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"do you want to sleep with me" Tae asked and Jungkook thinks he noticed how shocked he was because he started to giggle at the youngers expression

"w-what, you want me too are you comfortable with it" he asked rapidly and Taehyung just giggled some more as he yelled a "yup" while walking back to the bedroom

Jungkook watched the older walk away he didnt move a muscle because he was still low-key surprised, maybe Taehyung was warming up to him he thought to himself and it left a small smile on his face as he got up off the uncomfortable couch and made his way up to what used to be his bedroom

Jungkook walked in to see Tae already sitting up in bed with a book in his hand, ahh it felt like old times he missed this

as he climbed into bed a kept a huge distance from the older giving him his space so he wouldn't over step but Taehyung just looked at him weirdly "if you scoot any farther you'll fall off the bed" and with that Jungkook took that as the okay for him to move a little closer

Taehyung sat there pretending to read his book, well he wasn't really pretending he was actually reading it till he got cut off with his thoughts he was thinking about something that he has been dealing with lately and for some reason he felt like he should tell the younger about it but on the other hand he knew Jungkook would just worry and probably make him a doctors appointment asap, his first thought won and he gave in laying his body down facing the younger

"Ive been having nightmares" yup he was definitely right Jungkook's face said it all he was extremely worried for his husband

"what, what about baby" he asked in a panic tone but Taehyung looked fine so that calmed him down just a bit

Taehyung bit down on his lip nervously as he closed his eyes "I think the car accident, I close my eyes to sleep and next thing I know all I hear are car horns and glass breaking and I can hear myself scream your name out and the dream ends like that I usually wake up sweating and I don't know it just bothers me" he admitted to the younger and Jungkook felt saddened for him, it took Taehyung a lot of courage to say all of that because those nightmares literally scared the living shit out of him

Jungkook rested his hand on the elders cheek caressing it lightly, he didnt know what to say or do how does he even deal with this, this isn't something he can protect him from unless he jumps up in his dreams and removes him from it but thats literally impossible

"I don't see everything happening though, I just see shapes and colors and it feels like everything is flying right into me and it scares me so much" he let out with a shaky breath and Jungkook knew this was serious

"I'll make you a doctors appointment tomorrow we have to tell them about this, until then ill be right here if the dream comes again just wake me up and I'll be right here with you honey" Jungkook said and with that he placed a kiss on the elders forehead and tried to cut the lights off but Taehyung wouldn't let him he was too scared so for tonight the lights were stay on

A/N: short chapter sorry guys

not doing to well but wanted to give you a lil sum

the next two chapters will be even better I promise

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