78 | Drug Trafficking

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"Something up Hee-Ra?" Jimin asked softly looking up from his phone. I hummed quietly in response while drumming my fingers on the table, audibly showing that I felt troubled.

"What do you think about a trip to Yongsan District?" I suggested to Jimin, who was now sitting himself on my desk.

"Yongsan?" Jimin questioned, arching a brow.

I got up from my seat and headed to the far end of the office.
I punched in a number code and spun the lock to a safe where I kept confidential items away from prying eyes; in this case the documents and sample of LMF.

"I was thinking of selling the sample to a willing buyer and see how it does." I explained, raising the small plastic bag containing pink pills inside for Jimin to see. "And if we can spread the news of a new drug... LMF will hit the market directly and once we receive our stock, we'll be making stacks!"

Jimin snapped his fingers and nodded. "Sounds solid, we can just get Seokjin to turn the pills into something more subtle and head over to Yongsan this afternoon."


After around two hours, Jimin and I began winding our way through the underground market and bustling crowds of people in search for potential buyers of LMF. Jimin intertwined his fingers with mine and led us to a night club which was notorious for drug use and for us a hot spot for customers.

"You know being with you here, just us, reminds me of how we haven't gone on a proper date together." I mumbled. Jimin and I had officially began dating a week ago on my birthday but with all the meetings  I've had to handle as an advisor as well as tasks that Jimin was sent on, we'd barely had time to squeeze in a date.

"There's a really good wine bar not far from here... once we sell the sample, I'll take you over there. How does that sound Princess?" Jimin suggested while briefly looking over his shoulder.

"Perfect, although anywhere with you would be perfect." I replied. I bit my tongue out of embarrassment for myself.

"Didn't know you had that sentimental side to you Hee-Ra." Jimin chuckled, throwing his head back in laughter.

"Shut up Jimin." I scoffed half-heartedly.

"That was fucking attractive." He smirked and I rolled my eyes jokingly.

Despite taking longer than we needed because of Jimin and his little comments, we finally reached the night club, Noir. There were drunk people ravaging around the front which only made me wonder what could be inside. I'd been to a night club before only a couple times but Jimin on the other hand frequented them a lot more than me.

"I've come to Noir before, the best place to find drug users are usually at top and furthest away from the bar." Jimin shouted so I could hear him over the blaring music and screams of people. The place reeked of sweat infused with alcohol and I wanted to be anywhere but there.

Jimin led us through groups of dancers and up a flight of stairs towards a ring of leather couches at the back of the room.
There were many people cladded in colored suits and scantily designed dresses, with expensive accessories decorating their wrists and necks.
I strengthened my grip on Jimin's hand as I felt eyes glued to my back. It was obvious these people were filthy rich patrons who spent their free time entertaining themselves at bars and clubs.
The exact people who would kill to get their hands on drugs.

Jimin ushered over to a man dressed in a blue; blazer falling off his shoulders and shirt unbuttoned completely with woman humoring him under both arms. "That's Seo Joowan, I heard that he's spent millions on drugs." Jimin whispered.

"And we'll make him cough up more." I scoffed before we walked over to him.

Joowan peered at us through his peripheral vision before asking one of the women to take his glass.
"What do you want?" He groaned.

"I heard you've bought drugs before." I responded bluntly, looking down at him. His eyes widened with alarm, "H-How do you know? Who are you?"

"We aren't here to arrest you, we're here to cut a deal with you." Jimin continued. Jimin suggested that we didn't reveal our mafia identity otherwise the people there could slip up and get the authorities on us.

Joowan stiffened and leaned forward, visibly showing an interest. "What deal?"

I reached into my pockets and pulled out a pink lollipop. Seokjin successfully managed to hide traces of LMF in lollipop form.
"This is LMF, we're looking to sell it you."

The man let out a scornful laugh. "LMF? What the fuck is that?"

"La Mia Fortuna, a newly developed Italian drug and this," I waved the lollipop in his face, "is the only existing amount in South Korea."

"Which means you'll be the first to have it in the entire country." Jimin added on to sound more persuasive.

You could practically see the sparkles in Joowan's eyes. Some people are really easy to buy.

"How can I trust that you're not scamming me?" He asked skeptically.

"I can promise you it's the real package and once you've had it, you'd come begging for more." I shrugged.

"Alright, how much are we talking?"

Jimin and I exchanged glances. I nudged him by the elbow, signalling him to take over and reason.
"₩500,000 for ten of these lollipops."

"Aren't you asking for too much?" Joowan muttered, eyeing the lollipop in my hand.

"It's a new drug and the only one here in South Korea, what do you expect?" Jimin huffed. I could tell he was holding back his urge to swear at the man but thankfully he did otherwise things could go messy.

"If you're scamming me, just know I'll end you both with my own fucking hands." He hissed before clicking his fingers to grab the attention of another patron.
He pulled out a small black briefcase from behind the couch and placed it on the table. I gulped as the briefcase clicked open to reveal piles of cash neatly placed together. Joowan reached in and took out two piles of the cash before slamming the case shut.

"Take the case and hand over this LMF." Joowan spoke, jerking his head to the side.

Jimin handed over the lollipops while I snatched the briefcase before we hastily exited Noir.
"Send one of our people to Noir to watch Joowan and whoever else takes the drug to see what effects it has." I whispered.

Jimin nodded and called up a few of our men to handle the rest of the business before Jimin and I finally headed to the wine bar for our date.

This chapter was sort of a filler chapter 😓
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