the... end?

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(A/N: did you think I gave up on writing this? well i'm back bitches I just had a bunch of school stuff to do)

Rubbing my eyes, I glance at what's ahead of me. The ceiling of a hospital room, lovely. The doctors don't believe that I got drugged rather than trying to off myself again, and I'm pretty sure Komaru's a bit skeptical, too so, they put me on suicide watch. This is something I certainly didn't expect while going to the carnival yesterday. 

(A/N: I've never been put on suicide watch so please bare with me if anything seems unrealistic😁👍)

A lady, seeming to be tired with her job, sat on a chair across from me, practically falling asleep. She clearly was exhausted and didn't want to be here, and so was I, so I get it. I stare into the same spot on the ceiling for what seems like hours. These clothes were so uncomfy, I wanted out of them. I can't even lay still, this is torture. Finally, a doctor comes into the room to check on me, he does a few tests, then leaves. I had no concept of time, Komaru had my phone and there was no clock in the room. This is so dreadfully boring. I could turn on the TV, but it felt awkward with the lady in the room. I look at her for a second. I don't know when it happened, but she had earbuds in and was on her phone. Took her long enough, but, Komaru came in for a visit. The lady left the room so it could be just us two. Komaru sat in the chair next to me and smiled.

"Sooo... how's it been?"

"Awful, no one even p-probably cares about me in this place." I cross my arms. "I wish I could just jump out the window but that lady would try to stop me."

"Oh, c'mon, don't say that. I'm sure it can't be that bad."

"Oh, but it is that bad. You should try being in here for 1 hour, I bet you wouldn't last."

That would probably be wrong, since she somehow manages to stay positive all the time, but I was just trying to prove a point.

"Really? Cause I bet I could. I was planning on staying for a while anyway."

"No, I meant in my shoes, you wouldn't last. Trust me. It's much more awful than you think."

"Well, staying here with you is the closest I'll get, I hope, so let's see." She smirks.

After that, I took a quick nap but woke up to the doctor coming in to do more tests.

"Oh, no this is bad.."

The doctors expression says more than his words, I was in serious danger. I could barely process it. I looked at Komaru, she was speechless. 

"What do you mean? What's gonna happen to me?"

He leaves the room to go get more doctors.

"Toko... what's going on?" Her voice was shaky and filled with worry.

"H-How am I supposed to know?"

I started feeling so dizzy... the entire room was spinning. My vision blurred, my body felt weak, I felt like I was dying, and I probably was.


I go completely unconscious, but sit back up a second later. Wait... what was Komaru looking at? It seemed like she wasn't looking at me, but behind me. And she was screaming... and shaking something. Was it the pillow? I turn around, to see myself lying on the bed, with completely pale skin. I look down at my hands, they were transparent. Did I seriously just die? 


Incontrollable tears stream down my face as I whimper, pleading with death.


I felt like I was screaming into an empty void. I stare at Komaru. She sobbed into my lifeless body's chest, desperately calling for help. No one came. She tried performing CPR on me, which was kind of funny because I envied myself. Oh, to feel the touch of her soft, pink lips one last time. Well, it's over, isn't it? I should probably move on. 

(A/N: haha funny steven universe reference)

The room suddenly disappeared, and revealed two figures standing in front of me. One was a light being, and the other had wings. Perhaps an angel, but the other didn't seem like god,just some sort of being... not even human. They started walking away, they seemed like they were going somewhere.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come with us." The light being said in an echoey voice. 

I decide to not say anything, and just listen to them. It's not like I'm risking losing anything. We walk in silence for a while, Until the light being says something.

"You may be wondering where exactly we're going, well, that would be the good place."

"The good place?"

(A/N: the good place fans where are you at)

"It's not like heaven or hell, that's a common misconception. There's agood place and a bad place. The good people go to the good place, and the bad people go to the bad place, and that's that."

"I'm a good person?"

"Yes, you are. And you lived through a lot. You're very strong, and we're very proud of you."

"I think you have the wrong person..."

"No, we don't. Toko Fukawa, right? Growed up with abusive mothers, lesbian, planned on killing herself but her girlfriend stopped her, died from drug overdose, Toko Fukawa, if I'm correct."

"Then I suppose you have the right person, but why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you think I'm strong? You even said it yourself, I planned to kill myself, that's not something a strong person would do, don't you think?"

"But you didn't, now did you?"

"That was only because Komaru stopped me."

"But after that, you never planned on it again."


"Quiet now, huh?"

I put my head down for a split second and then suddenly...

"We're here."

I look up to see a lovely little neighborhood, filled with perfect houses, and perfect shops, and literally anything you could ever want. I think this is where I'll be spending the rest of my life. It's beautiful.

"Are you finally happy, Fukawa?"

(1015 words- I can't wait to see what you guys think of what I have planned for next chapter #mischevious

PS I didn't proof-read this so lol oopsies if it sucks)

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