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I decided to think for a bit while waiting for Komaru to get out of the bathroom. Why does everything have to be so confusing? I can never understand any of my feelings. Especially my ones towards Komaru. She's so perfect, and I never want to lose her. But, is that love? Is that what love feels like? No. It can't be love. I'm straight. And even if it was love, it would have to be in a platonic way. I can't romantically fall in love with a girl. I have Togami. So, if that's how I think, then why am I always questioning it? Am I in denial? No. I can't let dumb things like feelings distract me. I'm straight. I'm definitely straight. 

"Whatcha thinking about~"

I snapped out of my trance.

"Oh- uh- nothing. Hi Komaru."

"Toko, just tell me. You don't always have to be so secretive."

"W-well, I was thinking about Togami."

That was a complete lie.

"Ugh. You're always thinking about Togami. For the last time, he's obviously not into you like that. I'm really sorry, but I don't want you giving yourself false hope."

"Togami is just denying his true feelings for me! Deep down he cares about me! You'll see!"

Maybe I was the one denying feelings. But I wasn't going to admit that. Not yet. I don't even know if they're actual feelings or not. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. It was probably just the feeling of friendship, right? I mean, I've never really had a friend before so I was probably just unfamiliar with that feeling. Yes, that has to be it.

Makoto barged in, "Are you two fighting about Togami again? Seriously? Can't you guys ever go a day without fighting about a dumb, rich, boy?"

"He's not dumb!" I yelled back.

"Yes he is! And he'll never love you! Not the way you love him! So just give it up already!" Komaru looked at me, her face was all red and she looked like she was about to cry.

I started to tear up, too. Just seeing Komaru like that made me feel awful.

I hugged Komaru. She looked surprised, but, eventually, she hugged me back. 

"I'll leave you two alone, you can solve this yourselves." Makoto said, while walking out and closing the door behind him.

We hugged for a while, until Komaru let go.

She sniffled. "I just don't want you to get hurt when you except the truth. I care about you, Toko."

We stared at each other for a while. My hands were still grabbing onto her trembling arms.

Some time passed, but then she started leaning in, and I did too.

What was happening? I've never felt like this before.

We kissed.

(440 words-sorry if this chapter was short, I'll post more today.)

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