Chapter 23- Absence

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Narrative POV

While Jade was away, people at work noticed Harper was beginning to go back to his old ways of being shut in his office and only sticking to the meetings that were the most important, leaving all other meetings to be led by his second in command and CFO, Robert "Rob" Holdings. Rob thought something was wrong and knew something was wrong when Amy came in one morning unannounced. Harper hardly even gave her the light of day. He brushed her off telling her that he had meetings to attend that day and would not be available to spend time with her until after work. Amy was mad but seemed to shrug it off thinking he was just stressed. Rob went to check the calendar with the secretary, Anna, after Amy left and Harper's schedule was completely empty that day. Rob knew then that something was undoubtedly going on, so he went to check on Harper.

"Knock, knock" Rob said while knocking on the door to Harper's office. He did not hear a response, so he knocked again knowing Harper was inside.

"Come in." Commanded Harper harshly. "Oh, hello Rob." He said in a less harsh voice. He almost sounded disappointed. "What could I do for you?"

"Hey Boss. Could I talk to you for a bit?" Asked Rob.

"Sure. My day is wide open."

"Are you sure? I just heard Amy say that you had meetings all day and I didn't want to interrupt or interfere with your schedule, but thought I needed to talk to you."

"My schedule is nothing but open. I just didn't want to deal with her at the moment. I don't know what has gotten into me, but she is driving me crazy lately. What do you need to talk about?" Harper asked.

"Well. It is maybe a little personal and I do not want to overstep or step on any toes."

"Spit it out already, Rob."

"I've noticed that you have been a little on edge."

"Oh boy. Here we go."

"Oh, come on Harper. You know you feel it."

"You're right, Rob. I have noticed it lately. I don't know what is going on with me."

"Well...I think I may have an idea..."

There was an awkward pause for what seemed like a minute.

"Robert! Tell me what you are thinking! I am not going to just sit here and play a guessing game with you."

"Whoa Boss! Take a breath." Rob said with laughter building up behind his words as he tried so hard to say it just as Jade would.

"Rob." Harper said after taking a breath trying to calm himself down, realizing who Rob was imitating, which did help a little.

"Harper, as a good friend, I think that you may be suffering perhaps from a little case of jealousy."

"What?! You cannot be serious. I am not jealous of Amy." Harper said infuriatedly. "I have never seen her as much as look at another man. She would only look if they had more money than I had or if her daddy let her."

"Well, I can't argue with you on that." Said Rob. "No, I believe your jealousy is towards someone else. It may even be mixed with a little bit of discontentment or dare I say a broken heart."

"Rob what are you even talking about?" Harper asked, starting to get agitated with his friend who seemed to be enjoying this a little too much.

"Just tell me what you are talking about. I would say that I don't have all day, but we already covered that topic two minutes ago. So, please tell me before my patience runs out." Harper said.

"Yes, Boss. Of course, Boss." Rob replied with a smirk but noticed Harper's nostrils flare in anger and proceed to talk.

"I think that you are pining over someone. Someone who hasn't been around for a few weeks...I think that you feel something for an employee."

"What?! What are you even saying right now? I have never once formed a close relationship with any employees, Rob."

"Ouch! That hurts Harp."

"Rob that is not what I meant, and you know it."

"Yeah. As a friend, your friend, I know what you mean. Let me ask you something. How many coworkers or employees would you say that you are friends with?" Rob asked.

"Well, I suppose there are a few, but I mostly try to separate work-life from out-of-work life. You are one of my friends, most of the time."

"Again, ouch" Rob replied.

"I guess I would consider Linda a friend and the board members, probably."

"You are missing a very big one and big part of this company...More of a behind the scenes type of person that is the oil that keeps this place running smoothly for you." Rob said with another smirk on his face.

There was a pause in the conversation as Harper's mind was racing through what Rob said.

There's no way that Rob is talking about her. I don't have those kind of feelings for her, there's no way. He thought to himself.

Rob could see the struggle that was happening in Harper's mind. His face was an open book at the moment, which was a rare thing to behold. Rob watch the emotions play across his face, from frustration all the way to realization. He noticed there was a quick small smile at the end when Harper realized just who Rob was talking about. Suddenly, Harper stopped moving. He just sat there staring at the clock on the wall.

"Harper?...Are you alright?"

Harper furrowed his brows, nodded his head slightly, and stood up. He began to pace across the room, back and forth as the tide ebbs and flows. Rob could just tell by looking that Harper was deep inside his thoughts. He always paced when he was facing tough decisions.

Why would he be worried about this? Thought Rob.

"Just out of curiosity, what are you thinking about? Who are you thinking about?" Rob asked.

Harper stopped pacing and looked at him and with all the courage he could muster he spoke a name that he never thought he would say, at least not in these terms.


It was almost a whisper, so quiet that Rob almost missed what Harper said.

"You have been pining over her since she left, Harp." Rob said. "I didn't realize what was going on until today. I think you have some thinking to do, bud." Rob got up to leave so that Harper could process what was now running laps around his brain. Before he left, Rob stopped at the door and said one last thing.

"Harp, a piece of advice. I know this is not what you had envisioned for your life and I know you have been through this before but think about the big moments and milestones in your life now and in the future. Ask yourself who is with you in each of those moments beginning now. That is how I knew with Jen."

"Thanks Rob." Harper said as his friend left the office, closing the door on his way out. He knew what he had to do next. He had a phone call to make and a meeting to set up, one that he was sure would not go well.

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