58 | Imposter

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Yoongi's POV

I clicked my neck and aimed the gun towards Jimin on the floor. Well supposedly Jimin anyways.

'You sly bastard.. you may have fooled the others but such things don't slip past me.' I chuckled, scratching my temples with the muzzle of the gun.

'H-How did you know?' The imposter growled through gritted teeth.

'Oho revealing your real voice now, are we?' I smirked.

'Answer me!' The man spoke back, his patience dissipating by the second.

'Well firstly, if Jimin ever liked someone he doesn't get all defensive, instead that kid gets all cocky about it. Secondly the way you were acting... nothing like Jimin and finally.. you better tell me who made that mask because that shit looks real.' I replied before kneeling down besides the man, sprawled across the floor.

I pulled of the mask of Jimin's face to reveal a somewhat young looking man who had a tattoo right under his left eye.

'Changwoo? Who in the fuck tattoos their name on their cheek?' I scoffed, smacking his head with the rear end of the gun.

'Just kill me already.' Changwoo scowled.

'Kill you?' I responded, quirking an eyebrow.

'You were going to shoot me, so go on fire right now. I fucking dare you.' Changwoo snapped, his eyes practically bulging out.

'As much as I'd enjoy killing you, Namjoon would rather have you strapped up in the chamber... besides torturing someone with the likes of you is always more entertaining, don't you think?' I bellowed with laughter, brushing away the strands of hair covering my face.

'Tch.. stop being so frustrating and kill me already.' The man muttered under his breath.

I glared at him hard with icy eyes before firing a shot that landed right besides him.

Changwoo quivered on the spot, his eyes widened from shock.

'Listen up you piece of shit.. don't anger me. Listen to my instructions or else I won't hesitate to shoot a limb or two. And you don't seem like your willing to end your life either.' I snarled, pushing the muzzle of the gun against the chest of the helpless man.

He stared at me again with forbidding eyes and opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off by firing another warning shot that scratched against the pavement.

'Now where's Jimin?' I asked. However he remained silent, avoiding eye contact.

'TELL ME YOU FUCKER!' I yelled, forcing the muzzle into his temples.
'I-I don't know..' Changwoo mumbled, slightly trembling.

'Stop wasting time and tell me you-'

'He's at the bosses estate, I don't know where exactly but they took him during the party and the boss then instructed me to act as Jimin.. I don't know anything else.' He replied.

'By boss I suppose you mean Yong-Chul? So you're nothing but that bastard's puppet?' I questioned and Changwoo nodded back vigorously.

'So they kidnapped him back at the gala, huh?' I muttered.

I hauled Changwoo up by the arm whilst still still clutching the gun with my dominant hand, ready to shoot at any moment.

'Now why don't we have some fun..?' I laughed, dragging the guy towards a building not too far from the mansion, which was known as our torture chamber.

'B-But I told you everything!! We don't have to do this!!' Changwoo stammered, nervously.

'Hm? Not long ago you were saying that I should kill you, what's this?' I scoffed.

'It's just that now you know what I have to say.. y-you don't have to kill me! And don't worry I won't even go to Yong-Chul!!' He pleaded.

'Regardless you messed with Bangtan and anyone who plays with us will receive their rightful punishment.' I chuckled lightly before I continued to drag the imposter to the chambers.

Namjoon's POV

I closed my laptop shut and sighed into my sweaty palms. As I did, I glanced over at the maroon-coloured book that laid lifelessly on my desk.

I picked it up and skimmed through the delicate pages. Each page had highlighted sections and sentences which made me chuckle lightly.

Flashback to a month prior to the ball

'Do you know the saying that goes Family isn't defined by genes but it's built and maintained through love..?' I read it in one of your books.' Hee-Ra asked.

'No never heard of it.' I replied back quietly, whilst tapping my fingers against the hard wood table.

'Well what I mean is that even if we're not related by blood, Namjoon you'll always be family to me. Same with the rest of Bangtan, you're all dear to me. We've been through so many things, good or bad, that it's only natural that I call you all family. Namjoon, you of all people should know that.' She said whilst analyzing the books that laid on the wooden shelf standing in the corner of the office.

'You make it sound like we aren't blood related.' I chuckled, standing up and walking to her side.

'That's besides the point. What I'm implying is that you, Namjoon, need to treasure Bangtan as though they're your blood related relatives' Hee-Ra grinned before sliding out a book and flipping through the countless, dusty pages.

I stood in silence, trying to perceive what she said.

'As usual you've got your way with words.' I whispered.

'Well credit goes to that book, I'll leave it on your desk.. maybe you'd enjoy reading it.'


'Even when you're not here you've still got your way with words Hee... I'm going to find both of you no matter what.' I sighed to myself, closing the book shut.

As I did, Yoongi barged inside, an urgent look expressed on his face.
'Namjoon, we've got a problem!' He yelled.

'What is it?' I asked, standing up from my seat.
'It's Jimin, the guy at the meeting was a hoax.. Jimin.. Jimin's at Yong-Chul's estate.' He replied, a hint of frustration in his voice.

'WHAT!?' I bellowed, slamming my fists against the table.

'Where in the estate is he? Where's that sly bastard?' I questioned, rubbing my temples.

'He's in the chamber but that little shit doesn't know Jimin's exact whereabouts.. I'm sure he's hiding it.' Yoongi explained.

'Well then, ask Taehyung to take care of that imposter. You head out to Yong-Chul's place.' I instructed whilst prepping my handgun.

'What about the search? Anything new?' Yoongi asked.

'Nothing but we're working on it. In the meantime, you need to get Jimin out of there.' I replied back sharply and Yoongi nodded back before leaving the room.

I paced up and down the office whilst one hand rubbed the back of my neck and the other clenched up in a ball.

'Ha... today is going to be the day I finally kill you, uncle.'

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