the perfect date.

376 12 13

I woke up, feeling refreshed. I turn to my side to see Komaru, fast asleep. I check my phone. 11:23am, and I have no notifications, except for the one that lets you know your phone is fully charged.  I decide to shake Komaru to wake her up, and she finally flinches awake, flipping to face my direction and looking at me.

"What?" She said as she yawned.

"It's time to wake up!" I smiled at her.

"Oh, ok." She sat up and stretched out her arms.

She got out of bed and grabbed some clothes to wear for the day, a green fluffy button-up sweater, cuffed blue jeans, and vans. I wore a dark purple crewneck with a white collared shirt underneath, and like Komaru, I wore cuffed blue jeans and vans. We kind of matched. 

"Well, what do you want to do today?" Komaru stared at me, grinning.

"Uh... do you want to go out?"

"Like, on a date?" A date? That actually sounds really nice.


"I was thinking we should go to the bowling place a couple blocks down. We could go around 5:00pm and have dinner there."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Until then, we can play video games, I guess."

"Oooo! Good idea, Toki! I'll get the switch!" She ran over to the charging doc and yanked the switch out of its place. 

We set up the controllers and leaned the switch up against the pillows, laying on our stomachs in the bed. We played for a while, not realizing how long we had actually played for. It only felt like 30 minutes but we had played for over 3 hours, grabbing snacks every 20 minutes or so because we forgot to have actual meals. We finally look at the time in the bottom left corner of the screen, 3:47pm. I was starting to get bored of Animal Crossing and I'm pretty sure Komaru was, too. We saved and logged out of the game, stretching from being in the same position for so long. Until around 4:50pm, we basically just did whatever we felt like doing. Talking, watching T.V., annoying Makoto, the usual stuff. 

~Time skip brought to you by the hydraulic press~

Arriving at the bowling alley, Komaru pushed open the door and held it for me, letting me inside. 

"Thanks, Omaru." I said to her with a smile.

"You don't need to thank me, it's not that big of a deal. I just opened a door." She giggled.

I walk in the bowling alley and Komaru quickly follows behind me. We get to our lane and enter our names onto the screen. Komaru went first. We both had bumpers up since we're both pretty bad at bowling. 

"Bam! Beat that!" Komaru held her hands up high, celebrating knocking down 8 pins. (With lots of help from the bumpers.) 

I aimlessly threw the heavy ball, knocking down 2 pins at the very left side. I had terrible aim, and terrible form. Obviously I got to go again at the chance of a spare, because that's how bowling works. I threw the ball yet again, completely missing all the pins and going into the space from where the 2 previous pins had been knocked over. When I got back to the seats, Komaru stuck her tongue out at me. 

"I'm totally gonna win this!" She giggled.

"Calm down, we just started playing." 

I sat down in my chair and Komaru got up for her turn. She knocked down 6 pins in total. When I got up to grab the ball, Komaru tapped on my shoulder.

"Be right back, I'm gonna go get pretzels and soda." Komaru walked over to the concession stand while I tried my best to knock down the pins again. I got 4 pins in total. Okay, not so bad. It's better than last time. I sat back down and started picking at my nails. I wasn't really sure what to do since Komaru left to get us food. 

"I'm back!"

Komaru walked over to me holding a couple of pretzels and sprites. She placed a cup and pretzel in front of me, and a slightly larger cup and pretzel in front of herself. I took a bite of the pretzel, it actually tasted pretty good. 

"Mmmm! This is really good!" Komaru squealed.

"I know!" I grinned at her.

after finishing my pretzel, I had to wait for Komaru to finish hers. I traced the rim of my cup with my finger, staring into my drink. I started to zone out. I thought about me and Komaru, and how happy we were together. I just hope she feels the same safe feeling with me that I feel with her.

"Are you gonna drink that or just look at it?"


I take a sip of my drink, laying back in my chair as it hydrates my dry throat from the salt. Komaru had just finished her pretzel, and was now chugging her soda.

"Done! Did you see how fast that was?" Her eyes sparkled like stars, and she looked at me, with a big goofy smile on her face.

"U-uh yeah. You sure drank that fast, Omaru."

"I know, right? Ughh I wish we had timed that!" 

It was surprising how fast she drank, considering she had gotten a fairly big soda. I kind of felt bad, though. Since soda makes you have to burp, and it always gives you this weird-feeling tingling sensation in your nose. Speaking of burping...


Komaru burped. She immediately made a weird face, scrunching her nose and furrowing her eyebrows.

"You good?"

"Yeah, I just burped after having a bunch of soda, you know the feeling."

"Yeah hehe~"

After that we continued bowling for a while, Komaru winning by a landslide.

~Time skip brought to you by the future foundation~

We finally arrived back home and threw ourselves on our bed, tired and our arms completely sore from bowling. We had gone bowling for a few hours, and we just wanted to rest. Komaru and I ended up talking for a while, about whatever we felt like talking about, and eventually passing out since it was getting late and our bodies were stiff.

(1005 words-I'm gonna try to update chapters more consistently from now on, sorry for making you guys wait!)

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