Chapter 25- Denver Part 2

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The meeting went well. We were able to discuss the goals of the company and how we would be working on a plan to present to them the next day before letting them decide if they were wanting to become our clients. By the time we were done for the day, it was time for dinner. Mr. Lewis treated all of us that were in the meeting to dinner. It was his way of saying thank you for sitting with us all day discussing business.

We had a great dinner. There were lots of laughing and a few drinks were tipped back. I only had a glass of wine that I sipped on. I still was hesitant in drinking anything after that night three years ago, especially when I was out of my home with other people. Mr. Lewis had a few glasses of wine. It was good wine, and extremely expensive. After the clients finished off the bottle, we sat around and talked a while longer before taking our leave. I had a good feeling that they would be new clients with us in no time.

After we made our way back to the hotel, I noticed the time. It was well after 9 PM. I knew that I would have to get up early and head to the coffee shop first thing. I quietly began to get ready for bed.

"Mr. Lewis?" I asked.

"Yes, Ms. Williams." He replied, slurring his S's on each word.

"Do you need the bathroom at all? I would like to take a shower."

"Oh, um. No, I don't think I do." He said. "But Ms. Williams, I would like to hear this story that you have to tell."

"Ah, yes." I said slightly embarrassed that he remembered that. "I will tell you after I am done in the bathroom, promise." I said and walked in the bathroom to shower.

I showered quickly, put on my pajamas, then headed out to face my boss and recall the past. As I looked around the room for Mr. Lewis, I found him lying on the loveseat, fast asleep, still in his suit and tie. I went over to wake him up and had a difficult time doing so. I mustered up all my strength and carried him to the bed. Okay, I half carried, half dragged him. He was a heavy sleeper, and he was way more built than I had imagined. I felt like I was trying to move a car to the bed. Once I got him to the bed, I took his jacket and tie off, and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, I then set the jacket and tie on the back of the chair that was at the desk. I made sure that he another suit in the closet before attempting to try to save his pants from wrinkling. Luckily for me, he did. I covered up Mr. Lewis, plugged in his phone, and climbed into the other side of the bed, making sure to fix the pillow barrier between us. I set my alarm for an hour earlier than this morning and closed my eyes. I tried so hard to calm my thoughts, but they kept racing to the past, stirring up memories and feelings that I had tried my best to forget. Before I knew it, I was silently crying myself to sleep.

The morning came quickly. I did not want to face James even after all this time. I knew it would bring up the memories and emotions that came with revisiting the past. However, I had promised to talk with him and to my luck, I had a schedule to stick to this morning and I could not be late. I proceeded to ready myself for the day. I even packed my bags as I would be going back to Grandma's home after we concluded the meeting this evening. I looked over to the bed to see if Mr. Lewis was awake yet. He was still asleep, snoring ever so slightly. I left a couple of Ibuprofen pills and a glass of water in case he needed it on the nightstand beside his phone. I also decided to leave a note to let him know where I was off to.

Mr. Lewis,

Please take the Ibuprofen if you need it. I had a meeting at the coffee shop just down the road. If you would like me to have your usual ready, let me know when you are on your way there and I will place an order for you. Please forgive me for leaving so early, I know this will take a while and I did not want to be late for our meeting this morning.

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