Chapter 10 - The Doctor Is In

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The next day, I was on time to work, early even. I got everything started for the day. I felt like it was going to be a great day for me. I felt like it may even be a fresh start. There was just something about today that had me smiling to myself, despite all the horrible feelings I had had recently.

I unlocked the doors to open the café at 7. Jessie came in right after I that. She was chipper, too. 

Maybe something good really will happen today if we are both feeling this way. I thought.

"Good morning Jade." Jessie said in a singsong voice.

"Good morning Jessie." I replied with a little laughter behind my voice. "What has you all chipper this morning?"

"I don't know Jade. I just have a feeling about today. It feels like something really good is going to happen today."

Okay, I was officially convinced: it would be a great day.

"You know? I was thinking the same thing." I told her with a smile on my face.

We looked at each other and smiled at one another before we got back to work. I told her that James and I discussed her work that she had been doing lately and that she has done wonderfully with holding down the fort while I was away. I thought I might have scared her a little because she got super nervous at first. I then told her about her bonus. She was so grateful that she almost cried. I gave her a hug and she just smiled so big.

"See? I told you something great was going to happen today." Jessie said. "Thank you so much Jade!"

"You are most welcome, Jessie. You have earned it!" I replied.

"Jessie? Have you ever thought about a managerial position before?" I asked her.

"Well, no not really. I never really thought I could handle being a manager."

"Jessie. Do you realize that you were acting manager all last week?"

"That doesn't count. James was here."

"He wasn't here most of the time that you were. His shift is after yours. You were acting manager last week during the day, the busy times. YOU did it, not James. I think that you have great leadership and would make a great manager. You should think about it some more. I will talk to James and see if we can't get you into that managerial position, if you want it, of course." I said to her.

"Really? You really think so?" She asked me, genuinely seeking the truth.

"Ab-so-rootin-tootly I do!" I said in the best southern drawl I could muster. It had the effect I was going for.

"Oh thank you Jade! I will most definitely think about it and get back to you. When do you need to know?"

"Let me know by Monday next week. That will give you time to think on it and give James and I time to prepare for another manager." I replied just as the bell chimes alerting us to a customer.

"Good morning Dr. Loren!" I said beaming at one of my favorite customers (I knew you shouldn't have favorites, but he was one of mine). Dr. Loren was a wonderful man. He had a fatherly feel to him. As well as a genuine concern for each of his students. I met Dr. Loren when I was taking business classes at Adler U. He had a great talk with me about my career and what I was hoping to get out of my education. I owe a lot of my success at the coffee shop to him. He showed me how to tap into my confidence and use it to lead others. While I have not earned my degree from Adler yet, he has been huge support for me.

"Good morning, Jade. Good morning, Jessie." Dr. Loren said to us with a smile.

"What can I make for you today?" I asked him.

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