Chapter 20- Grandma

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I was at work on a Thursday, about three years after I started working for Mr. Lewis, and I received a call from my mom. Typically, mom did not call when I was at work. She tried to wait until after I got home, as I had told her that I wanted to be as professional as possible. I decided to send the call to voicemail. If it were important, she would leave a message. The next thing I knew, Anna was paging me to tell me that I had a call. I asked her who it was, and she told me that it was my mother and it sounded urgent. Panic started to fill my body as I quickly picked up the line.

"Mom, is everything alright?" I asked, worry in my voice.

"Jade, something happened to Grandma. She is in the hospital. Dad took her. I don't know what is going on. It seems serious. Is there any way you can get here soon?" She asked me, talking so fast that I think she said it all in one breath.

"Um. Yes. Let me just tell Mr. Lewis that I need to leave. I will be on the first flight that I can get. I will text you when I know the details." I said hurriedly.

"Okay Jadie. Please be safe and hurry. I love you."

"I will be. Love you too Mom." I said and as soon as I hung up the phone, I rushed to Mr. Lewis' office. I knocked and waited for a reply as Amy was in there and I did not want to interrupt.

"Yes. Come in." Mr. Lewis said.

"Sorry to interrupt." I replied.

"Ms. Williams what is wrong?" He asked. Apparently, I could not keep the worry and distress off my face.

"Sir, my mom just called to tell me that there is something going on with my grandma and they rushed her to the hospital. Mom said it is serious and they don't know what is happening. She said that they would like me to come as soon as possible. Would it be alright if I left to go see her?" I asked, holding back the tears as best as possible, however, one escaped.

"Yes, of course Ms. Williams. Don't worry about your work here. I will have Ms. Smith help and delegate the rest out as needed."

"Thank you, Mr. Lewis. I genuinely appreciate it."

"Ms. Williams, please keep us posted and be careful. We will see you when you get back." Mr. Lewis replied.

"I will. Thank you." I said and quickly left the building. I rushed home, practically running. I had to remind myself to breathe so that I would not hyperventilate. Grandma and I were close. I would be devastated if anything happened to her while I was practically on the other side of the country.

I made it home and packed a small carry-on suitcase, figuring that if I needed to purchase more clothes, I would do that there. I had no idea how long I would be there for and I could always do laundry at my parents' house. I then called to get the first flight back to the home I grew up in or as close to that as possible. The next flight out was scheduled to leave in an hour and a half and only had first-class seating available. I took it not caring how much it would cost. It was worth it to see grandma. I made it to the airport in a cab and quickly made it to check-in and through security with time to spare. I was early enough that I was able to schedule a rental car while waiting for the plane to board. I was glad to have the contacts necessary through my job to be able to get last minute trips and rentals. I made a note to myself to thank Mr. Lewis, yet again, for his generosity in providing me with this job. It was truly a blessing.

As soon as the plane started boarding, I realized that I forgot to let mom know my plans. I quickly sent her a text telling her that I would be boarding the plane shortly and I had a rental car waiting at the airport for me. She replied saying thanks and to be careful. Grandma was in surgery and had been for an hour. The doctors had yet to come talk to them about what was happening, so they were all waiting around doing nothing but worrying. I guessed they were in about the same place I was, not able to do anything but wait.

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