48 | Proposal

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'I'm alright Jimin..' I muttered as he held me by my arm, allowing me to stand up.

'Are you sure? You just collapsed all of a sudden.. and your lip is busted.' He said in response, whilst looking at me with anxious eyes.

'I'm very very sure, it's the consequence for sparring anyways.' I explained.

He nodded before picking me up.. bridal style.
'Yah Jimin, I'll walk up myself!!' I mumbled, slightly embarrassed of what he was doing.

'I don't think you can walk around Princess, and I won't allow you collapsing again.' Jimin spoke sternly.

'Well then.. thanks.' I grinned sheepishly.

Jimin took me up to my room and laid me down on the bed.
'Gosh you're heavier than you look you know.' He sighed.

'Heyyyy!! Did I ask for you to carry me!?' I grunted, smacking Jimin's chest which caused him to break into a chuckle.

'Let's watch that new series that came out together after dinner.' He suggested.
'Sounds good to me.' I smiled.
'I'll take you to the cinema room afterwards then.' He addressed before shutting the door behind him.

Once we finished our beautifully cooked dinner made by Seokjin, Taehyung gestured to me and Yoongi to follow him to the arcade room.

'This better be interesting.' Yoongi scoffed.
'Don't say that' I muttered.
'What's wrong with what I said?' Yoongi argued.
'It might come off as rude!?' I argued back.

'Stop fighting both of you.' Taehyung sighed as he walked in between us.
'We weren't fighting.' I said and Yoongi nodded.

'Alright then, I'll tell you what I wanted to say.' Taehyung said whilst pointing towards the seats besides him.

Yoongi and I plopped down and were eagerly waiting to hear what he had to say.
'So what's the deal?' I asked, spinning around in my chair.

'You know Seohyun and I are dating, right?' Taehyung replied.
'Yeah we do Lover boy.' Yoongi muttered.

Taehyung glared at Yoongi which made him fake cough.
'Well I'm planning to propo-'
'WOAH WOAH WOAH BACK IT UP' I yelled whilst jumping off my seat.

'Holy shit V, you're already thinking about marriage?' Yoongi laughed.
'Please just hear me out?' Taehyung mumbled which silenced me and Yoongi.

'Getting married to Seohyun means involving her into our affairs, and that therefore results into Seohyun becoming a potential target to rival Mafias.' Taehyung explained.

'So what you're saying is that you're worried that the marriage will bring trouble for Seohyun?' I reiterated and Taehyung nodded back.

'I don't know what to do anymore.' He sighed.
'Stop being so dense V, just get married without the documents.' Yoongi said, rolling around the room on his chair.

'Then that'll create a conflict for her family..' Taehyung responded.
'Hmm well it can't be helped now, can it?' I frowned.

'I guess so, maybe it wasn't supposed to be.' Taehyung sighed.
'Yah don't say that, just go through with it, you can decide what happens afterwards.' I suggested.

'She's right, you can't predict the future.' Yoongi added on.
'I'll take both your advices then, thanks.' Taehyung smiled warmly.

'We didn't do much.' I smiled back.
'Excuse me, you didn't do much, I thought of the advice!' Yoongi scoffed.
'Hell no we did' I growled.

'Ahah here we go again.' Taehyung chuckled.

After a while of playing games with Yoongi and Tae, my phone pinged.

I'll be waiting at your

No need to. I told
you I can walk 👏

I'll be up there in 5

I slid my phone back into my pocket and smiled to myself after reading Jimin's message.

'Who messaged you, your boyfriend?' Yoongi asked, peering over my shoulder.
'No don't get too excited.' I said, poking his forehead with my finger.

'I heard you and JK had a fall out.' Taehyung stated.
'Did Jimin tell you? Eugh I don't feel like talking about him right now anyways.' I muttered.

Yoongi and Taehyung exchanged glances before sitting back down to continue playing games.

Though I didn't feel like seeing Jungkook at the moment, I did wonder where he was.
I hadn't seen him around the mansion for the past few days and it did make me somewhat worried..

After 5 minutes, I rushed up to my room to see Jimin leaning against the wall.
'Hi.' I said bluntly.
'Yh hi.' He replied plainly.

Jimin and I gazed at each other before breaking into laughter.
'That was erm awkward.' I laughed.
'You can say that again.' Jimin chuckled.

'Here hold my arm and I'll assist you to the cinema.' Jimin said, patting his arm.
'Aren't you being way to concerned?' I asked, quirking a brow.

'It's just that after that close call incident near the guns shop, I just felt the need to be more responsible when it comes to you.' He grinned widely.

'I can't lie, hearing that made me cringe but I appreciate the thought Jimin.' I smiled.
'I promised after all.' Jimin smirked.

We sat down in our seats and Jimin pulled out a box of buttered popcorn.
'Here, I didn't get two so we'll have to share.' He suggested.

The drama we were watching was about rich families and their struggles and secrets.

Whilst we watched the show, I randomly glanced over at Jimin.
He really has an amazing side profile.. gosh why do all the Bangtan members look so good!?

I brushed the thought from my head when Jimin peered over at me.
'Is something wrong?' He questioned.

'Erm no, I just thought there was popcorn on your face but I was mistaken.' I explained, rapidly turning my face to the opposite side to hide my reddened look.

Suddenly, he spoke up.

'I like you.'


Ahh I'm sorry for such a late update! 😓

This isn't a really enjoyable chapter but we learn that Taehyung wants to marry Hee-Ra's cousin!!
Also it seems something's going down between our Mochi and Princess 👀

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