46 | The Talk

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'So with that, Yong-chul should be making his move right now. According to our spy, he's sent out multiple men to hunt down Hee-Ra.' Namjoon explained as well as telling everyone about how I was attacked by my father's men.

'Shouldn't Hee-Ra have body guards then?' Jimin asked causing the others to murmur amongst themselves.

'I'll assign her a body guard as well as a few other people to stay on the look out.' Namjoon answered.

'In the meantime, everyone should get prepared for an ambush. It's clear that this time, Yong-Chul won't go as easy on us.' Namjoon finished and we all nodded back in response.

After the brief meeting, I was making my way upstairs when someone grabbed onto my shoulder.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Jungkook, a distraught expression was plastered on his face.

'We need to talk..' He whispered.
I took his hand off my shoulder and sighed.

We headed to the patio and once we sat down, Jungkook looked straight down on the ground. He was tapping his feet on the ground and his hands on his thighs.
Before I could open my mouth to speak, Jungkook spoke first.

'I'm sorry Hee-Ra..' Jungkook frowned.

'Do you think it's going to be that easy to forgive and forget?' I scoffed whilst quirking an eyebrow.

'I swear I didn't know she was going to come.. let alone do that.' He explained.

'Sure, I can try believing you on that part.. but why didn't you move away or flinch to say the least?!' I sighed, rubbing my temples.

Jungkook stayed silent and I could see him fumbling around with his hands.

'Goodness Jungkook, either admit that you have lingering feelings for that bitch or give an explanation.' I scrunched my nose, trying to understand what Jungkook could possibly be hiding.

'I don't know Hee-Ra. I don't fucking know..' He groaned, head in his hands.
'What do you mean you- never mind, clearly you need more time to think about it, once you got an answer call me or something..' I addressed as I left the patio.

But before I could leave Jungkook grabbed my wrist.
'Yah, what are you doing..?' I questioned him.

'I..I just need you to know that I lo-'
'Save that for later, once you gather your thoughts.' I replied, ushering him to be quiet.

Jungkook nodded sheepishly and gave me a weak smile.
I gave him a small wave before going back inside.

As I climbed up the stairs, Jimin pulled me to the side.
'I saw you two leaving for the garden, I assume you two spoke it out?' He asked.

'He's not saying anything else besides that he's sorry.' I replied.
'You're in a sticky situation aren't you Princess.' Jimin chuckled.

'You can say that again.. well I'll catch up with you later, I've got plans with Hoseok.' I smiled.
'Sure, we should continue our drama marathon.' Jimin suggested and I replied with a nod before heading to Hoseok's room.

I knocked on the door but got no response.
'Hoseok?? Are you there? Hoseok?' I called out.

Yet again, I heard no response so I decided to open the door.
Carefully, I peaked inside to see no one there.

This time I took a step inside.

Suddenly, I could hear footsteps nearing the door and I prepped myself for what was to come.

But what I did not expect to see was Hoseok.
Not just Hoseok but Hoseok shirtless.

'Hee-Ra..?' He whisper-shouted as soon as we made eye contact.
'OH MY- I'LL BE OUT HERE, I DID NOT SEE ANYTHING.' I shouted before closing the bedroom door shut.

My face immediately ran through the whole red colour palette as I slid down onto the floor.

The door swung open and I looked up to see Hoseok glancing down at me.
'Hey, you can come in you know.' Hoseok laughed.

'Erm.. I can come later..if you like-'
'It's ok Hee-Ra, you just caught a glimpse of my hot body.' He chuckled.

'Erm I did ha.. ha but next time please reply.' I mumbled.

'Haha Don't worry I will come, now come inside, I've got something for you.' Hoseok smiled as he slung his arm over my shoulder.

He directed me to sit down on his desk chair whilst he was searching through his wardrobe.

'What is it?' I asked.
'Wait one second.' Hoseok replied, whilst rubbing his nape.

After a minute or so, Hoseok stood up whilst clutching on a little box. Looking at it made me super curious as to what was inside.

He approached me and placed the box on my palm.
'Open it.' He smiled, pointing down at the box.

I looked up at him and back down at the box before opening it up.

Inside was a metallic silver bracelet with a black screen on it. Hoseok tapped the screen and suddenly it lit up.

'I haven't been able to give you this and finally I can, it's a ring which can send calls, voice messages and save audio files.' He explained.

'Woah this is cool!' I exclaimed as I swiped through the interface.
'That's not all, you can also do location tracking, which is probably the best use '

'Thank you Hobi!! This will be so much easier for communication!' I grinned.
'You're welcome, at the moment only Yoongi, Namjoon, you and I have it.'

'What about the others?' I questioned.
'I still need to prepare them, besides Namjoon advised that you get one as soon as possible.' Hoseok replied.

'Ahhh I see, well thanks again.' I said before trying out the voice message function.
'Hey let me send you a voice message right now!! Then we could play some games or something!' Hoseok suggested.

'Let's do that.' I smiled.

A week later

I plopped down onto the floor and wiped away my sweat with a towel.
'Aleady tired now Hee-Ra?' Yoongi chuckled.

'You're.. too.. strong.' I managed to say whilst panting.

'Of course, a Vanguard and underboss should always stay strong.' He smirked.

'No need to flex you're title now sir.' I chuckled.
'Shut up Hee-Ra, I know you're jealous.' He smirked again.

'You can tell that to a future mafia queen you fucker.' I scoffed.
'Future queen.. not present queen, there's a difference.' Yoongi sneered.

'Now it's your turn to shut up you know-it-all.' I said, cocking my head to the side.

We both broke into laugher after that remark. These days, mine and Yoongi's relationship became like those of bickering siblings. Always at each other's throats but the next second we're laughing it away.

'I can't lie though, you've gotten much stronger especially in the sharpness of your moves.' Yoongi acknowledged.

'Thanks, it's due to your assistance.' I smiled.

Yoongi was about to say something but the door suddenly creaked open.

'Can I join you guys?' Taehyung asked.

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