is this what couples do?

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*Beep beep*

Ugh, that was the alarm. It meant we had to get up and go to school today. I glance at the time, 5:00a.m. I fucking hate school. I look at Komaru, she's stretching her arms and trying her best to wake up. I poke at her shoulder and her eyes start to flutter open.

"Good morning, Toki!" She wraps her arms around me.

"G-good morning, Omaru." I return the hug and grin a little.

Once we pull away I notice that she was grinning, too. We get up and get dressed. I had to use the bathroom, so, while I did that, Komaru went to go make us breakfast. I get out of the bathroom and immediately recognize the smell. 

"Waffles!" I yelled with a smile painted on my face.

I run downstairs and see Komaru sitting at the table, drenching her waffles in syrup. I used to not eat that often, because I always thought I was a fat pig. Until Komaru showed up. She treated me like I wasn't a complete waste of breath. I started digging at my food until it was gone. We left the dishes in the sink, so we could wash them when we got home. We held hands on the way to school, it made me really happy. I've been the happiest with her than I ever have been, now that I could say we were dating. Her thumb gently rubbed the back of my hand, plus her hand was really warm and her skin was soft. We walked into school, letting go of each others hands before people even had the chance to notice it. We weren't ready to be outed to the whole school yet, obviously. Who would want that?

~Time skip brought to you by Byakuyas very long legs~

*ring ring*

Time for math class, my favorite and least favorite class. My favorite, because I sit next to Komaru, and my least favorite, well... because it's math. Komaru held my hand under the desk, which was really nice. It helped me calm down and just focus. Komaru always helped me with anything, which was really sweet. It let me know that she truly cared about me. Maybe even... loved me? No. That would be going way too fast. I probably shouldn't even think about that yet. 

~Another time skip brought to you by Oikawas ear~

School was over, and it was finally time to go home. I met up Komaru in the hall while she was at her locker. I always bring the stuff that I need with me to last period, however, Komaru is constantly shoving things in her locker. I stand awkwardly and wait for Komaru to pack up her stuff, picking at the skin on my fingers. 

"Alright, I'm ready!" Komaru jumped up and put on her backpack. 

Since we walked to and from school, we always took as much time as we needed to get ready, so the hallways would clear up a bit. We were the only ones left in the hallway. Komaru shut her locker and swiftly twisted the knob to lock it. She tightly grabbed my hand and started running down the hallway and towards the door. I stumbled, struggling to catch up. 

"Woah, s-slow down!" I yelled at Komaru, trying to keep up.

"Okay, fine." Komaru giggled, slowing her pace and loosening her grip a bit on my hand.

"Do we have to go home yet?" Komaru whined.

"What do you mean?"

"Can't we do something fun? We always go straight home after school."

"I suppose w-we could go to the park?" I suggested that, because I knew it was a typical thing that couples did, and it would make us feel more like a couple.

"Oooooo! The park sounds fun!" Komaru started running again, but quickly remebered that whenever she does that, I have trouble keeping up, so she slowed down. We eventually got to the park, and it was completely empty. I'm surprised there was no kids there. The park is usually filled with kids. Maybe, because the elementary kids were still at school. We sat down on a couple of swings, Komaru grabbed my hand and told me to start swinging on the count of three.

"1... 2... 3!"

We both started swinging, trying to see if we could get the swings to line up. We were giggling like crazy as we desperately tried to match each others pace and tragically failed every time. After a minute or two, I fell off the swing. 

"Toko! Are you okay? I'm so sorry if I hurt you!"

I burst out laughing.

"I'm fine, Omaru."

She helps me up and I dust the woodchips off myself.

"Wait, you missed one!" Komaru giggles, picks a woodchip out of my hair, and throws it on the ground.

She grins at me and quickly plants a kiss right on my lips. I smile at her, a little flustered. I sit back down on my swing, and Komaru sits on hers. We talk for a bit about whatever came to our minds. And then, It started raining. Komaru holds out her hand, trying to see how much water she can collect in her palm. As a joke, I knock the water out of her hand and start giggling. 

"Hey!" She laughed.

She snatched my wrist and pulled me over to an empty-looking area of the park.

"Have you ever spun around in the rain with someone?"

"U-uhm, no." I said, a bit confused.

"Neither have I, lets try it!"

She grabbed onto both of my hands and started spinning around. This was actually really fun. Anything I did with Komaru seems fun, she always knows how to make my day better. By the time we finished spinning, we were both laughing hysterically, soaked, and dizzy. We waited until the world stopped spinning, and then held onto each others hands, walking home. 

~Yet another time skip brought to you by Usamis wand~

Komaru opens the front door and we both walk inside, dripping wet. Makoto was sitting on the couch.

"What happened to you guys?" He joked.

"We were at the park while it was raining." Komaru giggled.

"Cool, what did you guys do?"

"Oh, we went on the swings for a bit and talked." I'm pretty sure Komaru thought it would be a bit weird to mention that we kissed and spun around together, and I don't blame her. We hadn't told anyone else that we were dating yet. Komaru and I were the only people that knew. 

We went upstairs, changed into dry clothes, and sat on her bed to play Animal Crossing. Komaru had it on her switch, so we would always play together. We stayed up late on the switch because tomorrow was the weekend. Finally.

(1108 words-finally, a longer chapter.)

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