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"Taehyung for now we aren't going to put you on any new medications, we actually think its good your'e having these dreams" the doctor said to the Taehyung and Jungkook could clearly see the look of disappointment on his face which upset him

"what the hell, these dreams scare him we have to do something to make them go away" he said standing up while raising his voice which caused the older to pull him by his arm back down because there was no need to disrespect the doctor for this

"Mr.Jeon these dreams could possibly help your husband regain his memory, we think it will be good for him so if he remembers the car accident then it might trigger his memory to remembering all that happened before it, I know it scares you but its probably what's best" she told the young couple and Taehyung seem intrigued with what she had said

"soo wait, if I keep having these dreams I could gain my memory back" he asked with a hint of excitement in his tone and the doctor she nodded her head

Taehyung looked at the younger giving him his approval that he was going to be okay with the dreams if it meant he might get his memory back, Jungkook gave him a nod and the two of them thanked the doctor before heading back to their car

"I cant believe you walked out of their with out a prescription, we could have made it to where you can sleep better" Jungkook said while getting into the drivers seat meanwhile Taehyung entering the passengers seat cause he doesn't drive anymore

"don't be mad at me, the dreams are scary but I'm tired of being clueless to my own life if the doctor thinks it will help then I'll believe her" he said to the younger, Jungkook looked at his husband softly and silently, Taehyung looked back at him of course before breaking the silence

"it's date night" he yelled out in excitement catching the younger off guard almost giving him a heart attack but couldn't help but to jump over a little and kiss Tae on the cheek

Tae grabbed on to his cheek acting shocked just for the younger's amusement

"that's what you get for scaring me" Jungkook pouted out and Taehyung just laughed while shaking his head


the weeks went on and the nightmares continued they were scary to Taehyung but Jungkook was there each time so that somewhat made him feel better

as the weeks went on the space between the two in the bed got smaller Jungkook was happy he knew that in no time he would be cuddling his husband once again

it helped that they had a date night twice a week it felt as if they were getting closer, Jungkook believed Taehyung was actually falling for him all over again

tonight was Friday so that mean date night! Jungkook wanted to go to the zoo but Tae really wanted to go to the bar, Jungkook wasn't too fond of the idea at first but then he realized he would be able to dance with the older and that changed his mind 100% so it was a yes to the bar

although Jungkook soon regretted bringing Tae to the bar, Jungkook went to the bar to get a couple drinks for them and when he turned around his heart shattered seeing Taehyung dancing with a female instead.

A/N: next chapter should be better maybe a little longer too

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