Chapter 14- Don't Do Anything Rash

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As I left James' apartment to find my car, I felt like I was having an out of body experience. My body just felt like it was floating. I was numb to the world, but I was furious with him. I could not believe that James would do that. Specifically, I could not believe that he would do that to me. I thought that he loved me. I certainly loved him. I had pictured us raising our children together, growing old together, a happily ever after...together. I was brokenhearted, frustrated, livid, sad, and beginning to think that I would never have that fairy tale ending that was so often portrayed in Disney and romance movies.

I found my car and began to drive home. I was at a loss on what to do or think. I naturally thought about throwing myself into work because it was a distraction. I always used work as a distraction from my overwhelming thoughts. Then it hit me. Work! I could not go back there! I could not face James without having a breakdown in the middle of the café. What on earth was I going to do? I needed to come up with something. I decided to call Jessie as soon as I got home.

"Hey Jade!" Jessie said as she answered her phone.

"Hi Jessie." I responded with a sigh.

"What's up Chica? Something sounds off in your voice. Are you sick?" She asked and I could hear the concern in her voice.

"No, not really. I feel like it though." I replied\

. There was some truth to it. I felt horrible. I could tell my face was swollen from crying, my stomach was turning over itself like it was its job, and it felt like my heart had been run over by a cement truck.

"Oh. What happened?"

"Well, I don't know that I really want to go into that right now." I said trying to keep from becoming a blubbering, sobbing mess over the phone. "Do you think that it would be alright if I asked Mr. Sullivan to split my shifts between you and James for the next few weeks?"

"Jade?! What is going on?" Jessie asked. She sounded thoroughly alarmed by this point, but I was silent, trying to get a hold on my emotions.

"What happened, Jade?" She asked me again.

"Like I said, I don't know that I want to go into it right now, but I think that I need to go home for a bit until I have figured everything out." I replied, trying to stay calm but a sniffle escaped despite trying my best to hide it.

"Oh, Jade! Okay sweetheart. I would be more than willing to take on any shifts I can to help you out. And when you are ready to talk, please know that I am here for you."

"Thanks Jessie. I will talk to you later. Okay?"

"Yes. Sure Jade." She replied, still with concern in her voice. "Let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Bye Jessie"

"Bye Jade."

With that, I hung up and called Mr. Sullivan. He did not exactly like that I was up and leaving so soon without much of an excuse. I told him that it was a very personal issue and that I needed time off. I told him that I would not take paid time off or paid vacation time if it would make it easier on him, it would just be an unpaid, unscheduled vacation. He seemed to like that idea as it meant no loss in his pocket, so he agreed. I thanked him for allowing me to do this and told him that it was kind and understanding of him. I also told him that Jessie agreed to take as many of my scheduled hours as necessary, but James could also take on some (not that I talked to James about it). He was appreciative that I took initiative to check with my coworkers.

"You don't always find someone who takes that kind of initiative and puts others' feelings and needs first like that, Jade. We will miss you at work. You are one of my best employees. I would hate to lose you, but please figure out whatever it is that you need to sort through." He told me.

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