30 | Missing

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We hauled ourselves over a wall after climbing up the grappling hook.
'Remember we're only here to distract the crew whilst the others are taking.' Jungkook said.
I showed him an 'Ok' gesture and we ran into the docked ship.

As we board the vessel, Hoseok's voice bellowed into our ear piece.
'Are you guys in?' He said.
'Yh we're inside, what about Yoongi?' I asked.
'He's already inside near the hatch.' Hoseok replied.
'Where should we head to?' Jungkook said whilst grabbing my wrist and pulling me down, behind a few containers.

'From what Yoongi said as he headed to Joon and Tae, most of the crew are out looking for you.'
'What? Do you know where?' I whisper-shouted.
'Unfortunately I don't know their exact positions, but my guess is that they headed down the tunnel from accommodation.' Hoseok responded.

'Ok let's head to accommodation, we'll take out the crew there and hopefully the others will surrender.' Jungkook suggested. I replied with a nod and we scurried towards accommodation.

'Head straight forward through the hatches and you'll see a few rooms right near eachother. That's accommodation.' Hoseok informed us.
We quietly crouched through the place, trying not to make any loud sounds.

'I wonder if Namjoon and the others are ok.' I whispered.
'They are.' Jungkook responded.
'How can you be so sure?I mean they are up against the boss.'
'Sang-Ki isn't actually that physically powerful, however his people are.'
'So you're telling me, that we're up against the stronger people!?' I shouted.
Jungkook put his hand on my mouth and ducked down.

'I told you not to worry, didn't I? You've got me with you and besides that you're pretty strong.' He smirked.
'Not long ago you were saying that I'm not that strong but now you say I am?' I scoffed.
'Should I take back the compliment?' He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes and continued to walk towards our destination.

Once we got there, Jungkook and I prepared ourselves to by prepping our guns before ambushing the first of many rooms.

'Hey!! Who the fuck are you lot?' Someone shouted.
He looked like he was in his mid 30s, red hair and sharp eyes.
'Tch, I can't believe you don't know us.' Jungkook laughed.

'I asked who are you, not if we know you' the man growled.
'Oh you'll know who we are alright once we etch it onto you.' Jungkook grinned as he pulled out a knife.

The man stood up and yelled, alerting nearby members that we were here.
'Let's do this Hee-Ra!!' Jungkook said as he rushed towards the man.

As I watched Jungkook go to the man, two more men ran to me.
They reached out to my arm but I did a swift turn and dodged their grips.
'Oh no you don't.' I bellowed.

I grabbed my knife and dashed towards the two men. The first guy took my arm, clearly trying to stop me from using the knife, but I kneed him in the crotch. The man loosened his grip and eventually dropped to the floor, wailing in pain.

The second guy tried pulling the gun out of his holster but he was too late. I had already slid past him, taking grip of the arm reaching for the gun. I got up and twisted his arm behind his back causing the man to yelp. In seconds, the man kicked backwards hitting directly on my knee.

Out of instinct, I released his arm and stepped back whilst clutching my knee. However, I didn't have time to stay around a wait because the man was already making his way to throw me to the floor.

Rapidly, I took out my knife again and stabbed him in the abdomen. Blood spewed out, creating a growing pool as I pulled out the knife.

I walked over to the first guy, who looked at me with utter shock.
His eyes widened as I took a step closer to him.
'Stop, spare me.. I won't hurt you!!' He cried.
'As if.' I scoffed before kicking him in the head. The man's eyes rolled backwards and the hand he lifted to show his surrender dropped to floor with a thud.

'Jimin was right!! These boots are mad awesome! Oh right, sorry not sorry!!' I scoffed as I head towards Jungkook.

They weren't in the room they were in previously. I hope Jungkook's ok..

I switched on my ear comm. 'Hey Hoseok, do you know where Jungkook is?' I asked.
'Jungkook? Wait one second.. oh no' Hoseok replied.
'What is it!?'
'This could be bad Hee-Ra, his position isn't showing up on my screen.'
'What are you implying?'
'I can't track Jungkook's position, he might've taken off his tracker but there's no reason to do that.. right?' Hoseok asked.

'I'll search for him, Hoseok keep track of everyone else.'
'Ok Hee-Ra, don't get hurt ok?'

I ran through all the nearby rooms- no one.
'Where could the two have possibly gone?' I muttered.

I searched some through rooms on the opposite side of the ship but no one was there, not even the crew.
'Hee-Ra!' Somebody shouted.
I turned around whilst pointing my gun at the figure standing in front of me.

'Woah easy there, it's only me.' They said.
It was Yoongi.
'Yoongi!! Are you ok?' I asked moving towards him whilst putting my gun away.
'Yh I'm fine, just a little weary after beating the lot of them. But I should be asking you that, you look a little pale.' He replied.

'It's Jungkook, he's gone missing.'
'Missing? What do you mean?' Yoongi yelled.
'I mean, Hoseok said he's not able to track Jungkook's position, I've been looking for him but I can't find him!' I cried.
'Ok ok let's figure this out.. I didn't see him anywhere near me, and you said that you couldn't find him anywhere either?'
I nodded in response.

'Maybe he's right at the top?' Yoongi suggested.

Happy New Years everyone!! I hope 2021 brings better things 🥰

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