesn't mean they can't make an even better relationship together in the future. 

"You're right you are loving me, I'm sorry for saying that, I didn't mean that I know you love me so deeply, I just wish this never happened to me and that I could reciprocate the same feeling you share with me I'm trying my hardest from now on I promise" Tae finished then grabbing Jungkook's hand all on his own this time very sweetly.

"I think I have something that can help you with your sexual frustrations.. it helps me a lot " Jungkook suggested to the older and Taehyung gave him a nod and looked telling him to go on and spill the details already.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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