meeting her.

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(Toko POV) Side note: this takes place in a slightly different reality where Toko met Komaru in a completely different way.

It all started the day I met her. The day that my life completely changed for the better. She makes me feel special, like maybe I'm not just the ugly pig Togami makes me out to be. I remember the day I met her like it was yesterday, maybe because it was just a week ago. I was walking home from school, trying not to get lost within the crowd of kids who just wanted to get out of here. But of course, being the clutz I am, I tripped and fell on the concrete, dropping all my books. My wrist started bleeding, and I quickly cuffed my other hand around it while making a sour face from the pain. Most kids just ignored me and kept flooding around me, as if I were a big rock in the middle of a river. I didn't expect anyone to care anyways, I mean, who would want to help a disgusting creature like me? But just then, she came. I look up, still tightly grabbing my wrist. "Are you okay?" She asked, looking at me with a worried face as she tried her best to pick up all my fallen books. "I'm fine! Just go away!" I quickly responded, looking away, hoping she wouldn't notice my wrist and how red my face was. "You don't look fine." She kneeled down to get a better look at me, my face felt like it was burning as I avoided eye contact. Then she noticed my red hand, starting to drip with blood. "Oh my god!" She yelled out, leaping back a bit. "Come with me, I'll take you to my house and we can bandage you up!" I was shocked. Why would someone like her want me around? She helped me up and held all my books for me on the way to her house. When we finally got to her house, I noticed it was rather small. But, I guess I couldn't say anything since I live alone in a one bedroom apartment. We walk inside, and the first thing I noticed was that her house had quite a pleasant feel to it. It made me feel safe. As we walked to the bathroom, I noticed Makoto Naegi sitting on the couch. Makoto was in a few of my classes, so I knew him fairly well. "Wait a minute, is this girl Makoto's sister?" I thought to myself. Makoto waved to me and the girl as we passed. I gave him a bit of a smile and waved back. When we got to the bathroom, she told me to sit down, so I just sat on top of the closed toilet seat. It wasn't too bad, their house was pretty spotless. She grabbed my arm and shoved my wrist underneath the running water of the sink faucet. The water was cold, but I was barely even paying attention to the water. I was thinking about how soft her pale skin was. She opened a cabinet and grabbed some bandages, unwrapping them and carefully putting them on the cuts on my wrist. "All done!" She exclaimed, looking at me with a smile. "Hey, I just realized I never asked what your name was." "T-Toko Fukawa." I responded, waiting for her to say hers. "Mine is Komaru Naegi. It's nice to meet you, Toko!" She grinned at me. What was this feeling I was getting? Do I like like Komaru? No. Not possible. I like master Togami. Plus, I'm straight. I have to be. We went to her room and talked for a bit. I even opened up to her a bit. I told her about some of my past, my feelings for Togami, I even told her about my shitty apartment. "Well, would you want to come live with me? I know we just met, but, you seem really nice and I want to help you out with your situation." She offered. That sounded like heaven. I would love nothing more than living with Komaru. "S-Sure!" I quickly replied. And that's how we met. We now live together, we get along as great friends, we even share a room! Everything is going good for me. 

(721 words-I'll write more tomorrow)

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