65 | Victory

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I watched as Namjoon heaved a sigh before reaching for my shoulder. 'For this one occasion, I won't stop you like I usually would have.' He smiled.

I nodded, 'Thanks Joon, all I ask for is you guys to cover for me and take Seokjin somewhere safe.' I replied, cocking the gun in my hands.
'That I can do.' He chuckled before running over to Jungkook who was already brawling with the opponents.

I turned quickly to face Yong-Chul, who quirked an eyebrow. 'So my daughter is gonna be the one to kill me?' He chortled, tilting his head.

'Of course... I'll kill you the way you killed my blood mother.' I scoffed, taking aim at him.
Yong-Chul's eyes expanded at my words, his nose flaring. 'What nonsense are you spouting now!?' He growled.

I chuckled at his trembling state. 'Listen Father, I know you killed my mother... you shot her till she bled out completely .'
He shook his head, 'She died from lung cancer after you were born!!'

'Quit lying, Hoseok dug up info and told me you killed her with your own bloody hands after finding out she was about to expose your mafia while she was pregnant with me months prior.' I explained, causing Yong-Chul to flinch in response.

I moved towards him, the gun directed in his position. The cold metal against my palm washed over a wave of adrenaline. This will soon all be over.
Yong-Chul proceeded to take small steps backwards, with his gun pointed at me.
'So you ended up finding out...' Yong-Chul muttered.
'What's the other reason why you wanted to kill me again?' I asked, ushering him to spill.

'Well I can't have a child with my own DNA roaming around in this world free? And the fact that you look like the carbon-copy of your mother sickens me so much.' He replied with a disgusted expression.

'Your existence itself is sickening!' I yelled, before changing the aim of my gun to the left of my so-called father and pulling the trigger.
The final bullet fired out and soared towards the blue car Seokjin and I had pulled up with and punched it's way through the steel body.

Yong-Chul let out a gasp and angled his head to look at the car and then back at me.
He cracked a smile and howled with laughter. 'I would've expected a bit more from a Bangtan member and especially that of my own blood.'

I scrunched up my nose and grinned. 'Oh I wouldn't celebrate too early!' I scoffed with a shrug, walking back. I raised the barrel of the pistol and blew away the wisps of smoke escaping out. He glanced at me and gulped.
'What are you talking about—'

However before I could give him any form of response, the car right behind him exploded in fire.
The flare of blinding lights shattered the darkness and the sound of the sudden outburst left a terrible echo that silenced everyone present.
I closed my eyes and dropped the empty gun. Eventually I opened them up again gradually to see the flames dancing elegantly while the smoke rose up into the expansive night sky. The stench of the noxious fumes permeated the breezy air and lingered towards me. What a beautiful view...

'Hee-Ra? What was that?' Namjoon bellowed as he came sprinting in my direction. He winced once his eyes met with the burning car before his hands cupped his mouth.
'Holy shit—' He exclaimed, scanning the whole scene.
Quickly enough, the other three arrived too. And naturally they all reacted the same way.

'But how? Fuel leak?' Taehyung questioned, looking at me then at the car to which I nodded.
'I'm gonna check on him.' I whispered, motioning to the still body on the ground besides the car.
Namjoon took my hand and passed me his gun. 'End it with no regrets.'

Cautiously, I strolled forwards; the immense heat from the fire kissed my skin as I approached Yong-Chul who laid on the ground.
I stared at his sprawled form that was practically all burnt with blood dripping down like streams. He breathed heavily and turned his glance up towards me.

I pointed Namjoon's gun down at him.
'You shouldn't have messed with us.' I scowled.
He hung his head low and snickered.
'I would... beg you to spare me but there's no use...' He whispered, raising his hands in a way to show surrender.

I inhaled, looked up at the starry sky and fired.
The deafening clangour of the shot rung through my ears and my lips twitched.
I tightened my grip on the pistol before ambling away to the Bangtan members. However, a couple of the Dokssuri lackeys that remained circled me and their lifeless boss.

'How dare you kill our boss?' The frontman of the pack shouted, daringly pointing a silver blade at me.
'Listen you fuckers, from now on your all under Bangtan's authority until further notice.' I seethed.

'No way... we're loyal to Dokssuri and no other shit, damned Mafia.' The frontman roared and the rest of them groaned along.
I was about to speak up but suddenly I felt a strong grasp on my shoulder.
'Like she said, you're under our control... ignore that and you'll regret you ever spoke a word in resistance.' Namjoon commanded with a harsh tone and I nodded in comprehension.

Some of the Dokssuri men bowed down in respect or backed away in fear while others of course attempted to retaliate.
I sighed and shot another bullet at the car. The dissonant bang of the gun hushed their voices and turned their attention towards me.
'I won't repeat myself, either shut up and do as we say or jump into the fire and join your boss.' I suggested.
All their eyes simultaneously quivered at my words and they all gave up and surrendered.

'Nice going Hee.' Namjoon beamed and the others followed behind.
'It's finally over.' Taehyung chuckled, slinging his arm over Jungkook and Seokjin.
'What about Yong-Chul? What we gonna do with him?' Seokjin asked, motioning to the body.

'We'll let the Dokssuri pay their respects at the funeral and then we'll sort their people out.' Namjoon explained with his arms crossed, 'In the meantime, Jungkook call in the reinforcements to sort out this mess and Taehyung drive Hee-Ra and Seokjin to the hospital where Jimin is.'

Once I heard the name Jimin, my eyes lit up. 'Jimin's at the hospital?' I asked, my mouth gaping wide open.
Jungkook inclined his head, 'They somehow managed to kidnap him and beat him pretty badly.'

I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief.
'Oh I just received a message from Yoongi... says that Jimin woke up safe... but he also has something to say to Hee-Ra..?' Jungkook read out from his phone.

We all exchanged glances. 'What could he have to say?' Seokjin asked, peering at the younger's screen, still clutching onto his wounded ear.

'Let's just get to the hospital for now.' I remarked.


Well readers, let's celebrate the death of Yong-Chul and Bangtan's long awaited victory 🥳

Thank you for reading and loving the ff so far!! 💜

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