Chapter 34

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'Promises are meant to be broken,' Hyunjin told himself as he gnawed on his lower lip and shook his right leg. He slouched over, elbows on his knees, to get a better view of his mother typing away at her computer. His leg increased it's speed. He swallowed harshly, the walls seemingly closing in on him and adrenaline coursing through his body. His fingers wiggled as his eyes flitted around for an excuse to get away.

And there, on the ground, innocently sleeping, was his dog.

Hyunjin leaned farther forward so his hands could touch the ground before crawling over to the small animal. He stretched out on his stomach and got so close that he could feel Kkami's soft fur on his lips.

"Kkami!" He whispered, pecking the dog's head. "Wake up~"

A grumbly sound came from the dog's throat, and he turned the other way, curling back into a ball.

"Kkami! Don't you want to go for a walk?" It was the only way out, and Hyunjin needed a way out. Kkami didn't get the message.

Hyunjin pouted, dragging the dog across the floor and into his lap.

"You're so mean!" His words greatly contrasted with his tone of voice and aggressive cuddling of the dog.

"Baby, leave the dog alone." His mother finally looked up from her work when Kkami yelped to be let go. Hyunjin mumbled 'what am I supposed to do then,' but she didn't hear it.

'Promises are meant to be broken,' he reminded himself as Kkami escaped and his back hit the floor. He closed his eyes and ran two hands through his hair. His mind conjuring up a picture of pouty Felix and grouchy Changbin.

The blond boy's image was complete with the appropriate green and yellow bruises around his eyes and dark roots where his hair had started to grow out. He looked so disappointed. Not angry, not upset, just disappointed. That was the worst emotion Hyunjin could think of at the moment. He knew Felix's love would never run out, but his trust might. And Hyunjin had yet to earn Changbin's full trust. Only three weeks into their acquaintance and he had given the boy so many reasons to push him away.

His mind drifted to Changbin's eye bags from this morning. How he'd refused to talk, simply allowed Hyunjin to lead him to class. How he'd turned in his messy homework and stuffed the past sheets in his bookbag, not bothering to look at the result. How he'd slept the entire class despite the ruckus and constant badgering from the teacher. How he'd entered the bus for the first time in a week, looking downcast and refusing to smile even for Felix. How he'd ran from the bus when it arrived at his stop, producing energy Hyunjin knew he didn't have. It was exhausting to observe, let alone live.

Hyunjin had to get out of this house.

He spotted Kkami once again across the room, chewing on a bone, minding his own business.

"Mom, can I take Kkami out?" The woman sent her son a wary gaze, mulling the idea over in her mind.

"30 minutes tops." Hyunjin smiled to mask that he knew for sure he'd be gone longer than that. Thankfully, an hour was enough time to wash dishes and start a load of laundry. He could make up an excuse for the extra thirty minutes.

Hyunjin thanked his mom and grabbed Kkami's leash, immediately earning a positive response from the dog. He clipped the leash onto the wiggling animal and stepped outside.

When the afternoon air hit Hyunjin in the face, he almost collapsed right on his front step. He was free! He hopped down the steps and skipped to the road.

The colors of fall greeted him as he walked. The few trees around sporting leaves of vibrant orange and bright red, the firs still a deep green, and the holly bushes starting to have little red berries adorning them.

Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now