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( not edited )

The drive home was quiet all Jungkook wanted to do was talk to Taehyung and catch him up on everything and just tell him how much he missed him but he didn't want to overwhelm the older he figured that this all has to be even harder on Taehyung so he's gonna let him relax

"Are we almost there" Taehyung spoke up from the back seat where he insisted on sitting

"Yeah, does any of this look familiar" Jungkook asked him hoping that it would be, he's desperate for Taehyung to remember anything at this point

Taehyung shook his head Jungkook didn't get his hopes up but he still felt broken by that answer

Jungkook reaches his hand into the back seat and grabbed the elders hand rubbing it soothingly, the touch was foreign to Taehyung but he decided to accept the comfort that his so called husband was giving him

After a few more minutes of driving in silence they finally made it home, Taehyung's eyes widened once they pulled into the drive way of the most unique vintage house he's ever seen "yo-you live here" he asked shyly once Jungkook helped him get out of the car

"No" Jungkook said and disappointment and confusion filled the elders brain

"We live here" he then whispered to him as he helped him walk up the steps and into his house, Taehyung let a slim smile rest on his face it was the best he could give right now

Maybe his own home would bring back some memories but also maybe not

Jungkook put the olders bags in his bedroom before rushing back in the living room to see Taehyung staring intently at the paintings on the wall, he loved them

"These are beautiful, who's the artist" Jungkook couldn't help but to let out a giggle as he walked up behind him

"You are Taehyung" once heading that the older turned around surprised how could he be the artist he didn't even know he had that talent, he doesn't know anything and it's stressing him out

Jungkook could see the look of confusion on his face so he grabbed his hand and headed towards the bedroom.

"Your clothes are over there but you usually like wearing one of my t-shirts to bed so I one on the dresser for you" Jungkook pointed out and the elder stood there confused

lack of understanding; uncertainty.
the state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something.

Too much of confusion going around between the two it felt as if it was never going to get better

"You'll sleep here and I'll sleep on the couch, I'll get you some water let me know if you need anything else"

After Taehyung had gotten fully dressed in his pajamas he laid in his extremely large yet soft bed, there was more then enough room for Jungkook to sleep here 'maybe I should ask him to sleep with me' the idea was quickly shook out of his head when he saw the younger making his way into the bedroom with a glass of water

It would be to awkward anyways he told himself

Before Jungkook could make his way out of the bedroom to leave Taehyung to sleep his hand was grabbed on to

Jungkook looked back to see his beautiful husband holding on to his hand

The look in the elders eyes was heartbreaking knowing that Taehyung was upset and he couldn't do anything to make it better hurt him, he hated knowing that Tae was so confused and he couldn't fix it

He's his husband he's supposed to be the one for his man to lean on he's supposed to wipe his baby's tears to take care of him to make sure he's always smiling and happy but in this moment and situation there was nothing he could do to help him

"I know my love" he said to him wiping the tear that trailed down the elders face

Taehyung felt pathetic crying like this in front of a stranger who he knew wasn't an actual stranger to him but it's not his fault he felt that way

He couldn't even speak to Jungkook the words couldn't come out he didn't even know what he want but luckily Jungkook knew him better than he knew himself

"Get some rest and tomorrow I'll tell you everything, and who knows maybe some things will come back to you"

"It's a working progress"

And with that the lights were turned off and the younger left the room.

Tomorrow was a day Taehyung was looking forward too, maybe some closure would be given to him as well

A/n: sorry for taking forever to update
I suck but anyways here's the only taekook photos I got from the BTS concert

A/n: sorry for taking forever to update I suck but anyways here's the only taekook photos I got from the BTS concert

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