Chapter 29- Grandma's Letter

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Harper POV

Monday. Today was the first day Jade would be back at work after taking care of her Grandma. It was her first day back after the Denver fiasco. I cannot believe how excited and nervous I am for her to be back. I do not know why I am nervous, though. Maybe it is because I saw her at what she would say was her worst. I, however, could not be prouder of how she handled herself. She was always so strong but in Denver, I was stunned by the strength she had at composing herself despite the pain she was going through. She is the bravest and strongest woman I know. She was willing to put the company first. First. Before her needs, she thought of the betterment of the company. She thought of how hard I worked on that business deal and did not want my efforts to go to waste. She is the most selfless person I know. She certainly deserves everything good in life.

I need to remember to talk to Rob about giving her a raise, bonus, or some type of gift to show how much I appreciate everything she does for the company and everything that she does for me. I do not know how I would function without her here. I am quite certain that the company would take a loss because I would not be able to hold myself together.

I do not know how I managed before she came to work for me. She is the glue that holds this company together. She is the oil that keeps this machine running smoothly. She knows every nook and cranny of this business, inside and out. In fact, I think that she could probably run this company better than I, though I know she would not enjoy that or the pressure that comes with it. Maybe that is why we work so well together. She can focus on the details, while I am the face. I can handle the pressure that comes with being the head of the company, but the longer I work, the more the details seem less appealing to deal with.

Suddenly, I look at the time, pulling myself out of my thoughts. Jade is supposed to be here in just a few minutes. I need to pull myself together. I left my office to go get a cup of coffee, hoping that it would help me focus on the tasks ahead rather than the person who would be sitting right outside my office door.

The rest of the day came and went as it normally did. Nothing out of the norm happened. I do not know why I was nervous about seeing Jade. Aside from thanking me again when she first came in, she went about her tasks as if Denver never happened. Jade truly is a model employee. She is the most efficient employee we have ever had, more so than even Rob or me. I was glad that our trip to Denver had not affected her work as I feared it would. She did not skip a beat at all today, no matter what was thrown her way.

By the time the workday came to an end, I decided to treat her to dinner. I rang her phone to see if she was available.

"Yes, Mr. Lewis. What can I do for you?" Jade asked.

"Ms. Williams, do you have plans for dinner?" I boldly asked.

"Well, sir. I have no groceries, so I had thought about making something after doing some grocery shopping, but I don't know yet what I will make." She replied.

"I was wondering if you would accompany me to dinner tonight?" I asked. There was suddenly a silence on the other end. I was beginning to think that she hung up on me.

"Um..." She said, pausing again. "I suppose, if I don't have to cook my dinner, then I can relax at home earlier than I would otherwise."

"So, is that a yes, Ms. Williams?" I asked.

"Oh. Yes sir. Dinner sounds fun. Thank you, Sir."

"You are most welcome. I know that you have been busy taking care of Grandma Jean, so I thought you deserved to be treated to a nice, relaxing dinner. I will send my driver to pick you up from your place in a half hour. Will that be enough time for you to get home and changed?" I asked.

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