Chapter 18- Adapting

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I made it to my parents' house and sent a message to Jessie. I asked her to let me know what James' schedule was so that I could move out of my apartment without the thought of him showing up. Luckily, he was scheduled for each evening of that week, so I was able to pack up most of my items and move them in no time, especially with the help of my parents and brothers.

Amanda finally called me back. It was after I was officially moved out of the apartment and temporarily back into my parents'. I still had not told anyone of my plans. In fact, I still had not acted on the inspiration that literally dropped at my feet the night in the hotel. That was the next thing on my agenda. I needed to call the number on the card. I had convinced myself that he would not remember me. I had convinced myself that I was crazy for hoping he would remember me. However, I was 100% convinced that this was a chance I needed to take. So I called the number on the card when both of my parents were at work. The call was answered after three rings.

"Hello. This is Harper. How may I help you?" The voice on the other line answered.

"Um. Hi. Mr. Lewis. You, um, might not remember me, but my name is Jade Williams. I met you a year or so ago when you-" I was suddenly cut off before I could finish.

"Yes! Jade! You were the one Dr. Loren wanted me to meet." He said enthusiastically.

"Y-yes. That's right, Mr. Lewis. I am surprised you remembered." I said shyly.

"I don't think that I could forget someone whom Dr. Loren speaks so highly of. Besides, I believe that I offered you a position in my business which you politely declined. Does this call have anything to do with that offer?" He asked.

"Well, yes, actually it does. I hope that I am not being too forward by calling to see if your offer is still available." I said, though it was more of a question than a statement.

"Of course the position is still available, Ms. Williams. Dr. Loren is someone who I trust, especially in his ability to judge character. He had nothing but praise when speaking of you. Have you finished your degree yet?" He asked. He must have recalled that I was still working on it when we met in Dr. Loren's office last year.

"No, sir. I have not. Will that be an issue for the job?" I asked, beginning to worry that I may not have a chance for this change to happen.

"That will not be an issue at all Ms. Williams. If I recall, you have all of the business classes already under your belt, so there is no need to worry. When do you think you can venture this way to start?" He asked.

"Well sir, I am available as soon as possible. However, don't I need to place an application in for the job? And also, what is the position that I would be taking?" I asked, slightly confused with the way this conversation was going.

"Yes, I will email you the application, though it is merely a formality. I would like you to be my personal assistant, Ms. Williams. Dr. Loren thought it would be the ideal position for you here at HL Pathways. He spoke highly of your abilities. He told me of all that you did for him when you were his TA. When you combine that with your expertise as a manager, that is great experience for becoming my PA." Mr. Lewis said confidently.

"What is the email address I should send the application to?" He asked me.

"Oh wow, Mr. Lewis. Y-your personal assistant? That, wow. Wouldn't you rather someone who has experience as a PA, instead of me, who has no experience?" I asked in a very uncertain voice.

"Ms. Williams, please don't underestimate your abilities. Dr. Loren would not have suggested the position if you couldn't handle it. As I previously stated, he spoke highly of you and I trust his judgement of you and your character. So, about that email address." He said and I could hear the smile on his face through the phone.

I gave him my email address and we discussed when I would begin. He said that I could begin in a week and would arrange an apartment for me according to what I was looking for. I told him that moving across country would be difficult for me and he told me he would send a moving truck to come move my things across the country. I told him it would not be necessary, but he insisted and who was I to argue with my future employer.

When my parents came home, I filled them in on what was happening. I told them that I got a new job, but that it was in LA. My mom was upset at losing her baby girl to a city that was hours away by plane, but she was proud that I was stepping out on my own. My dad, who rarely expresses his emotions, was clearly sad, but he composed himself and told me he was proud of the young lady I was becoming. They knew that this was brought on by my break-up with James, but they were proud that I was handling it in a responsible way. I knew it would be hard, but I was looking forward to starting over.

The week flew by. The movers came two days before I was scheduled to leave. Mr. Lewis said that he wanted me to take my time and that he would have the movers place everything in the correct rooms as long as the boxes were labeled. I had them all labeled and numbered so that I could keep track of the boxes and keep them organized. Maybe becoming a PA is a good thing. I thought.

My mom and dad had a hard time saying goodbye. My siblings all came by to see me and send me off. My grandma was able to swing by as well. It was good to see her. I knew I would miss everyone, but I had a sneaky suspicion that I would miss Grandma the most. I decided to leave my car with my parents to keep for me. I looked up the address of the apartment and the address to HL Pathways building, they were only a 5-minute walk from each other, so I decided a car was not a necessity for the move. I figured, if I ended up needing a car, I would fly back home some weekend and drive mine back to my new home.

True to his word, Mr. Lewis had the movers place the boxes into the corresponding rooms of my new apartment. It was a beautiful place. It exceeded what I had pictured. The door of the apartment opened into the entryway with ten-foot ceilings throughout. To the left of the entryway was the kitchen. The kitchen was modern and rustic. It had stainless steel appliances, a gas stove, an exposed brick wall, and a little eat-in area that would fit my dining table perfectly. To the right of the entryway and across from the kitchen was the living room. It was open with windows covering most of the wall. The windows had an industrial look about them, especially with the brick that was tiled on the wall. Continuing straight from the entryway was a hallway that led to a half bath on the left just passed the kitchen. The hallway then took a right turn that led to the bedroom. It had the same windows that the living room had, along with the tiled bricks. The windows faced southwest, so there would be plenty of sunshine available for any plants that I may want to try to grow. The apartment was so beautiful, that I was beginning to wonder how I would afford it. I decided that I would ask Mr. Harper about it when I began work on Monday. I had two days to get organized and begin adapting to my new life.

I could not believe the relief I felt having a new start away from all the heartaches and heartbreaks that happened back at Adler. I had my heartbroken so many times there. Looking back at my life there, I realized that even though I had great times there, I had some of the worst moments of my life there. I was so thankful for this chance, that I decided I would not mess it up. I decided that I would throw myself into my new job and do the best that I possibly could so that Mr. Lewis would not regret his choice of PA and so I would not let Dr. Loren down.

I was able to unpack all my belongings in those two days. I found a local market full of fresh food within a ten-minute walk from my building. This place was utterly amazing, it had everything I needed within walking distance. I was thankful for everything that Mr. Lewis blessed me with here in LA. I wanted to find a way to thank him, but I needed to get to know him first.

After all the unpacking was done, I set my alarm for the morning and then I finally sat down and caught my breath. I was in a new apartment, in a new city, in a new state, and had a new job. I felt, in a way, free and able to breathe. I was determined to make this new start the best thing it could be. I finally fell asleep and, surprisingly, had the most peaceful night's sleep that I had had in long time.

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