53 | False Life

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Namjoon's POV

'Everyone get into your places!' I instructed before the huge crowd dissipated.

I clutched onto my pistol and prepared for the trespassers that were going to force themselves through the doors any minute.

Suddenly, the huge grand doors of the ballroom swung open and a group of men rushed inside.

Followed by the main show man himself, Song Yong-Chul.

He entered the ballroom with a smug look on his face. It was so punchable.

'Hello Namjoon.' Yong-Chul smirked.
'Let's skip the greetings bastard and get to your demise instead.' I snarled.

'Haha do not fret my sweet nephew, I'm only here to take back Hee-Ra.' He chuckled.
'That's not happening, and don't call me nephew. I don't associate you as family.' I said through gritted teeth.

'That hurts nephew.. I didn't even get a welcoming greeting from the host of the party made specifically for me' Yong-Chul said, pointing towards himself.

'I told you to stop calling me nephew.' I said sternly in response.
'Why? I have all rights to call you my nephew though..' Yong-Chul frowned sarcastically, making me roll my eyes back.

'Namjoon, we're family right? I can call you nephew all I want.' Yong-Chul said with a somewhat proud tone.

Hearing the words nephew and family coming out of his mouth infuriated me. I clenched my left fist together whilst my other was brushing against the trigger of the pistol.

Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes lit up with shock whilst the other Bangtan members looked down with sorrow.

'Oh Namjoon my dear nephew, I'll give you the chance to kill me right now. Pull the trigger and fire the bullet straight through my head.' Yong-Chul bellowed with laughter.

'What?' I growled.
'Kill me. Right. Now.' Yong-Chul replied as his eyes widened with excitement.

'You must be stupid to think I'd fall so easily for something like that.' I muttered.
'Do it. As you said, I killed your parents... but before you do it, you'd like to hear what I have to say.' the bastard smiled.

'Namjoon... it seems like a fake act to me.' Jimin whispered into my ear.
'That's already clear to me.' I whispered back.

'So would you like to hear what I have to say?' Yong-Chul asked.
I cocked my head forward, gesturing him to speak. Fingers ready to shoot the bullet.

'Hmm how do I start?' He cackled to himself.
'Stop beating around the bush and spill.' I groaned, my patience deteriorating by the second.

'Well let's start off with your parents.. your father, he was involved in an affair.'
'W-what are you talking about?' I replied, slightly taken back.

'And that's how you came along, from an affair. And what's even more amusing is that you weren't supposed to be born but it turns out that contraception just doesn't work for everyone.' Yong-Chul devilishly smirked.

My eyes widened and my hands started trembling.
'Stop lying you-'

'Didn't you ever wonder why your carer, Ms. Oh I believe, liked you so much? Well it's because you were her blood child! She's your real mother!' Yong-Chul bellowed eagerly.

'SHUT UP YOU BASTARD!! STOP SAYING FUCKING LIES!!' I screamed whilst my body started shaking vigorously.

'With such wits like yours, I'm surprised you didn't catch on. Didn't you ever wonder why you looked like that slag .. not that you inherited much from her anyways.' Yong-Chul scoffed.

I remained silent in attempt to take in everything he just told me.
There was no way what he said was true.. right?

'I don't believe you.. no I can't believe a bastard like you.' I muttered angrily.
'Of course I knew you were going to say that, so I brought some DNA results and a few other evidence.' Yong-Chul said, ushering his advisor to show me the papers.

I kept the gun pointed at Yong-Chul as I took a few steps closer towards the evidence that awaited me.

'These are fabricated... my carer died long ago. Besides how could you have gotten my DNA?' I asked, glaring at Yong-Chul even harder than before.

'This crap is from when that slag was alive and you were staying with her at the time.' Yong-Chul replied.

'Then why are you showing me this now, you fucker!?' I growled.

'Because I reserved this card to use once I had to take back Hee-Ra. I knew that you'd refuse to hand her to me so I planned to use this on you. Oh Namjoon, of course I know your weakest point is... family.' He responded followed by laughter coming from him as well as his mafia.

'This is all fake.. there's no way-'
'Namjoon, didn't you ever think about why the Kim's mafia association became so corrupted? It's because your mother and even your father didn't want you to inherit the business.' Yong-Chul said proudly.

'Why would my father do that?' I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.

'Your father was born in a powerless family, and your mother took him in.. but in the end he betrayed us and fell for that slag.' He replied.

'That doesn't explain everything.. how did they die?'

'I'm getting there. Your mother had the heart to forgive him of the affair since she forced Ms. Oh to get an abortion but obviously that slag secretly raised you and your father knew of this and took care of you in secret too.' He continued.

'My sister eventually learnt of your existence and the slag was separated from you, which is why you never saw her again. Then my sister, Kim Hamin, forced your father into never allowing you to inherit the business.'

'Then why are they dead? You killed them!!' I shouted losing my cool.

'I didn't, your father killed my sister when he discovered that she was going to dissolve their marriage since she ended up falling for another wealthy man. My sister wrote this all down on documents as she knew your father would do that. He suffered from variety of issues so she had expected it all.'

'And my father?' I asked.

'Turns out your father committed suicide not long after due to guilt... it's all written in his will. ' Yong-Chul finally finished off explaining.

I gulped and took shaky steps backwards. My fingers slipped off the trigger and I fell onto the floor.
Tears emerged onto my face. I felt weak.. as if someone stabbed me right through the heart.

This whole time I was living in a life of lies.
I wasn't supposed to be born.
Yong-Chul didn't kill my parents.. my father murdered Hamin and took his own life.
My real mother was my carer who died 2 years ago from CHD.
I wasn't related to Seojoon, Seohyun, Yong-Chul or even Hee-Ra by blood.

I was just a pathetic, poor boy who's life had already planned out to be in devastation since the day I was born.

I stood up before reaching for the pistol that laid on the cold floor in-front of me.

Then I positioned it facing my head.

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