carnival's in town

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I stretch and look to my side, noticing Komaru still sound asleep on her pillow. I turn over and just stare at her for a moment. Gosh, she's so pretty when she sleeps. She's always pretty. My cheeks redden thinking about it. I check the time to notice that it's fairly early for a weekend, 7:36 a.m. to be precise. Oh! I just remembered, the carnival is in town for a week! Maybe Komaru and I should go today. It would be best if we get there early before it gets crowded. I gently shake Omaru to wake her up.

"Komaru, wake up. Don't you want to go to the carnival today?"

"The carnival?!" She jumps up. "Ooh! I'd love to go! But aren't you scared of rides?"

"Not really, I'll be fine."

"Ok! I'm so excited! When are we going?"

"Probably in a few hours."

"Yay! I can't wait!"

Komaru picked out an outfit and quickly ran to the bathroom to go get changed. She was really excited for today, huh? I also picked out an outfit and then went downstairs to the other bathroom to go get dressed. Makoto was on the couch playing Mario Kart 8 on his Nintendo Switch.

"Hey Toko, I heard Komaru yelling about the carnival from upstairs. Is it ok if I drive you guys so you won't have to walk? I was planning on going there sometime, too anyways."

"Oh, yeah that's fine."

"Alright! When am I driving you guys?"

"10:00, so in just over 2 hours from now."

"Ok! I'll go make breakfast."

I went in the bathroom and got changed into my outfit for the day. When I got out, Komaru and Makoto were sitting at the table eating cereal while watching Legend of Korra of the TV. I sat down and started eating cereal, too.

"They should totally end up together!" Komaru said.

"Yeah, they should." Makoto agreed.

They were talking about Korra and Asami. I agreed but was too focused to say anything. Legend of Korra is a really good show.

(A/N: if you haven't seen Legend of Korra stop reading this and go watch it rn, and if you think Legend of Korra is bad there's the door👉🚪)

At one point when I was eating my cereal, I shoved the spoon into my mouth expecting there to be more cereal, but I just got a mouth full of milk. I looked into my bowl to discover I had finished, but was too focused on the TV to notice. I placed my bowl into the sink to wash later, and went by the door to grab my shoes. Makoto and Komaru followed, since they had been waiting for me to finish my breakfast. I picked out a pair of white converse, and slipped them over my dark purple socks. Standing up, I grabbed my bag from off the couch, and waited for Makoto to open the door for us. Komaru walked out first, then me, then Makoto. Komaru impatiently pulled on the handle of the car, waiting for Makoto to unlock it. 

"Alright Komaru, I'll unlock the car." Makoto laughed.


Komaru opened the door to the passengers seat and sat down. I sat in the back, as always. Makoto sat in the drivers seat and turned the key to start the car. 

"Are you guys excited?" Makoto asked with a grin.

"Yes! I can't wait!" Komaru beamed. "What about you, Toko?"

"Yeah, It'll be fun." I held back most of my excitement. I was worried they would think I'm weird for being excited about a stupid carnival when we could just go to the nearby amusement park anytime for way cheaper. That makes me wonder, why do people like going to carnivals so much when it's so expensive and much more dangerous than a regular amusement park? Oh well, why do I care, anyways.

I stared out the window, watching trees go by and the carnival in the distance slowly grow closer.  I looked over at Komaru, she was doing the same, except tracing her fingers on the window, creating smudges of random spirals and scribbles. Makoto looked back to check how we were doing, and noticed her doing it, too. He smiled and shook his head, knowing he would have to clean it later.

"We're here!" Makoto said, putting the car into park.

"Woohoo!" Komaru snapped out of her trance and quickly unbuckling her seatbelt and hopping out of the car, fixing her shorts.

I yawned and got out of the car, rubbing my eyes. I didn't get all that much sleep, but I made myself seem more energetic as to not bring down the mood. We walked through the entrance, it surprisingly wasn't crowded, probably because this is the first day it's open. There was a guy handing out water. Komaru and Makoto both had water with them already, so I took a bottle. I'm parched, I should probably drink some. I guess I'll take a sip. Okay, time to go on some rides.

We were walking back to the car. Wait- what the hell just happened? Weren't we just about to go on rides? Didn't I just have a sip of water? 

"Toko, aren't you going to throw that out? You've been acting weird all day." Komaru squinted her eyes at me, seeming confused and suspicous.

"I- What?" I'm sure I was even more confused than she is. 

I look at my hand to see an empty water bottle. Wasn't it just full? I suddenly feel something in the back of my throat and go to the nearest trash can to throw up. 

"Geez Toko, are you alright? Is it from the rides?"Komaru said something else but my hearing became muffled so I couldn't tell what she said. 

I unscrewed the lid to the water bottle and smelled the inside. It smelled of... something. Definitely not water. Probably some sort of drug based off the way I felt. 

"Tere's drumugs- thmres dur-" I felt dizzy and my ears began to ring. That was a really big bottle. Am I going to die? What's going on?

I woke up on a hospital bed with Komaru axiously sitting beside me, tapping her feet and fiddling with her fingers.


"Toko! You're okay!"

Makoto snapped his head up.

"Oh thank god. I'll go get a nurse."

"What happened? Did I pass out?"

"Yes, doctors said you overdosed and could've died. Were you trying to... kill yourself?" Oh god. I couldn't believe it. Komaru thought I was trying to kill myself again. No. Never. I could never do that again.

"Of course not, I think there was drugs in that water that guy gave me earlier."

"Oh my god! We have to call the police!"

"He was wearing a mask, sunglasses, and a beanie. I hate to say it but it'll be hard to find someone with no description. Do you even remember what he was wearing?"

"No, but we still have to tell them!"

"I know, and we will, it might take a while for them to actually catch him, though."

"Okay, just don't ever die on me."  Komaru smiled and hugged me.


(1155 words-say poopy)

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