27 | The Hacker

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I gripped onto his hand and he pulled me up.
'You're lighter than you look.' Yoongi chuckled.
'Yah! What the heck is that supposed to mean!?' I growled whilst playfully hitting him on his back.
'Ah never mind, go grab the gun near the Weapon's room door and come back.' He instructed.

I jogged to the Weapon's room and snatched the gun off the table that was at the entrance.
Beside it was a note.

Prepare to be defeated Song Hee-Ra ~ Yoongi

I snorted after reading the note and ran back to Yoongi.
'You're so extra, you know that?' I laughed.
'Of course I am, now then do you feel threatened?' He replied.
'Very, but I would be more scared if I were you.'
'Why's that?'
'Namjoon taught me a few moves, let's start!' I yelled before the both of us raced to the outdoor training area to practice targets.

20 minutes later

'You were right.. I was scared as fuck.' Yoongi panted.
'Told you so.' I smirked.
'I won't lose again.' He grinned.
'Are you challenging me again!? You saw how I was, I'm way too good for you.' I said proudly.
'No way, I'm always gonna be the best Hee-Ra.' He exclaimed whilst slinging his arm around my shoulder.
'Fine one more round. But I warned you.' I chuckled.
'Got it.' Yoongi laughed before chasing after me.

A couple of hours later

I took a quick shower and went over to Hoseok's room.
'Hey Hoseok can I come in?' I asked whilst knocking on the door.
'Of course!' He shouted back.
I walked into his room and saw him sitting on his bed tapping away on his phone.

'What you watching?' I asked out of curiosity.
'Not watching but online shopping.' He responded.
'For what?'
'You know just clothes and the usual.' He put away his phone and then patted the space near him.

'I heard you,well saw you even, training with Yoongi.' He smiled.
'Yep it was real fun, you should join us sometime! Of course just helping us out or spectating or something.'
'Sure thing, but Hee-Ra you do know I can fight.' He quirked an eyebrow.

'What really!? No way!! You have to show me some of this!' I shouted in shock.
'Ermmm about that, I'm not actually a good fighter, I just know the basics for defence.' He muttered shyly.
'Oh well, I still think you're the best with hacking.'
'Really? I feel like hacking is so uncool.' Hoseok frowned.

'What do you mean!?' I yelled, 'Hacking is amazing!! I mean how could Bangtan be Bangtan without our genius and cool hacker, Hoseok!?' I smiled.
'Haha, you're right, Bangtan would be useless without the likes of me.' He smirked gleefully.

'Anyways, what do you want to do?' I asked looking around his room.
It was pretty plain besides a small painting hung up on the wall and some furniture necessities.
'Why don't we go out for dinner, you and I.' He suggested pointing at me and then back at himself.
'Sounds great.' I smiled.

'What should I wear? Something casual? Hip Hop style? Maybe techwear? Arghhh!!' I groaned.
We're only getting dinner, as friends, so why am I struggling!?

I settled with a green and white striped oversized sweater, blue denim jeans and a white puffer jacket.
I squirted some perfume and left my room.

Only to bump into Jungkook.

'H-hey' I stammered nervously.
'Oh hi, how have you been?' He asked.
'Good, what about you?'  This was too awkward, someone please drag me away!!

'I've been good, are you heading somewhere?' He asked.
'Huh me? Yeah I am, how do you know?' I replied stupidly. Ok seriously can someone drag me away!?

'Well you're dressed up for starters.' He chuckled.
'Oh right stupid me, I'm getting dinner with Hoseok.'
'Dinner? Just you two?'
'Yep just us.' I smiled.
I looked at him and he glared back at me.
And then it hit me.
Jungkook gets jealous that easily huh?

'Do you want to join us? I'm sure Hoseok would be fine with it.' I suggested.
'Cool, I'll quickly grab my jacket and be down.' He grinned before rushing back to his room.

'Who would've thought Jungkook would get so jealous so easily?' I snickered.
'Why's he jealous?' Somebody asked.

I turned around to see Hoseok. He was wearing a raven windbreaker and hat, black trousers and a red bag that had the word hope plastered on it in a large bold yet colourful font.

'He wants to join us, is that ok with you?'
'Yeah that's good with me.' He smiled.

'I love your outfit, like a lot, you gotta tell me where you shop.'
'I'll take you there one day, maybe with Jimin.'
'Can't wait.' I responded before the both of us head downstairs and sat down in the car.

'You know, this reminds me a lot like the first day we met.' Hoseok whispered whilst turning the ignition key.

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