Chapter 16- Trying to Catch Jade

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James POV

I got in my car and raced to Jade's apartment. I had to get there. I did not even care if I was speeding across town. I had to get to her. I was most of the way to her apartment. I was trying my best to get there responsibly, but I really needed to talk with her, to see her. I was getting closer but something coming my way caught my eye. It was Jade! She was driving the opposite direction from her apartment. Now I had to find a place to turn around.

Where is she going? I wondered before realization slapped me across my face. She was heading towards the freeway. I just knew it. Of course! She was heading home. Her family was like her rock. She always said she could count on her family when nothing else made sense. Her family was awfully close with each other. She used to say that there were no secrets between her and her sisters. She said that her mom was the one who would comfort her when things always seemed to go wrong in high school or when she moved. I knew where she was heading. I knew what I needed to do next.

I turned my car around and headed to the freeway, taking the exit to go to Jade's parents' house. I then called Mrs. Williams.

"Dang! Of course, I would get stopped by a red light!" I yelled to myself while hitting the steering wheel.

"Hello, James" Mrs. Williams answered as I was yelling.

"Hi Mrs. Williams." I replied dejectedly.

"James, how many times do I have to tell you? Please call me Bailey." She said, reprimanding me like she does every time I called her Mrs. Williams.

"I know, but I just haven't felt comfortable doing that yet." I replied honestly, hoping that she caught the sincerity in my voice.

"Alright, that's fine." She said, but I could tell there was something on her mind.

"James, what is going on?" She asked. I guess she beat me to it.

"Well..." I began and then paused. "I need to talk to Jade. I made a mistake and need to talk to her. Do you know where she is?" I asked, just hoping, and praying, that Bailey would know where I could find Jade. Why is this light taking so long!? I thought to myself.

"Actually, she just said that she was on her way here. She said that she should be here in an hour. James. I would like to know what is going on with my baby girl. Could you please tell me what is going on?" She asked.

"I would like to talk to Jade first, Mrs. Will...Bailey. I need to see her. I need to set things straight. I am on my way there. I should be there shortly after she gets there." I told her.

"Okay. I guess I will just have to wait to find out what is happening. Just drive carefully, please. Driving recklessly is not going to solve whatever is happening. Alright James?"

"Okay Mrs. Williams. Thank you." I said and ended the call.

The light finally changed, and I was off. I took the exit towards the Williams' house. I kept Mrs. William's advice in mind about driving. As much as I wanted to fly, I knew it was wiser to drive responsibly. I had to catch Jade. I had to. I had to make sure she was okay. I could not let her go like this. I kept thinking that I would see her car. I knew she was heading home, but I did not see her car, anywhere. I did not think that she was that far ahead of me. I knew that she was not one to speed, especially if she was as emotional as I was feeling.

I hit the steering wheel again. I began to think while I was driving. I needed to figure out what was going through my head last night.

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