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Well, I suppose this was coming sooner or later, but, since Komaru isn't always the perfect person to help me with mental health problems, she's making me find a therapist. I've been dreading this for a while but now she's forcing me to go. 

"Oh c'mon Toko, it won't be that bad. I promise."

"I don't need a therapist, I can help myself."

"It didn't seem like that when you were on the roof."


"Listen, I'm really sorry, but it's the truth. You need someone that can help you better than I can. I don't ever want anything like that to ever happen again."

"Alright, fine. I'll go. But don't expect me to like it or anything."

"I know, I'll prepare for plenty of complaints when you get home." she giggled.

"Are you guys ready?" Makoto asked, peeping through the door.

"Yep, all ready to go! Right, Toko?"


We went outside and sat in the two back seats of the car. Makoto sat in the front, since he was the one driving. The car ride there was weird. I just kind of stared out the window and tuned out whatever Komaru was saying to me. I normally do my best to listen to her, but today got me thinking, what if I get a bad therapist? What if I get sent to a mental hospital? I really hope that doesn't happen. Last thing I want is to get stuck with a bunch of crazy people for a week. 

I crossed my fingers, hoping for a good therapist. I can't stand ones who take everything too seriously. 

The car slowly came to a stop, and I realized that we had arrived.

"Okay Toki, you're gonna tell your therapist the truth right?"


"And you're gonna listen to what they say?"


"Alright." Komaru pulled me in for a hug and then said "I love you" before saying goodbye and hopping in the car to go back home. They should be picking me up in about an hour, so now I guess I have to go in.

(A/N: I apologize if this isn't very well written or correct, I've never really been to a therapist before. My only experience is that I have to meet with a student counselor every week about my mental health lmao😍)

I walk into a room with man sitting at a desk, he then suddenly fixed his posture, looked up at me, and smiled.

"Hello! You're Toko Fukawa, right?"

"Uh-uhm, yeah."

"Pleasure to meet you, Fukawa! I'm Ryuuji Takasu, feel free to call me Ryuuji." 

(A/N: toradora reference pog)

"Good to meet you, too."

"So, I've heard about some stuff from Komaru, I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"Oh- uhm- It's fine."

"Don't worry, she didn't really tell me anything else, that was just her main concern. I only want you to share with me what you're comfortable with sharing."

To be honest, I wasn't comfortable sharing anything with this guy. I mean, I had just met him. Sure, he seemed nice, but to me he was a total stranger. What was his name again? Ryota or something? Ryuuji? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Ryuuji.

"You alright there?"

I snapped out of my trance.

"Oh, yeah, sorry! I must've zoned out."

"Completely fine! It happens to everyone! Now, you can share whatever you want with me, or, you can share nothing at all and we can just talk about healthy coping methods, if you're alright with that."

"I'm not too sure if I'm comfortable with sharing yet."

"Ok, then how have you been coping with whatever happened?"

"I usually talk to Komaru, but if she's not around then I just sleep or write."

"Oh, yeah! You're a writer, correct?"

"I mean, I guess."

"Cool! I'm sure you're very good at it."

"I wouldn't go that far."

"Don't put yourself down! Have confidence! Having unearned confidence is part of human nature."

This therapist guy really is something. I thought a therapist would bore me to death. He respects my boundaries, makes occasional jokes, and he actually has a personality. I've never had a therapist before, but I'd say he's pretty good.


My phone buzzed, how embarrassing. My first day with a therapist and I'm already being interrupted by my phone.

"You can check your phone, I don't mind. This is supposed to be a safe place, you're allowed to have freedom and make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the notification. A text from Komaru, just as expected.

From: Komaru :)

hihi! hows therapy going??? <33

pretty good i guess

great to hear!! i'll see you in a bit ily!!!!

love you too :)

 I turn my phone off and place it down on my lap, looking up and back at my therapist. 

"Alrighty, let's continue."

We went on with the rest of the session, talking about things, earning trust. Well, turns out I got fairly lucky with a therapist. My expectations were pretty low so I suppose this was a pleasant surprise. When it was time for me to leave, I walked outside, and there was Komaru. She looked like she had been waiting a bit for me to come out. 

"Toki!" She ran and hugged me, then keeping her hands on my shoulders, she looked at me with a mixed expression of excitement and worry. "How was it?"

"Uhm, I guess it was better than what I was expecting."

"YAY!" She hugged me again. "I'm so happy that you're happy!"

"Wha-what? I never said I was happy."

"Oh c'mon, I've known you for a while, I can tell when you're happy!" She smiled and blushed a bit. She pushed a flyaway hair of mine behind my ear and then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car. During the car ride, she had tons of questions. I knew she would be like this, but I din't think it would be this bad. Oh well, that's Komaru for you. It's actually pretty cute. 

"We're home!" Makoto turned around to look at us. "Gee Komaru, you sure can be a chatterbox."

"Gee Makoto, you sure can be the annoying older brother." Komaru scoffed.

Makoto and Komaru then burst out into laughter knowing that they were both just teasing each other. I wish I had a sibling. Sometimes, I envy Komaru for having such a good relationship with her older brother. I can only dream of it, though. But, on the plus side, I don't have someone constantly annoying me. We got out of the car and went inside, flipping on the lights and taking our shoes off. Makoto sat on the couch and went on his phone, and Komaru and I went upstairs to go watch Netflix or something.

(A/N: not Netflix and Chill you dirty minded freak😐)

Wesat down on our bed ,adjusting the pillows and turning on She-Ra.

(Another A/N (sorry): Yes I have a she-ra obsession what about it)

I guess sometime after that we eventually fell asleep. The last thing I remember watching before dozing off was Adora, Bow, and Glimmer going to the Crimson Waste.

(1156 words- omfg why did it take me so long to write this chapter im sorry guys also if this sucks sorry about that too)

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