60 | Severe Injuries

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I pulled the car over and rapidly jumped out. I made it to the border of the Song estate and did not expect Jimin to be present there, trudging in solitary under the trees that lined the pavement.

'Jimin!' I yelled, checking him up and down to see the injuries that was all over him.

'What the hell happened to you?!' I asked, slinging his arm over my shoulders and assisting him towards the car.

'Those fucking... bastards.. they tried kill.. me.' He managed to cough up before giving way to unconsciousness.

'Shit, what did they do to you..' I muttered, slipping into the driver's seat after carefully laying Jimin down on the backseats.

I quickly rang up Hoseok, whilst turning the ignition key.

'Yoongi! Did you find him?!' He bellowed into the phone.

'Yeah but he's in a really bad state, they must've beat him up continuously. I'm about 5 minutes away from the hospital.' I replied.

'Ok I'll call up Yowon and Na-rae to let them know your on the way.' Hoseok assured before hanging up.

I checked the rear mirror to see Jimin, who was still out cold. I slammed the wheel out of utter frustration. This is all my fault.. if only I had realised that there was an impersonator in place of Jimin, this wouldn't have happened to him.

Soon, I reached the hospital where the Bangtan members would go just in case. Yowon and Na-rae were both acquaintances and knew about our mafia business hence the reason why they would take us in.

As usual, both of them were waiting at the back entrance with a wheeled stretcher waiting for Jimin.

Cautiously, the two helped me carry Jimin onto the stretcher. Looking at his state made my heart drop to my stomach.

'Thanks for the help, it's past your hours right?' I asked, letting both of them examine Jimin. I looked up at the evening sky. The moon risen high and proud right above me.

'Yeah it is but we're always open to help Bangtan.' Yowon replied, looking up and down Jimin with a light in her hand.

'It's no good he's in too bad of a shape, we're gonna have to move him to the theatre for surgery.' Na-Rae heaved a sigh, firmly holding onto Jimin's left arm.

'What's wrong?' I questioned, losing my patience.

'I'll tell you after the surgery, we need to hurry before any further harm happens to his arm like permanent deformation.'
Na-Rae answered, nodding at Yowon to lead them to the theatre.

'What? Is his arm fractured?'

'Exactly, we're going to have to treat it immediately.' She replied before both of them rushed inside holding the stretcher.

I followed behind as they burst into the emergency room.

Once the blue doors shut, I fell to my knees, practically gasping for air. 'Why did this have to happen?' I cried, slamming my fist against the bland walls of the bare hospital.

I sniffed before calling up Hoseok to let him know the situation.

'Hey Hoseok, let Joon know I'll be staying overnight with Jimin.' I expressed.

'That's fine but what's Jimin's condition?' Hoseok asked, the tone of his voice turned to urgency.

'Bad, they're performing surgery as we speak. Apparently, his arm's broken plus he must've sustained more damage than that.' I sighed into my hands.

'I very much doubt Yong-Chul told his men to hold back beating Jimin up. Well stay with him, I'll ask Joon to send over bodyguards as well.' Hoseok stated.

'Ah right, what about Hee-Ra and Jin, anything on them?' I questioned, furrowing my brows.

I could hear Hoseok sigh into the phone. 'Nothing but we're still looking. I checked with some people and they reported that there's no evidence that they left the country, which means both of them are still here in South Korea.' Hoseok explained.

'This is all my fault.. if only I'd been there with Hee and Jin and if only I'd realised that the Jimin with us was a hoax this wouldn't have happened..!' I muttered into the phone.

'Are you done speaking?' Hoseok asked.
'What?' I replied, slightly taken back from his somewhat cold-like response.

There was a period of silence as though you could hear a pin drop. Then Hoseok spoke up, this time in a sombre manner.

'You keep doing that.. you keep blaming yourself. I get it, I get that you have a strong front but you've got to stop.' He spoke softly yet sternly.
'I'm not catching on with what your saying..'

'Yoongi why do you overestimate your sense of responsibility? I mean to the point where you assign all blame to yourself? I understand that you're the vanguard but to blame yourself for something no one saw coming.. don't you think your being completely stubborn?' Hoseok groaned.

I stood in awe from what he said. Was I really being stubborn?

'Your right..I'm sorry.. I.. I feel like I could've changed things and this wouldn't have happened.' I stammered.

'Look I'm sorry for taking it out on you. I just want you to understand that we're all frustrated at this point and neither of us are to be fully blamed. We're gonna get the others back no matter what.' Hoseok said.

I nodded back even though he couldn't even see me.

'Ok understood, well if you need me.. I'm always on standby. Thanks Hobi.' I smiled weakily, before pressing the end call button.


I poked Seokjin's forehead and pushed him back.

'Focus on the road Jin, I'd rather us not get taken into hostage again..' I scoffed with a shrug.

He arched a brow and chuckled before stepping on the pedal. 'Where to Ms. Song?'

I clicked my tongue and checked the bracelet again. Thankfully, I was receiving a somewhat weak connection but it should be just enough to look into our current location. Unfortunately, calls were still not going through.

'It looks like we're in Gwangju, and that's around 3 or so hours from Seoul.' I heaved a sigh.

Seokjin scratched the back of his neck as he peered over at the fuel gauge.

'We're gonna be running on empty soon, and I don't have any money on me.' Seokjin groaned.

'Neither do I... we're actually fucked.' I said, sliding down the passenger seat.

Both of us stayed silent for a moment as we thought of any ideas. And at the same time, my so-called father had probably deployed his people to come after us.

'For now just keep driving, let's believe in that slither of hope the others will find us before the bastard does.' I heaved a sigh.


Long time no see readers! How are you all? ☺️
I apologise for going on a hiatus however I'm back and feeling more motivated to continue the ff!!!

Vote, comment your thoughts and share too~ 💜

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