what now?

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Makoto stood at the door, looking around at both of us.

"I hate to ask, but I heard some noise and..."

Shit. He definitely knows.

"Well... were you guys... you know...?"

"Uhm..." Komaru said, she glanced at me and looked extremely panicked.

"Things just kind of happened and... so sorry you had to hear that, Makoto." Komaru looked down, hiding her face in embarrassment. 

"No I get it, just... uh... give me a heads up next time, so I can put on my headphones and listen to music first." Mokoto giggled, closing the door yet again.

Komaru sat back down next to me, both of our faces were completely flushed. We stayed silent for a bit, awkwardly picking at our hands and staring at the floor. Until, finally, Komaru spoke.

"That was... well..."

"Awkward?" I finished her sentence.

"Yeah hehe..." She was nervous, and I was too. Especially because of what I was about to do.

"I have to tell you something, Omaru." My palms started to sweat.

"What is it, Toki?" Toki? Oh well, I was calling her Omaru, so I guess It made sense.

"I have something to tell you... and it's really important..."

"Just spit it out already!" She joked, knowing It would make my face turn into a tomato.

"I-I really like you, I have ever since we met." I tried hiding my face, but it didn't work.

"Me too." I was shocked. How could someone as amazing as her like a pig like me?

She put her hand on my face. My eyes widened as I stared into hers. Was this happening again? It felt as if everything but her and me faded away. We were the only things that mattered. She pulled my face in and we kissed. It felt amazing, like I was in heaven. I wish it could never end. But, of course, just like all good things, it had to. We couldn't kiss forever. We eventually split our lips and looked at each other, giggling. I'm sure she felt great, too. 

"So... do you wanna be like... a couple now?"

"Yes! I'd love to!" Shit, did I sound too excited? She probably thinks I'm a total weirdo now, and I don't blame her. I'm a complete freak, I'm lucky to even have someone be remotely nice to me. No one is usually ever nice to smelly pigs. 

I glanced at the time, 10:54.

"W-we should probably go to bed soon, since we have school tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, lets get changed. I'll go in the bathroom."

"Or we could just... get changed in the s-same room?" I suggested.  Why did I say that? She probably thinks I'm a total creep now. I always mess everything up!

"You're right, I probably sound silly. You know... after we..." Thank god! She doesn't think of me badly. What did I worry so much for?

We both stripped and changed into our pajamas. I was trying not to look at her while changing, even though she was gorgeous. We both hopped in bed, snuggling up with each other. I felt so safe in her arms. She put her head on my shoulder, getting all comfy. We both eventually drifted off and fell asleep. My life felt perfect. We were in our own little bubble, and nothing could harm us, as long as we were together.

(537 words-I hope you guys are enjoying this story! :) )

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