not yet

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Komaru. As soon as she said it, her words echoed throughout my mind. The rain seemed to quiet. As I looked at her face, filled with tears, she shook her head.

"Please don't go."

I felt terrible. But I needed to do this. I want to stop feeling worthless. I shouldn't be having these problems. 

"I'm so sorry, but I have to."

"You have to what? I promise, Toko, I can help you. So please, DON'T DO THIS!"

I paused. I took a deep breath and caught her gaze. She started running up to me and pulled me back onto the concrete. She positioned herself over me, her warm tears falling on my torso. I struggle beneath her, trying to get out and just end this already.

"Let me go!"




(A/N: yes I did just reference she-ra and I regret nothing periodt)

I completely freeze and just look at her. Tear droplets were hanging from her chin as more squeezed out from her eyes, her face was totally red, and her body was weak and trembling. 

"You... what?"


There was a long moment of silence where we remained still and said nothing, the pouring rain still soaking both of us and filling the silence with white noise. 

"I love you too."

We kissed, it was long and passionate and filled with emotion. Until, Komaru finally broke the kiss to say something.

"So will you stay?"

"Yes, I promise."

Komaru hugged me, warm tears starting to puddle on the back of my neck. She held me close and tight to her, as if I would fall right out of her embrace if she were to let go. I slowly put my arms around her, softly grasping her back. We stayed there for a while, sitting and hugging, drenched by the rain. 

After a while, we started heading back to our house, Komaru holding onto my hand for dear life and staying near me. We finally made it back home, Makoto was sitting on the couch. The second he noticed us he stood up, his expression full of relief. 

"Toko, thank god you're alright."

He walked toward me and smiled, suddenly hugging me.

"I was so afraid that we lost you, good thing it wasn't too late."

"Yeah! Toko, we're so glad you're okay. And if you ever need anything make sure you know you can talk to me." She smiled. "No more bottling things up until it kills you." Komaru realized what she had just said and quickly slapped her hand over her mouth.

"Sorry... too soon."

"I-It's fine." I giggled a bit.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone now." Makoto grinned and left the room.

"So... is there anything I could do to help you cheer up?"

"I mean, I guess we could watch a movie-"

"Good idea! What genres do you like?"

Komaru opened a drawer beneath the T.V. to reveal a bunch of DVDs. I bent down and looked through the drawer, picking out Clue. 


I sat on the couch and grabbed a blanket while Komaru got popcorn and turned off the lights. She put the DVD in, pressing play.

We sat and watched Clue for a while, talking and laughing throughout the movie, shoving popcorn into our mouths, enjoying being with each other. It's been too long since I last felt like this. Like nothing could disturb us when we were together. Having Komaru around is a great distraction to get my mind off things. She's the only person who knows how to make me truly happy.   

(628 words-sorry it took me a while to finish this chapter, I was trying to figure out the best way to write this chapter, also sorry it's shorter than my usual chapters)

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