what a horrible, terrible, day.

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The alarm seemed louder than usual, almost as if it were screaming at me. Oh right, it was Monday again. The dreaded Monday. Komaru and I had just gone on a really great date a couple of days ago, and were getting really close as girlfriends. That still feels weird to say. But now, our good weekend is ending, and we have to go back to school. I tossed and turned, not wanting to get up. But, Komaru made me.

"C'monn Toki! We have school!"

I groggily wipe my eyes and stand up, with some help from Komaru. She threw some clothes at me and picked up hers for herself. I looked down at my clothes. It was what I usually wear. 

"Are you gonna put those on or just stare at them?"

I slowly attempt to put my clothes on, exhausted from the weekend. 

"Do you need my help or something?"

"U-uh no!"

I start putting on my clothes a bit quicker out of shock from what Komaru had just said. We soon head downstairs to eat, seeing that Makoto had already made us something.

"PANCAKES!" Komaru yelled.

We finished up and decided we should head for school.

~Time skip brought to you by Tetris~

We arrived at school, Komaru slowly letting go of my hand and running to her locker. I went to my locker and started to unload stuff from my backpack. Just then, Leon and a few of his friends walked by. He glanced at me, then turning his head towards where Komaru was, glaring at her. He and his friends walked off shortly after that. That was... odd. He usually never even bothers to look in our general direction, but why would he look straight at us both? Does he know something that we don't? Did he find out we were dating? Maybe I'm just overthinking this. It could've been that he just finally noticed we existed. Yeah, that's got to be it. I mean, why else would he do that? It's such a random thing. Whatever, I need to get this off my mind. I should probably just finish up at my locker and go to class. Unfortunately, I have first period with Leon and his goon squad, but I'll just have to deal with it. It's only 45 minutes. I can get through this.

*Ring ring*

Our teacher walked into the classroom and greeted us all before sitting down at her desk. She assigned us some silent work to do at out desks while she graded our tests from last week. At one point, she had to leave the classroom quick to talk with another teacher. 


A crumpled up piece of paper hit me from behind, and I heard some giggling. I open the paper to see what Leon was up to, since he sits behind me and based off how he acted this morning, is probably the only one who could've done it. I open up and unwrinkle the paper. Only one word was written on it, yet it still managed to be extremely hurtful.


As if on cue, the teacher walked back into the classroom.

"Fukawa, what are you holding?"

"Oh it's n-nothing, just some notes." I said, holding back tears.

"Oh, alright then."

I stuff the paper in my bag and stare emptily into my desk. I finally decide to get out of there. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Fukawa?"

"May I use t-the bathroom?"

"Sure, go ahead."

I quickly walk out of the classroom and into the bathroom down the hall. I go into the closest stall and slump down onto my knees, crying. Why did this have to happen to me? How did he even know? Did someone tell him? Was it Makoto? If it's Makoto, he's so dead. I guess I must've not heard the door open, but someone started knocking on my stall.

"Hey, are you okay in there?"

I knew that voice. It was Komaru. Thank god. I slowly open the stall door to reveal Komaru, worry consuming her. 


She hugged me, talking into my shoulder.

"Are you okay? You know you can tell me anything, right?"


"Please just tell me what happened, Toki. I can help you."

"L-Leon called me a fag..."

She paused for a moment, limbs tensing up.


Storming out of the bathroom, Komaru began to roll up her sleeves, ready to fight. She walked into my classroom, all eyes on her. She looked straight at Leon, her stare burning into him. Uh oh. 


She slapped him, everyone's eyes widening in shock. Leon giggled, starting to sound evil.

"I simply called her out for what she is, a fag."

Komaru looked furious. She started to shake Leon, hitting him into the back of his desk. The teacher stood up, interfering. 

"Enough! Naegi, Kuwata, Fukawa, principles office NOW!"

We walked to the principles office, embarrassed and ashamed. Me and Komaru kept our distance from Leon, as he looked like he was planning a murder.

"Now, would you kids like to explain what happened?"

I decided I should start explaining first.

"Leon threw a p-paper at me in class and it had the f-slur on it."

"Kuwata, please explain why you would do that." The principle glared at Leon.

"I was just stating the truth, your honor." Leon said in a sarcastic voice.

"And how did this whole fight break out?"

"Well you see... I found Toko in the bathroom crying because of it, and I guess you could say I got a little... defensive."

"I see why you would look out for you friend bu-" She got interrupted by Leon.

"Girlfriend. You see, they're gay." Leon laughed.

"Their sexuality or relationship doesn't concern you, Mr. Kuwata. And please don't interrupt me."

"How would you even know that?" Komaru scoffed at Leon.

"It's so obvious that you guys are all lovey-dovey. You always are holding hands and looking at each other weird."

"Anyways, we should stay on topic. You, Kuwata, will be suspended for one week. Naegi, for one day, and Fukawa will receive no punishment. Your suspensions will start tomorrow."

"Hey! How come Naegi only gets one day? She started the fight."

"No, she didn't. In fact, you did by calling poor Fukawa a slur. What has she ever done to you?"

"She's gay, which is gross."

"It's not gross. Now, please leave my office immediately."

"Yes ma'am." We all said at once.

I continued with my day, completely bummed knowing Komaru wouldn't be there for me at school tomorrow. Well, at least Leon wouldn't be there, either. For a whole week actually. But now I also started to think. Is that what everyone thinks of me? Just some dumb gay girl? School just got a whole lot more torturous.

(1085 words-before you say anything about the f-slur, I am a lesbian, don't worry.)

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