Chapter 21- Going Back Home

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Grandma ended up staying in the hospital for just over a week. The doctor was pleased with how she was recovering and decided that she could go home but would need to have help at home. I stayed at my parents' house for 3 days and headed back home on Monday. I went back to work on Tuesday much to the surprise of Mr. Lewis and Anna. I told him I was going to be back, so he should not have been caught off guard with me sitting at my desk Tuesday morning when he arrived. I wanted to get there early to catch up the work that I had missed.

"Ms. Williams, I would like to see you in my office." Mr. Lewis said.

"Yes Mr. Lewis." I responded. Oh, great. What did I do? I wondered to myself and walked into his office.

"Ms. Williams, I want you to know that while your presence was indeed missed, family is important and I want you to take this seriously when I tell you, family comes first. It is something that I have had regrets over in the past and I do not want that to happen to you. Please, do not make the same mistakes that I have made."

Wow! I was not expecting that! I thought to myself.

"Uh...Y-yes Mr. Lewis, sir. I-I just wanted to get caught up here this week. I may have to go back for a week or two to help take care of Grandma at home. I have enough vacation time and PTO that would cover my absence. I just don't like leaving for that long. It isn't fair to you or Anna when I take long leaves." I replied honestly.

"Jade," he said.

Oh no. There is the "Jade" again.

"I want you to know that you are indeed an integral part of this company, but a good company is like a family. Each family has integral parts. Grandparents are important in families. They are the ones to pass on traditions of the past generations, to pass on wisdom to the younger generations, and they can be the glue to hold current generations together. Jade, I was without my grandparents at an early age and I never had the chance to be as close to them as you are to your grandma. Please, take as much time as you need to help your grandma. This is a very crucial time for her healing. If you feel the need to be there for her, do not hesitate to go. We will work out the details for keeping up with everything here. We have the technology to do virtual meetings and email to keep in contact with our clients. There is no reason that you could not work there for the next few weeks. If for some reason, we would end up needing you here, I will not hesitate to set up a flight plan for you right away."

"I-I don't know what to say Mr. Lewis." I said.

"Thank you." I said softly, holding back tears again. I did not want to cry in front of Mr. Lewis. I was an ugly crier, and I did not want to show that side of me to him. I know that I cried on the phone with him before, but he has not seen it in person. I told myself to breath a few times and was able to get ahold of my emotions.

"You are most welcome, Ms. Williams. Let me know when you will be heading back to your grandma and I will have a jet ready to take you there."

"Mr. Lewis, that is not necessary. I could not ask you to do that. That is for company trips, not personal ones."

"Ms. Williams, I believe that my personal jet, is for personal use. And if it would make you feel better, I can accompany you, so that you are not flying alone."

Okay then. What is going on with him? I am just an employee. He has never offered this to anyone before, at least not for the last three years I have been here. I thought.

"O-okay, Mr. Lewis." I replied.

"Besides, I would like to meet the Grandma who is so special to you, since I never had that with mine." He said a bit regrettably.

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