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Finally the long drive was over and the boys had arrived at Jungkook's childhood home.

Tae and Kook had sat in the car for a little bit because Taehyung couldn't stop looking all around, he thought it was such a cute house and neighborhood it looked really friendly and very beautiful. For some reason he was actually feeling comfortable? Like he had been here before, which is accurate cause he grew up here as well but he couldn't remember that.

"Are you ready my love ?" the younger had asked grabbing his husband's beautiful warm hand.

With a nod and smile on his face they both stepped out of the vehicle and headed to the front door.

"Oh my son you're home" Jungkook's mother exclaimed but she wasn't talking to him.

"Come in hurry we've missed you so much" she said to Taehyung wrapping her arm around him and pushing him into the house, completely ignoring her real son that she actually gave birth to.

"I guess I'll get the luggage myself" Jungkook said to himself as he watch his husband walk away with his parents were into the house.

(Jisoo will be jks moms name)

Jisoo immediately took Taehyung to the couch and sat him down never letting go of his hands which he didn't mind if felt very comforting.

"Oh Taehyung it's so good to see you again it's been so long my handsome son in law, how are you doing? How have you been adjusting to all of this? I'm sure it must be difficult? " she asked multiple questions very politely and sweet, very motherly like. Taehyung couldn't help but smile at her warmly even though he didn't recognize her or remember her, He could feel her love through her words and tone.

"Its so lovely to meet you again" he responded with a light chuckle

"I'm doing okay I guess. Things are a little hard because I can't remember literally anything from before but I'm adjusting well and getting used to what my life is now"

She smiled at him bring him in for a big hug.

"Aiii you've gotten so skinny is my son not feeding you well? do I need to knock some sense into him?" she asked jokingly as Tae laughed along with her.

"No no that's okay Jungkook is feeding me very well, he's taking good care of me he treats me so good. He treats me better then I deserve" he said and the mood kind of shifted from there, Jisoo could tell something was wrong but didn't want to pride right this second because her son was now joining them in the house.

Jungkook hugged his dad and his mom after finally getting everything from the car by himself because he was clearly forgotten but he didn't mind, he understood why.

"Kookie why don't you show Tae around while I get dinner started for all of us" his mother insisted and he did as told, grabbing Taehyung's hand he pulled him into the direction of his old bedroom which he used to share with the older after his parents had passed.

Tae looked all over the bedroom after entering, his face looked confused, Jungkook was of course concerned wondering what he was thinking at the moment. "Everything okay honey?"

"Yes sorry everything's fine it's just the smell and the look of this room is feeling so familiar too me, it's not bringing back any memories but I can feel it in my body, like my body is telling me I know this place" he explained and that was such a good sign for the couple, it was a start to getting his memory back.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at that.

The younger grabbed Taehyung's shirt pulling it down lightly directing the older to sit down on the bottom bed of the bunk beds that was in the room.

Jungkook had so many memories in this room with Taehyung from age 5 till he was 18, when they had officially moved out together, he just wanted a little alone time to be able to share those memories with his husband.

"If you're okay with it I'd like to tell you stories of the things we used to do here" he said happily with a smile on his face and Taehyung was completely okay with it.

They ended up laying down both facing each other, Jungkook pushed his husbands hair out of his face as he began to tell him all the crazy things they used to do as kids, like pretend to be superhero's together always wearing their capes and mask playing like crazy all day long.
All the holidays they would spend together in this room, All of these stories left a smile on Jungkook's face and Taehyung's too.

They were such nice memories and sounded so sweet and innocent Taehyung loved hearing all about it and was very touched that Jungkook remembered all of this and was sharing it with him.

"You know this was the exact spot we were at when I kissed you for the first time" he told the older and Tae felt a blush rising on his cheeks he didn't know why but he was okay with it "oh wow this exact spot huh" he said teasing the younger.

Jungkook nodded his head and then placed his hand on his husbands cheek which then started making this moment a little too real for Taehyung, he didn't know what was gonna happen next but from the look in Jungkook's eyes and the way he was licking his lips while staring so Intensely at the older he had a feeling Jungkook was about to plant one on him.

Although Taehyung was extremely nervous and scared, he didn't want to ruin the moment he didn't want to cause any harm and he knew this was bound to happen sooner or later I mean he's married to the guy and he needs to start acting like it if he wanted to make things work for the sake of his husbands heart not breaking and for trying his hardest to regain his memory.

He thought maybe if he started doing more with Jungkook then just maybe his memory would start putting pieces together.

"This was also the first place we made out"

"Oh what else" Taehyung couldn't help it he felt like he needed to match Jungkook's energy and flirting back even though it was making him embarrassed and very shy.

"This was the first place that I went down on you" Jungkook whispered out closely to Taehyung's ear very seductively making Taehyung shiver down his spine.

At this point Jungkook's mind was going to a very dirty place but he couldn't help it. He was laying in the bed with his husband were they had all of their firsts at.

And At this point Taehyung was realizing that maybe he was a little gay because after Jungkook had said that in his ear he couldn't help but to picture it in his mind, picturing Jungkook's head in between his legs doing dirty things to him.

Tae was fighting a huge battle in his head and Jungkook could tell because he looked zoned out completely.

"IM sorry Tae really I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable I promise I just thought if I told you these things that maybe you would remember what we used to do in here" he said apologetically as he was sitting up and bringing Tae to sit up with him as well.

"It's okay Jeon it's not that, it's just... can I tell you something Jeon?"

A/n : smut or nah?


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