40 | Argument

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Once we made it home, I rushed to the house and straight for Jungkook's room.
However before I entered the room, I tripped on my dress and was falling head first onto the floor.

'Woahhh, slow down haha.'
I felt an arm wrapped around my waist. I stood up and turned to face the person who saved me.

'JUNGKOOK!!!' I shouted.
'Hello RaRa..' he smiled softly.
'Where the hell have you been? You didn't reply to my texts, I thought something had happened to you!'
'I'm so sorry, my phone was switched off when I went on the mission, after that I went to one of our acquaintances' house and forgot to turn my phone on.' Jungkook explained.

I pulled him into a tight hug and he kissed my forehead. 'I'm sorry that I made you worry like that..'
'It's ok as long as you're not hurt.' I replied before kissing his cheek.

'Anyways how can someone look so beautiful?!' He said, whilst glancing the dress up and down which made me chuckle.

'I seriously have the best looking girlfriend in the world.' Jungkook whispered into my ear. I flushed red and smacked Jungkook's chest.
'Thank you Kookie.' I grinned.
'I love you RaRa.'
'I love you too Koo.'

Next day

It was early in the morning, I woke up and had a shower before going down to the dining room to eat breakfast.
There was no one there so I assumed I woke up earlier than the others.

I entered the kitchen to see Seokjin cooking away our breakfast.

'Good morning!' I smiled, peering over his shoulder.
'Hm morning..' He replied dully.
'Hey Seokjin is something wrong?' I asked.

I realised that the past few weeks, maybe even months, Seokjin had become more distant. He seemed to be avoiding me when we encountered and if we conversed he'd give plain responses before making an excuse to leave. Something was definitely wrong here, and I'm going to find out.

'What do you mean?' He asked, avoiding eye contact.
'I mean, you've been avoiding me recently- no for a while now. Did I do something wrong? Coz I don't want to fall apart with you so I'll fix wha-'

'You really are clueless you know.' He said, cutting me off from explaining. He dropped the utensil and glared at me callously. I felt shivers running up my spine.
'What the heck are you talking about?' I asked, trying to stay calm.
'See you're totally clueless, I mean anyone would've guessed what I'm talking about.'

'What? What are you trying to imply here?'
'You don't understand anything or how others feel which leads you to hurt others...it pisses me off.' He remarked.

'What the hell Seokjin? This isn't like you at all-'
'Just go away.' He hissed.
'Huh? I came here to know why-'
'I said fuck off!!' Seokjin growled whilst slamming the countertop with his fist.

My heart dropped. Tears were forming as I tried to gather my thoughts.
Without saying anything else, I ran out of the room and slammed my bedroom door shut.

Seokjin's POV

When she left the kitchen, my hands moved straight to my mouth. What did I just do..?

I shouted at her even though she did nothing wrong.
She's right, there's something fucking wrong with me.
I left the kitchen and was just about to go upstairs to talk to her but someone blocked me from doing so.

'Don't go.. just yet.'
'Yoongi, I need to go.' I pleaded whilst moving his arm out of the way.

'I know you do, but you need to give her some space.'
'But.. I need to apologize to her for shouting.'
'I said to give her space. Instead I think you need to give me some explaining to do.' Yoongi muttered sternly.

10 minutes later

'Oh my fucking days Seokjin, you are something else.' Yoongi sighed.
I didn't respond to him but looked down onto the bare floor.

'Who the fuck yells at someone, ignores someone and treats them like shit, just because they're dating someone that's not you.'

'Eugh, I know I did the wrong thing and I vented my anger out on her, but how am I supposed to explain all this to Hee-Ra?' I said whilst sighing into the palms of my hands.

'Just tell her the truth, tell her you like her and you're sorry.' Yoongi suggested.
'What if she doesn't want to stay as friends after I tell her..?'

Yoongi glared at me with a blunt expression.

'What is it?' I asked.
'Do you really think Hee-Ra is someone like that? If she knows the details, she'll understand.'
'Are you sure?'
He responded with a nod.
'Ok..I'll explain everything..'

I knocked on her bedroom door but no one replied.
'Hey Hee-Ra can we talk for a bit?' I said nervously.

But no one responded. 'Hee-Ra?'

'What do you want to say? That I'm clueless again? Coz thank you very much but I already know I am from the past 3 times you told me.' She hissed.

'I'm sorry Hee-Ra..'
Instantly the door swung open and I was met with a teary-faced yet somewhat angry Hee-Ra.

I pulled her into a hug but she didn't react.
'I have to tell you something Hee-Ra.' I mumbled, releasing her from my grasp.

She stepped towards the bed and plopped down before patting the space beside her.
'Here sit down.'

Hee-Ra's POV

Seokjin sat down and sighed into his hands, like he always does when he's anxious.
He was going to explain what just happened. And I'm fully prepared to hear all answers.

'What do you need to say?' I asked glancing up towards him.

'Hee-Ra, I like you.' He whispered.
My eyes widened as I processed what he just said.
I wasn't expecting that one- at all.

'Y... You like me?'


Jungkook's OK and doing well!! But is his reason truly the reason to why he didn't reply to the messages 👀..?

And Seokjin finally confesses his feelings!!
If he were to confess to you, how would you respond?

I would probably faint just 0.0001s after seeing his face let alone replying to a confession. 😂💀
Let me know in the comments!!

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